P.I. President's Committee

P.I. President's Committee

The PI President's Committee was held on 7 December, during which the President and General Secretariat gave an update on their activities and the Treasurer on the financial situation.

Scheduled for next February a meeting between many Sports Federations based at the Maison du Sport and our Representation in Lausanne with the aim of presenting the activities and projects of Panathlon International. Various personalities and sports testimonials are expected to participate. It was also discussed about the new Clubs opened or about to be opened, for which we will give due communication as soon as the constitution process is finished. Other topics discussed were the PI Hymn, for which we are first checking those already existing and deposited at the Secretariat, the scheduling of a meeting with the IDF (International Dart Federation) to verify the possibility of proceeding to establish a partnership, the organisation of the next District Presidents' Committee, which will be held both online and in presence format (as requested in the document produced in Guayaquil), the organisation of the Assembly and Congress in Agrigento for which we have already received news of a video greeting from IOC President Thomas Bach, relations with IOCs and the need to constantly update them on our activities and projects, and finally an update on the candidatures for the Communication Award. In the evening, the President and Treasurer had the traditional dinner with the Secretariat staff, which is always very pleasant.



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa