Panathlon Distrito México

Muchas felicidades a los 3 socios de Panathlon Club Monterrey galardonados dentro de los 200 Protagonistas del Deporte del Gobierno del estado de Nuevo León: los socios fundadores de Panathlon  Club Monterrey Prof. José Luis Prado Díaz, Ing. José Maiz García y  el actual presidente Prof. José Pilar Sánchez González, así como Póstumo al fundador Sr. Juan Lozano Martínez y al Maestro de Maestros Dionisio Aguilar González... Que orgullo para toda nuestra organización. Muchas felicidades


Un año de fructífera labor hizo posible que los Clubes y el Distrito Uruguay cumplieran el desafío propuesto el año próximo pasado con grandes destaques de actuación a todo nivel.

Gracias a ese gran empuje de los Clubes, el Distrito transitó por la senda trazada brindando el apoyo en forma incondicional a todas las ideas y actividades y reafirmando su rol de nexo con las autoridades del Panathlon Internacional e instituciones y organismos a nivel nacional

y departamentales.

Reseña 2023

by Antonella Pederiva

As Vice President of the Brussels EU Panathlon club, I take pride in participating in inclusive sports events wherever they emerge.

It is with this in mind that I am delighted to be joining my colleagues from Allwyn in the 2024 Wings for Life World Run as part of their global team on 5 May 2024. Below are the key details about the Wings for Life World Run format and mission. 

What? The Wings for Life World Run is a truly unique and global running event, open to runners and wheelchair participants of all abilities. The format involves every single participant across the world starting the event at the exact same time, making it the world’s largest running event. To add to its uniqueness, the format also doesn’t feature a fixed finish line.  

Instead, participants are chased by a Catcher Car that begins its chase thirty minutes after the start of the event, and that progressively speeds up over time – ensuring all participants are ultimately caught. At our flagship events, there will be a physical Catcher Car chasing the participants, whilst for most, the Catcher Car will be virtual, chasing you via the app required to participate remotely. 

Where you run is up to you. There are several Flagship Runs, such as Rome, at Foro Italico - in Italy, Breda in the Netherlands, Zug in Switzerland, Munich in Germany, Ljubljana in Slovenia, and Zadar in Croatia. I personally will be taking part in Syracuse, Sicily, virtually alongside my Allwyn colleagues around the world. Your race comes to an end when you are finally caught by the Catcher Car, whether that is 3km, 10km, 20km, or more! 

Why? Beyond the uniqueness of this global running event, there is a core purpose. In the Wings for Life World Run, participants run for those who can't: people affected by spinal cord injury. 100% of all entry fees and donations go the Wings for Life foundation, a not-for-profit foundation with a mission find a cure for spinal cord injury.  

Wings for Life has provided funding to 299 research projects in 20 countries. Wings for Life believes that a cure for spinal cord injury is not only in the realm of possibility, but also not too distant. The funds generated through the Wings for Life World Run help contribute towards this mission, with over € 43.8 million having been raised since the event started in 2014.  

The values of Wings for Life are aligned to the Panathlon values of integrity, ethics and inclusion, as a vehicle of solidarity between men and peoples. 

I am incredibly proud to stand alongside my Allwyn colleagues as global partner to the Wings for Life World Run 2024. At Allwyn, our mission is to change lives, a little or a lot, but always for the better. Partnering with and participating in the Wings for Life World Run, in pursuit of a cure for spinal cord injury, does just that. And I am very happy to invite all Panathlon members to support the initiative.  

When?  The 2024 Wings for Life World Run will take place on 5th May 2024 at 1.00 pm CET.  

Who?   The Wings for Life World Run is open to runners and wheelchair participants, of any and all abilities.  Participants can run as individuals or decide to join a team. There is even an option to create your own team amongst the thousands of already existing teams. We could even create the Panathlon team. Teams often reflect nationalities or companies, with one example being the 2023-2025 Wings for Life World Run official global partner, Allwyn, who last year helped make up the 8th biggest team globally.  

Anyone is welcome to register to take part so long as they are aged 16 and over, except in the United States, Canada, and Croatia where the minimum age to participate is 18.   

Just join us!!!!!!   




by Antonella Pederiva

As Vice President of the Brussels EU Panathlon club, I take pride in participating in inclusive sports events wherever they emerge.

It is with this in mind that I am delighted to be joining my colleagues from Allwyn in the 2024 Wings for Life World Run as part of their global team on 5 May 2024. Below are the key details about the Wings for Life World Run format and mission. 

What? The Wings for Life World Run is a truly unique and global running event, open to runners and wheelchair participants of all abilities. The format involves every single participant across the world starting the event at the exact same time, making it the world’s largest running event. To add to its uniqueness, the format also doesn’t feature a fixed finish line.  

Instead, participants are chased by a Catcher Car that begins its chase thirty minutes after the start of the event, and that progressively speeds up over time – ensuring all participants are ultimately caught. At our flagship events, there will be a physical Catcher Car chasing the participants, whilst for most, the Catcher Car will be virtual, chasing you via the app required to participate remotely. 

Where you run is up to you. There are several Flagship Runs, such as Rome, at Foro Italico - in Italy, Breda in the Netherlands, Zug in Switzerland, Munich in Germany, Ljubljana in Slovenia, and Zadar in Croatia. I personally will be taking part in Syracuse, Sicily, virtually alongside my Allwyn colleagues around the world. Your race comes to an end when you are finally caught by the Catcher Car, whether that is 3km, 10km, 20km, or more! 

Why? Beyond the uniqueness of this global running event, there is a core purpose. In the Wings for Life World Run, participants run for those who can't: people affected by spinal cord injury. 100% of all entry fees and donations go the Wings for Life foundation, a not-for-profit foundation with a mission find a cure for spinal cord injury.  

Wings for Life has provided funding to 299 research projects in 20 countries. Wings for Life believes that a cure for spinal cord injury is not only in the realm of possibility, but also not too distant. The funds generated through the Wings for Life World Run help contribute towards this mission, with over € 43.8 million having been raised since the event started in 2014.  

The values of Wings for Life are aligned to the Panathlon values of integrity, ethics and inclusion, as a vehicle of solidarity between men and peoples. 

I am incredibly proud to stand alongside my Allwyn colleagues as global partner to the Wings for Life World Run 2024. At Allwyn, our mission is to change lives, a little or a lot, but always for the better. Partnering with and participating in the Wings for Life World Run, in pursuit of a cure for spinal cord injury, does just that. And I am very happy to invite all Panathlon members to support the initiative.  

When?  The 2024 Wings for Life World Run will take place on 5th May 2024 at 1.00 pm CET.  

Who?   The Wings for Life World Run is open to runners and wheelchair participants, of any and all abilities.  Participants can run as individuals or decide to join a team. There is even an option to create your own team amongst the thousands of already existing teams. We could even create the Panathlon team. Teams often reflect nationalities or companies, with one example being the 2023-2025 Wings for Life World Run official global partner, Allwyn, who last year helped make up the 8th biggest team globally.  

Anyone is welcome to register to take part so long as they are aged 16 and over, except in the United States, Canada, and Croatia where the minimum age to participate is 18.   

Just join us!!!!!!   




Distrito Brasil - VIII Encontro dos Amigos Para Sempre do Matsubara realizado na Arena Comelli, em Cambará

Parceria do Distrito Brasil do Panathlon Internacional através do clube de Sorocaba e a Comissão Organizadora do encontro que é formada pelo Paulo Comelli, Mário Sérgio, João Carlos e os gêmeos Helton e Hilton Ferreira, escolheram este ano, pela primeira vez,  para ser homenageados o atleta Parraro, revelado pelo Matsubara, jogou no Fluminense, Coritiba, Puebla do México, junto com o Muricy e foi um dos idealizadores desse encontro;  o outro homenageado escolhido foi o técnico Paquito, revelado pelo União Bandeirantes, formou a famosa dupla caipira no Coritiba "Paquito e Tião Abatiá", no Matsubara, foi olheiro, técnico e se tornou um grande revelador de craques, o terceiro homenageado foi o dirigente Hideto Matsubara, membro da família Matsubara, foi um dos idealizadores do departamento de futebol da empresa, que foi referência no Brasil na formação de talentos após a contratação do técnico Bolão. Os homenageados receberam o Troféu denominado Luiz Carlos de Oliveira, o Bolão, que foi o pai de todos dessa geração dos anos 80, que fez com que o Matsubara se tornasse o clube de futebol profissional que mais revelava talentos no Brasil, sendo uma grande referência.  

Paquito  não  pode estar presente, pois teve que passar por um procedimento cirúrgico nesta semana e irá receber seu troféu posteriormente, mas foi representado pelo anfitrião Paulo Comelli. 

Os troféus foram entregue pelos presidentes do Panathlon Internacional Distrito do Brasil e do clube de Sorocaba, Pedro Souza e o Ademir de Barros e pelos membros da Comissão Organizadora. 

Parraro, surpreso e emocionado, pois ele não sabia da homenagem, agradeceu a todos e lembrou dos amigos falecidos recentemente caso dos atacantes Sérgio Ramos, Alcântara e o roupeiro Cobrinha  e pediu que todos fizessem uma oração em conjunto com um Pai Nosso e uma Ave Maria em homenagem a eles.    



Distrito Argentina - Encuentro en el Comité Olímpico Argentino

El 7 de diciembre el Panathlon Club de Buenos Aires , el Panathlon Club PBA zona norte y el distrito Argentina se reunieron para despedir el año en las instalaciones del Comité Olímpico Argentino. Contamos con la presencia de Guillermo González, presidente del Panathlon Club Bogotá de Colombia y su señora esposa. Se hizo un homenaje a Rubén Rodríguez Lamas,presidente de Fimba y a Jorge Renosto por su entrada en en el salón de la fama internacional en esquí acuático y Wakeboard. También Eva Szabo, presidente del Panathlon Club de Buenos Aires , Rodolfo Buenaventura presidente del Panathlon Club PBA ZONA NORTE y Jorge Minuto Presidente del Distrito Argentina, y dieron una pequeña reseña de lo realizado tanto en el plano local como en el internacional , así como los desafíos futuros. 

Luego se pasó al salón del museo del COA y disfrutamos de un excelente momento de confraternidad panathletico con brindis incluido. 





Change in the leadership of District France 

The General Elective Assembly of the District France was held in Paris on 27 November last, in the presence of the International President Pierre Zappelli, due to the resignation for personal reasons of the current President Jean-Luc Grillon.

Panathlete Marc Rozenblat, founder member of Panathlon Club Reims Champagne and former Secretary of the District, has been elected, interim President. To him the warmest congratulations and best wishes for a good job, to the past President of the District the most heartfelt thanks for his commitment in these two years.  

Panathlon Chile - Otorgarán premio Juego Limpio en Parapanamericanos de Chile

En los Parapanamericanos de Santiago 2023 se entregará por primera vez el premio al Fair Play o Juego Limpio en una competición de este tipo, mediante el cual se reconocerá el gesto más destacado de solidaridad, amistad, generosidad, altruismo o de esfuerzo de un paradeportista.

Esta iniciativa se tomó en conjunto entre el Comité Paralímpico de Chile y Panathlon Chile, y constituirá la segunda vez que se otorga en un certamen, tras entregarse en los recién culminados Juegos Panamericanos.

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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa