Panathlon International Literary Contest – A great success!

Panathlon International Literary Contest – A great success!

The Judging Panel selected the two winners by age group of the 1st Panathlon International Literary Contest.

The winners are Marta Buscaglia from Liceo Casorati, Novara, for “Un tuffo al cuore”, and Angelo Petrellese from Istituto Roncalli, Poggibonsi (SI), for “Poesia”.

The two winners will be offered a week-end in Lausanne during the Youth Olympic Games, when the official award ceremony (11/01/2020) mwill take place.

Moreover, all the participants included in the final ranking, which is attached hereto, will receive medals and merit certificates at ad hoc ceremonies organized by the local Clubs.

A complete report and the winning works will be published in our Magazine.  

We wish to thank the Judging Panel for their competence, patience and dedication, as well as the Panathlon Clubs and everyone who has worked very hard to promote the Contest and to identify high-profile works expressing outstanding quality and values.

And... heartfelt congratulations to the Winners!

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa