PI institutional meetings - Meeting of the District Presidents' Committee

PI institutional meetings - Meeting of the district presidents' committee


The PI institutional meetings continued: on 4 October, the District Presidents' Committee meeting was held at the Bankers Club. All district presidents or delegates were present, with only District President Austria Joseph Muller and Treasurer Stefano Giulieri remotely connected. The meeting was opened by International President Pierre Zappelli who, after thanking Ecuador District President Luis Danilo Carrera for the organisation and welcome, congratulated him on the large attendance and participation and explained the IB's decision to set up the Ethics Commission for the adoption of a code of ethics to be approved at the General Assembly. He then passed the floor to Secretary General Simona Callo for an update on the activities of the General Secretariat, who welcomed the new President of the Argentine District Jorge Minuto. Then IB member Luis Moreno took the floor to explain the development of the Plan de Desarollo, followed by Treasurer Stefano Giulieri to discuss the organisation of the District Presidents Committee meetings with a view to saving management and finding resources. The District Presidents, after a summary discussion of all the activity reports, drew up a final document that was submitted to the international board that joined the committee and will be available in the coming days. 




Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa