Project 2021 Club + Sensitive to Sport × All

The International Commission composed of President Pierre Zappelli, International Board Member Eugenio Guglielmino and the delegate of the South American Clubs Mavì Tizon, met by video conference to discuss the projects received from the Clubs regarding the Project launched in 2021 "Club + Sensitive to Sport × All". The aim of the project was to encourage clubs to be more open to the weaker sections of society, awarding the actions and projects that best represented this aim. The first prize of EUR 3,000 went to the Club Novara for the “Climbing Workshop” project, followed ex-equo by the clubs of: Buenos Aires, La Malpensa and Wallonie-Bruxelles for their projects: Hockey Lessons, Sports Lessons, Special Olympic post Covid. They will receive a contribution of €1,000 from P.I.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to the clubs of Biella, Clitunno, Jau, Modena, Ozieri, Pontremoli, Torino Olimpica and Trento that participated and activated important projects in their territories on this topic.

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa