Corsa della Speranza. Biella domenica 18 settembre 2022

Sono stati circa 600 i partecipanti all’edizione 2022, quella del ritorno dopo due anni di stop forzato, prima per la pandemia e poi per il maltempo. La loro quota d’iscrizione diventerà una donazione per i progetti di ricerca sul cancro del Fondo Edo Tempia, regista della manifestazione fin dal 2004 e in collaborazione con il Panathlon Club Biella con il quale condivide il progetto Insieme per vincere nella vita e nello sport.

E come nell’ultima edizione prima della pandemia, la Corsa della speranza è stata inserita nelle manifestazioni della Settimana europea dello sport. #BeActive.

Sportivamente... insieme. Verrone domenica 25 settembre 2022

Anche dopo lo stop di due anni causa pandemia, è sempre festa a «Sportivamente Insieme...», la manifestazione dedicata alle ragazze e ai ragazzi con disabilità organizzata dai club di servizio della provincia, Inner Wheel Biella, Inner Wheel Biella Piazzo Lions Bugella Civitas, Rotary Biella, Soroptimist con la regia organizzativa e messa sul campo del Panathlon Biella e giunta quest’anno, rispolverata e rassettata, alla sua 17ª edizione e inserita negli appuntamenti della Settimana europea dello sport al grido di #BeActive. «Sempre con tanto entusiasmo - dice Raffaella Bilotti del Panathlon che ha curato la regia con Gigi Marino - i ragazzi hanno giocato fino all’ultimo pallone a disposizione, cercando il canestro decisivo, o la boccia per il punto finale, chiedendo agli istruttori ancora un po’ di tempo prima di finire la giornata e riporre palloni, bastoni, frecce».

A Verrone presso il Centro Sportivo Cedas Lancia, realizzata con la collaborazione del presidente Liborio Schillaci e della sindaca Cinzia Bossi, una giornata all’insegna dello sport per un’offerta sportiva multidisciplinare con calcio, basket, volley, bocce, tennis e golf e per la prima volta il tiro con l’arco. Terminati i giochi, le premiazioni, a cura dei vari presidenti dei club e la foto di gruppo finale hanno decretato la fine del diciassettesimo appuntamento e sancito l’arrivederci al prossimo anno per un rinnovata e occasione d’incontro

The Panathlon Club Latina and the Foundation Varaldo Di Pietro present the 2nd edition of the "Walk of Fair Play and Inclusion", scheduled on Saturday 15th October 2022 in Latina, starting at 9 a.m.

The aim of the initiative is to promote the sport culture as an extraordinary catalyst of positive universal values, vehicle of inclusion, participation and social aggregation, for a "sport dialogue" with the city, paying particular attention to the weaker segments of the population such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

Il ritrovo è previsto alle ore 9.00 in Via dei Mille a Latina. La partenza avverrà alle 9.30 dal Monumento del Fair Play e, attraverso il centro storico si arriverà al Parco San Marco presso il Monumento all'inclusione.

Read more: "Walk of Fair Play and Inclusion" 


In the last week of September, Panathlon Club Recife celebrated its 43rd anniversary with the presence of founding members Sérgio Flórido and José Lapa and many other members.                  

President Carolina Maciel made an historical report of the Club, from its foundation with the presence of Henrique Nicolini, until today with countless programmes and activities.



The Panathlon Club Yverdon-les-Bains celebrated 40 years of existence on 23 September with a party at the Hotel de la Prairie and an excursion the following day to the summit of the Moléson.

International President Pierre Zappelli attended the evening and brought the greetings of Panathlon International.

There were several exciting moments, presented by Christian Aubert, President of the Club.

Read the article

On Friday 30th September, the Panathlon Clubs Carrara e Massa, Pontremoli-Lunigiana and Viareggio-Versilia, organised an inter-club convivial meeting to award Francesca Porcellato, Paralympic champion, with the 18th Communication and Sport Culture Award of Area 6 Tuscany Award.

The meeting took place in an atmosphere of true friendship and inclusion.

The evening was also attended by the Vice-President of P.I. Orietta Maggi.


Record attendance for the 4th edition of the Family Games, held on Sunday 25 September in La Chaux-de-Fonds, organised by the Panathlon Club Montagnes Neuchâteloises. More than 1,000 participants took part in the sports activities with their families and children.


On September 28, the XXIII edition of the Women’s Sport Award, a traditional annual event organized by Panathlon Club Roma, was held at the Royal Rowing Club Tiber Remo. The prestigious kermesse aims to boost the participation and involvement of women in the world of sport and to highlight the results achieved by them in every role and at all levels. The award ceremony of many talented women, who have distinguished themselves in the categories of Athletes, Coaches, Managers, Referees and Culture, has been enhanced by the involvement of the university platform of Panathlon International and a delegation of Panathlon Club Junior Rome. Among the guests of the ceremony, in fact, there was also the PCU Committee’s General Communication Manager, Alina Baranova, who was welcomed in Italy by the President of Panathlon Club Roma and Defence General Staff’s Sports Manager, Walter Borghino, and the President of Panathlon Club Junior Roma and Press Officer of Panathlon International – District Italy, Lorenzo D'Ilario. Below is the list of women awarded: 

“Athletes”: Francesca Lollobrigida - Silver medalist at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and multiple world champion in ice speed skating

“Managers”: Silvia Salis - Vice President Vicar of CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee)

"Coaches": Benedetta Molaioli - Diving coach (Italian Swimming Federation) 

"Referees": Antonella Verrascina - International volleyball referee

“Culture”: Alessandra Ortenzi – Sports journalist and expert in digital strategies for sport

On September 19th the second meeting of “Planet Olympia: the values of sport told by the athletes”, the periodic summit organized by Panathlon Junior of Rome to promote ethics and sports culture among young people, took place at the Palace of Federations in Rome. 

The event, moderated by the President of the Club Lorenzo D'Ilario, was attended by ten Olympic and national fencers of Italy: Enrico Berrè (silver medalist at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, gold medalist at the 2015 World Cup in Moscow), Alberta Santuccio (bronze medalist at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo), Rossella Gregorio (Olympian at Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020, gold medalist at the 2017 World Cup in Leipzig), Guillaume Bianchi (gold medalist at the 2022 World Cup in Cairo and the 2022 European Championships in Antalya), Davide Di Veroli (gold medalist at the 2022 European Championships in Antalya), Olga Calissi (gold medalist at the 2022 Mediterranean Games in Oran), Chiara Mormile (gold medalist at the 2016 U23 European Championships in Plovdiv), Giulia Amore (silver medalist at the 2022 U20 World Championships in Dubai), Gaia Traditi (silver medalist at the 2019 U20 World Championships in Torun) and Alessia Di Carlo (bronze medalist at the 2020 U20 European Championships in Porec).

The institutional greetings were brought by the the two-time Olympic gold medalist (Barcelona 1992 and Sydney 2000) and project director of the 2026 Winter Olympic Games of Milan-Cortina, Diana Bianchedi, the youngest councillor of the Capitoline Assembly and member of the Sports Commission of Rome, Giorgio Trabucco, the sports doctor Riccardo Foti and the director of the sports area of Luiss University, Paolo Del Bene. 

“Last season the Italian fencers won many medals at the World Cup, European Championships and Mediterranean Games, and they gave us a lot of satisfaction. For this reason, it seemed right to celebrate our champions, who are able to win even outside the piste by bringing the values of sport into everyday life”, said the President D'Ilario. 

The panel discussion, sponsored by Municipality Roma II, also saw the collaboration of the Unicusano University, Gold Sponsor of the Italian Fencing Federation.


Record attendance for the 4th edition of the Family Games, held on Sunday 25 September in La Chaux-de-Fonds, organised by the Panathlon Club Montagnes Neuchâteloises. More than 1,000 participants took part in the sports activities with their families and children."


Il 29 settembre 2022 a Bruxelles, Paul Standaert, Presidente del Distretto Belgio, socio del Panathlon International EU di Bruxelles e membro del Consiglio direttivo della Ginnastica belga, è stato l'oratore principale del seminario "#BeActive for Sport Integrity"

Nei suoi interventi ha sottolineato l'importanza dei giovani, dell'inclusione e dell'integrità e ha evidenziato come, fin dall'inizio della Settimana europea dello sport, il Panathlon è stato impegnato in una partnership con la Commissione europea per contribuire a promuovere la campagna #Beactive all'interno della sua rete. I Panathlon club continuano a organizzare diverse attività che mirano a promuovere i valori etici tra i giovani,  promuovendo uno stile di vita sano, legato allo sviluppo dei valori umani.

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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa