The Club of Maldonado y Punta del Este visiting the General Secretariat of Panathlon International

Tuesday, May 21 a delegation of the Club of Maldonado y Punta del Este (U) visited the headquarters of Panathlon International in Rapallo, on the occasion of a trip carried out in Italy.

Carlos de Léon, President of the Club, together with the Treasurer Coussan Leonel and their dear ladies were welcomed at Villa Queirolo by the staff of the General Secretariat, the Secretary General and the Italian District President

Giorgio Costa who, having heard about the visit, greeted with enthusiasm the Uruguayan friends.  

A good opportunity to get to know each other better, to exchange experiences and consolidate the Panathletic friendship. 






Il Presidente Internazionale Pierre Zappelli parteciperà alla riunione plenaria di EPAS (Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport) del Consiglio d’Europa che avrà luogo a Strasbourg il prossimo 5- 6 giugno.

Fra gli argomenti che verranno affrontati

  • Lo sport Etico: lotta contro la corruzione nello sport / promozione della buona governance
  • Lo sport inclusivo: la promozione della diversità e la lotto contro la discriminazione

Si ricorda che il Panathlon International è membro del Comitato Consultivo di EPAS/ASPES con diritto di voto. L'EPAS fornisce una piattaforma per la cooperazione sportiva intergovernativa tra le autorità pubbliche dei suoi Stati membri. Incoraggia anche il dialogo tra autorità pubbliche, federazioni sportive e ONG. Ciò contribuisce a una migliore governance, con l'obiettivo di rendere lo sport più etico, più inclusivo e più sicuro.


The ASPIRE Final Conference -  14th June 2019, Frankfurt, Germany


Evidence-base and Research

Capacity Building


Collaboration and Sustainability

The ASPIRE Project

ASPIRE - Activity, Sport and Play for the Inclusion of Refugees in Europe - is an international social responsibility project with 13 partners from 11 European countries, coordinated by ENGSO-The European Sports NGO and supported by the European Commission and the  European Lotteries.

Running from January 2017 to June 2019, ASPIRE focuses on establishing how sports clubs can best support the inclusion of migrants and refugees, building on the wide popularity of sports and other forms of physical activity.

The ASPIRE Final Conference

The one-day event within the framework of the ENGSO General Assembly features the closing accord of the ASPIRE Project, bringing together different stakeholders and decision-makers to raise awareness on the added value of sport in promoting the social inclusion of refugees. The Final Conference aims at sharing project

results and conclusions as well as strengthening partnership network on sport for refugees.

PI Delegate Mr. Patrick Van Campenhout of the Panathlon Club Bruxelles will attend the event.


Great Awards for the nominations sent by Panathlon International to the International Fair Play Committee 

A shining Budapest on the day of its national celebration in recollection in that distant March 15, 1948, which marked the beginning of the insurrection  that led to its first  independent  government and its first Constitution, welcomed the members of the Council of the Comité International pour le Fair Play for their first meeting of 2019. Among the decisions to be taken, the awarding of the World Fair Play awards. The nominations came from 19 countries world- wide, of these 12 were proposed by Panathlon International: France, Italy and Uruguay the Districts represented. With considerable satisfaction a good quality of nominations were taken into account/registered in all four award categories: Gesture, Career, Promotion and the Jacques Rogge Award dedicated to young people. The preliminary stage for nominations produced by the two Vice-Presidents respectively Mr. Nikolai Dolgopolov (RUS) and Mr. Maurizio Monego (I) has proven to be as always useful at introducing discussion issues. 




The three-day working sessions and events that took place at the LIUC University of Castellanza as from April 4 to 6 2019, were completed.

Following the opening conference meeting dealing with , “Women’s sports” organized by Panathlon International Club La Malpensa, focused on the 2018-2019 Merit Awards assigned to student-athlete Silvia Pollicini, professional cyclist and student of the University of Castellanza,  thus followed by Panthlon International’s Committee of District Presidents,  Panathlon International’s, Extraordinary Elective CAB Assembly  alongside Panathlon International’s District Italy Ordinary General Assembly and the Assembly of Area 2 – Lombardy.

The District Presidents Assembly meeting, has benefited from the participation of all the representatives of the various countries where Panathlon International is present: for the Americas: Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru/Bolivia, Uruguay/Paraguay, for Europe: Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland/FL , justified absent representatives: Belgium. Ecuador and the Supranational body. After the presentation of Panathlon International’s activities, illustrated by International President and the General Secretary, were subsequently followed by the reports made by the various Presidents on the activities that are being carried out at district level. After the exchanges of views and constructive confrontations a final edition of the document was drafted, which will be submitted in the upcoming International Board Meeting. Among the various issues taken into consideration, particular focus was given to the integration of young people in the movement  and on the importance of confirming Panathlon as the world’s reserve of ethics, in the hope to carry out a strategic five-year development plan, already presented by the Peru District, on the improvement of relations among some Districts and  the National Olympic Committees.

On April 6th, 2019, in the Auditorium of the LIUC University the Panathlon International’s Extraordinary General Meeting was held, chaired by International President, Mr. Pierre Zappelli, the following members were appointed: Vice-President, Mr. Enrico Salomi, President of La Malpensa Club and Secretary, Mr. Lilvio Ungaro, President of the Trieste Muggia Club.


132 Clubs attended (physically present and by proxy) The Assembly was open with the speech given by University Chancellor, Professor Federico Visconti illustrating the activities carried out by the University. After the presentation of some candidates and brief comments, voting took place with the following outcome:

- Mr. Franco Fähndrich – Panthlon Club Lucerne (Switzerland) - 105 Votes

- Mr. Riccardo Galassi – Panathlon Club Ancona (Italy) – 77 Votes

- Mr. Goliardo Canonico – Panathlon Club Perugia (Italy) – 75 Votes

- Mr. Giovanni Brichetto – Panathlon Club Genova (Italy) – 48 Votes

- Mr. Pasquale De Palma – Panathlon Club Molfetta (Italy) – 43 Votes

- Mr. Riccardo Puzzo – Panathlon Club Siracusa (Italy) – 30 Votes

- Mr. Norberto M. Romano Alonzo – Panathlon Club Montevideo (U) – Votes 29 

Thus elected are: effective members: Mr. Franco Fähndrich, Mr. Riccardo Galassi, Mr. Goliardo Canonico and substitute members, Mr. Giovanni Brichetto and Mr. Pasquale De Palma.

We wish to thank all the candidates for their contribution

Thanks are also due to the Verifying Credentials Committee and effective members: Mr. Enrico Stochetti, President Panathlon Club Varese, Mr. Andrea Da Roit, President Panathlon Club Florence and Ms. Eugenia Maccorsini member of the La Malpensa Club that with their high-standing commitment and cooperation have essentially assisted the carrying out of accreditations.

To follow the District Italy General Assembly took place which established the approval of all the proposals unanimously.

In addition to what aforementioned Panathlon Club La Malpensa organized an evocative and inspiring mediaeval dinner with jugglers and dancers held at the Manor of San Magno in Legnano. A heartfelt thanks goes to all the members of the Club La Malpensa, its President, Mr. Enrico Salomi and to Mr. Sergio Allegrini who personally invested his time for the successful outcome of the events.  



The Six books finalists of the Bancarella Sport 2019

The commission of selection of the Bancarella Sport Prize 2019 met in Milan, at the Bank Cesare Ponti. The Contest for Sports Literature was added to the general one on the proposal of the Panathlon Carrara e Massa’s members, in particular by Renzo Chiappale, in 1964.

The regulations provides that among the books published in the previous year, six are chosen by a selection board composed of representatives of the “Fondazione Città del Libro” of Pontremoli, organiser of the event, by the representatives of the Main Sports Magazines and a commissioner of Panathlon International who for some years has been Past President Mr. Giacomo Santini, a journalist and sports writer.

This year the selection has affected about twenty competing books, the result of a previous skimming carried out in Pontremoli to bring to the scrutiny of the Commission works of good-quality.

The Six selected volumes are:

“Radiogol” by Riccardo Cucchi, editor Il Saggiatore

“Demoni” by Alessandro Alciato – Vallardi

“Il caso Fiorenzo Magni” by Walter Bernardi, Ediciclo

“4810 Il monte Bianco” by Paolo Paci, Corbaccio

“Caimani” by Eraldo Pizzo e Claudio Mangini, Sagep Editors

“Asfalto” by Andrea Dovizioso, Mondadori

These six selected books will be screened by a special jury of 70 large voters 20 booksellers, 45 personalities of culture and Sport, 15 members of Panathlon International. 

In the forthcoming months members of the “Special Jury Panel” will examine the works and the three books that will compete for the final title by voting through a secret electronic card addressed to the Prize Notary, Dr. Sara Rivieri.

The overall winner will be announced in Pontremoli, Piazza della Repubblica, Saturday, July 29th, 2019 in the evening, on completion of the public counting of votes received.


The Committee of the District Presidents will be held in Castellanza (Varese, Italy) on Friday, April 5, 2019, from 9:00 am at the Auditorium "Università Carlo Cattaneo " LIUC.

The Presidents of the Districts Austria, Brazil,  Chile, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Switzerland and Uruguay will attend the meeting.



The works of the International Board have begun today 21st March 2019 in Lausanne at the “Olympia Hall” of the Olympic Museum.

Work in progress


The first meeting of the newly elected Executive Committee of the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) with 2018-2022 mandate met at the Maison du Sport International in Lausanne, Switzerland on the 12th March 2019.

The Executive Committee meeting was opened by Prof. Uğur Erdener, IOC Vice President and Chairman of the Medical & Scientific Commission.

Particular highlights of the meeting included the approval of the composition of the new FIMS Commissions and the signing of a MOU between FIMS and Panathlon in the presence of its President  Pierre Zappelli.


Les bureaux du Secrétariat Général seront fermés du 24 décembre au 6  janvier 2019 inclus

Si informa che gli Uffici della Segreteria Generale resteranno chiusi dal 24 dicembre al 6 gennaio 2019 compresi

Please be advised that the offices of the General Secretariat will be closed from  December 24rd, 2018  to January 6th , 2019 inclusive

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa