Conclusions of the International Board and Extraordinary Assembly of P.I.

Molfetta e Matera seats of the meetings 

Conclusions of the International Board and Extraordinary Assembly of P.I.

Saturday 26th October, with a special dinner at the “stones” in the wonderful Matera, ended the three days work of PI.

Thanks to the great collaboration and welcome received by Panathlon Club Member’s together with President Angelo Spagnoletti and International Board Member Oronzo Amato, PI’s works took place in a friendly atmosphere and with an excellent organization.

Among the points in the Agenda the IB has formally accepted, with regret, the resignation of International Board Member Roberto Carta Fornon and decided his substitution, according to PI Regulations, with the first unelected candidate, William Saad Abdulnur of Panathlon Club Taubaté (BR). 

On Saturday 26th October the Extraordinary General Assembly for the statutory changes took place in the beautiful setting of the Diocesan Museum next to the Cathedral located in the historic centre of Molfetta.

There were 100 clubs 43 of which were physically present and 57 by proxy, reaching and exceeding the minimum quorum provided by the Statute.

The International President presented the articles proposed in amendment by the IB and, after some interventions by the Clubs, the Assembly has therefore voted to accept the variation of Articles 1.3 -11.3 – 15.2 – 17 – 18 – 21, rejecting other proposals. As a result, the statute will have the following draft (changes are in red):

Article 1 – Name, motto and headquarters 

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 3.  Its legal, administrative and operative headquarters are in Rapallo (Genoa – Italy) where the General Secretariat is located.

The International Board may entrust operational activities to P.I. representations outside Italy.

Articolo 11 – International Board 

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3.  omissis ….The International Board may hold additional meetings online or via videoconferencing.

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Article 15 – Constitution and Arbitration Board (C.A.B)

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2. who are or used to be practicing judges, lawyers, notaries or university professors of law.

Article 17 - Districts 

1. A minimum of three* clubs are grouped together for organisational purposes in a National District corresponding to a State, of which it takes the name. Districts are headed by a President according to the Statutory rules. 

For countries with only one Club, this may be included in a regularly formed District of a nearby Country and its President will represent Panathlon in that Country. The Expansion Commission of PI is responsible for coordinating the Clubs that are not associated with any District.

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* Transitional rule: From the date of approval of the Statute, the Districts composed of just 2 (two) Clubs are granted 3 (three) years to comply with this provision.

Articolo 18 – District Presidents 

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Excerpt from the point: 

4. The Supranational District is presided by Panathlon International Past-President or, in case of waiver and/or impediment by a past International Board appointed by the I.B. 

Article 21 - District and Area Assemblies

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2. The District and Area Assemblies are attended by the Club Presidents or their Delegates.

Panathletes who have held an international office or the office of District President or Governor, respectively, are also entitled to participate with the right to speak.

The other articles will remain unchanged, thus acknowledging the willingness of the clubs not to change the deliberative role of the past-president and not to merge junior members into senior clubs.

A heartfelt thank goes to the members who have worked together in the verification of credentials and as scrutineers, to Vice President of the Assembly Oronzo Amato, to  Pasquale De Palma Secretary of the Assembly and to all those who have contributed to the excellent outcome of the event. 


                                                                                                              Il Sindaco Tommaso Minervini 


    Il Vicepresidente Regione Puglia                Il Presidente Panathlon Club Molfetta

                                                                 Angelantonio Spagnoletti






Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa