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  • Panathlon International

  • International Competition 2024 Photo Contest - Nature loves to hide « The nature of sport – Sport in nature »

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Noticias del Panathlon International

“Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en el Deporte Femenino" - Mesa Redonda del Panathlon International

"Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en el Deporte Femenino". Mesa Redonda


La nueva campaña #BeActive está a punto de empezar y

"Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en el Deporte Femenino" - Mesa Redonda del Panathlon International

"Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en el Deporte Femenino". Mesa Redonda
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Noticias de los Distritos

Noticias de los Clubes y las Zonas

Panathlon Club Friburgo - Inauguration de la Place du Fair-Play

Samedi 8 juin 2024, Fribourg (Suisse) a inauguré sa place du Fair-Play avec la présence de Pierre Zappelli et Philippe Housiaux. Lors de cette journée, le Panathlon Fribourg-Freiburg et le Panathlon Gruyère ont tenu un stand avec un concours de dessins à la clé ! Sur toute la place, durant toute

Panathlon Club Lausanne - Panathlon Family Games

Succès populaire sur 8 hectares pour 5'700 enfants et adultes aux Panathlon Family Games Avec un nombre record de 43 sports à tester gratuitement pendant deux jours, les Panathlon Family Games® de Lausanne ont permis aux familles de pratiquer des disciplines parfois méconnues du grand public. De retour sur son

Panathlon Club Sorocaba - Panathlon Day 2024

Diretoria e conselheiros do Panathlon Club Sorocaba, representante da Secretaria de Obras da Prefeitura de Sorocaba, comemoraram o Dia Mundial do Panathlon revitalizando a Praça Panathlon, com novo layout no monumento com a marca do Panathlon Day, poda das árvores e do gramado, colocação das bandeiras no pavilhão e eliminação
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Noticias de la Fundación Chiesa

2024 International Video Competition “OLYMPIC EMOTIONS”

The Panathlon International Cultural Foundation - "Domenico Chiesa"(hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) of Panathlon International

Ampliación de inscripción - Concurso Internacional de Video “DEPORTE, MONTAÑA Y OLIMPISMO – DEPORTES DE NIEVE Y HIELO”

La Fundación Panathlon International - Domenico Chiesa, en acuerdo con la Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs

Assegnata a Padova la Cerimonia di premiazione del XVII Concorso internazionale di arti grafiche

Sarà Padova ad ospitare il prossimo 19 ottobre la Cerimonia di premiazione del 17° Concorso
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EWOS 2023 - Panathlon International Club Modena

EWOS 2023 - Panathlon International Club Modena Anche quest'anno il Panathlon Club Modena ha aderito alla

EWOS 2023 - Panathlon International Club Padova - Alla Polisportiva Pallalpiede il premio Fair Play del Panathlon Padova

Alla Polisportiva Pallalpiede il premio Fair Play del Panathlon Club Padova A ricevere il prestigioso

EWOS 2023 - Panathlon International Club Viterbo “Sport in Piazza”

Panathlon Club Viterbo - “Sport in Piazza” per tutti Il Panathlon Club di Viterbo, nell’ambito della
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El martes 16 de abril, en la ciudad de Lerici (SP), la Secretaria General Simona Callo y el Presidente del Distrito Italia Giorgio Costa fueron invitados a la inauguración de la exposición de dibujos organizada por la Asociación Colors For Peace, con la que nació una sinergia de intenciones con ocasión del Congreso Panamericano de Guayaquil del pasado mes de octubre. La ceremonia, en la que participaron los estudiantes de Lerici con la realización de más de quinientos dibujos, fue también la ocasión para presentar el PI a todos los participantes, a la Administración y a la dirección de la escuela.

Panathlon International y Colors For Peace se han dado cita en los Juegos Olímpicos de París el próximo mes de agosto. De hecho, a través de la colaboración con el Distrito Italia, el CONI Italia ha cedido un espacio en "Casa Italia" donde podremos proyectar los trabajos y/o fotografías de nuestras Competiciones Internacionales (realizadas con la Fundación PI-D. Chiesa), junto con los dibujos que niños de todo el mundo (de 6 a 10 años) han realizado sobre el tema de la Paz.

Una importante oportunidad para difundir nuestros Valores en el evento deportivo más importante del mundo.





We had an amazing session on the 9th of April 2024, in which we were not able to discuss how sports and peace (especially considering the Olympic truce) come together, but also we took this occasion to celebrate the Peace & Sport initiative of the “White Card”, which was celebrated worldwide on the 06/04/2024. As you can see in the attached pictures, we have asked all participants to raise a white card.

Finally, we also counted with the prestigious participation of three National Olympic Committee Presidents (one of them were in the round table discussion). The NOCs were: Cabo Verde, Guiné Bissau and São Tomé e Príncipe, respectively, Mrs. Filomena Fortes, Mr.  Sérgio Máné and Mr. João Afonso. You can see attached a picture of these presidents, along with our PC Lisbon President, Eng. Mario Almeida. In addition to these, in the round table discussion, the Portuguese National Olympic Committee was also present/represented by Mrs. Maria Machado, which you can also see in the picture of the round table participants.

This means that a total of 4 NOCs were present in this session.



by Antonella Pederiva

As Vice President of the Brussels EU Panathlon club, I take pride in participating in inclusive sports events wherever they emerge.

It is with this in mind that I am delighted to be joining my colleagues from Allwyn in the 2024 Wings for Life World Run as part of their global team on 5 May 2024. Below are the key details about the Wings for Life World Run format and mission. 

What? The Wings for Life World Run is a truly unique and global running event, open to runners and wheelchair participants of all abilities. The format involves every single participant across the world starting the event at the exact same time, making it the world’s largest running event. To add to its uniqueness, the format also doesn’t feature a fixed finish line.  

Instead, participants are chased by a Catcher Car that begins its chase thirty minutes after the start of the event, and that progressively speeds up over time – ensuring all participants are ultimately caught. At our flagship events, there will be a physical Catcher Car chasing the participants, whilst for most, the Catcher Car will be virtual, chasing you via the app required to participate remotely. 

Where you run is up to you. There are several Flagship Runs, such as Rome, at Foro Italico - in Italy, Breda in the Netherlands, Zug in Switzerland, Munich in Germany, Ljubljana in Slovenia, and Zadar in Croatia. I personally will be taking part in Syracuse, Sicily, virtually alongside my Allwyn colleagues around the world. Your race comes to an end when you are finally caught by the Catcher Car, whether that is 3km, 10km, 20km, or more! 

Why? Beyond the uniqueness of this global running event, there is a core purpose. In the Wings for Life World Run, participants run for those who can't: people affected by spinal cord injury. 100% of all entry fees and donations go the Wings for Life foundation, a not-for-profit foundation with a mission find a cure for spinal cord injury.  

Wings for Life has provided funding to 299 research projects in 20 countries. Wings for Life believes that a cure for spinal cord injury is not only in the realm of possibility, but also not too distant. The funds generated through the Wings for Life World Run help contribute towards this mission, with over € 43.8 million having been raised since the event started in 2014.  

The values of Wings for Life are aligned to the Panathlon values of integrity, ethics and inclusion, as a vehicle of solidarity between men and peoples. 

I am incredibly proud to stand alongside my Allwyn colleagues as global partner to the Wings for Life World Run 2024. At Allwyn, our mission is to change lives, a little or a lot, but always for the better. Partnering with and participating in the Wings for Life World Run, in pursuit of a cure for spinal cord injury, does just that. And I am very happy to invite all Panathlon members to support the initiative.  

When?  The 2024 Wings for Life World Run will take place on 5th May 2024 at 1.00 pm CET.  

Who?   The Wings for Life World Run is open to runners and wheelchair participants, of any and all abilities.  Participants can run as individuals or decide to join a team. There is even an option to create your own team amongst the thousands of already existing teams. We could even create the Panathlon team. Teams often reflect nationalities or companies, with one example being the 2023-2025 Wings for Life World Run official global partner, Allwyn, who last year helped make up the 8th biggest team globally.  

Anyone is welcome to register to take part so long as they are aged 16 and over, except in the United States, Canada, and Croatia where the minimum age to participate is 18.   

Just join us!!!!!!   




En el Campeonato de las Américas y Campeonato Sudamericano de Escopeta el Panathlon Club Buenos Aires hizo entrega del premio Fair Play, al Sr. Francizco Bozza, medallista olímpico de Perú, por el gesto de caballerosidad deportiva que tuvo en su especialidad de fosa olímpica al ceder su posición en la final.


At the General Assembly of the Belgian Rowing Federation, Gwenda Stevens, ambassador of the Sport Against Match Fixing project, presented the SAMF project, capturing the interest of those present.

The project was also presented to the young U19 and U23 rowers preparing for the upcoming European and World Championships.



As part of the implementation of Recommendation 14 of the Olympic Agenda 2020+5, the IOC Executive Board approved the updated version of the Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance in the Olympic Movement (BUPG). These principles are an implementing provision of the IOC Code of Ethics.

In this context, and with a view to strengthening the Olympic Movement through good governance, in 2024 the IOC is organising webinars focusing on various topics to which Panathlon International has been invited to participate

The meetings, which will take place quarterly, will deal with different thematic areas. In the first session on 20th March the Secretary General Simona Callo and the Administrative Secretary Rossi Monica participated and the theme was "Transparency and control mechanisms". The session provided some useful tools and practices that we can use to strengthen transparency and control mechanisms within our organisation.

The objective of these webinars is to explain and define the steps to be taken to achieve basic levels of good governance in sports organisations.

These meetings allow participants to exchange good practices, share their common challenges and benefit from the support provided by the IOC's Ethics and Compliance team through practical examples developed by the International Partnership Against Corruption in Sport (IPACS).

Next webinar planned for 19 June!!!



En Sucre – Bolivia se inauguraron los “Primeros Juegos de la Juventud” de la Organización Deportiva Bolivariana “ODEBO” que reúne a nueve países de América para competir en veintisiete disciplinas deportivas.

En el marco del convenio suscrito por el Panathlon Internacional y ODEBO somos representados por el Club de Cochabamba, para difundir entre los participantes y asistentes, nuestra concepción institucional, entregar el “Premio Fair Play” y sentar las bases para crear al más corto plazo el Panathlon Club de Sucre.





Con gran entusiasmo y una nutrida concurrencia el Club Maldonado.Punta del Este celebró su Asamblea Anual y Electiva . Tomó posesión la nueva Comisión Directiva con la reelección del Sr. Carlos Andrealo .

Con un broche de Oro con  nuevos ingresos, cuatro jóvenes deportistas que nos acompañaran en nuestras actividades y  programas del Club .

Una gran velada con emociones y alegrías en dónde los socios  dieron la bienvenida  a los nuevos integrantes .El mayor de los éxitos a la nueva  Comisión Directiva y nos espera un año de trabajo y camaradería.

A nuestro socio Carlos De León el orgullo por su postulación para ocupar el cargo de Consejero Internacional con el apoyo del Club, Uruguay y América , éxitos.


Next session of panathlon Lisbon

It’s gonna be in-person and with simultaneous streaming on our YouTube , next Tuesday (09/04/2024) at 21:00 (PT time).


Registration Link: 



YouTube link: 



The topic will be on the "Contribution of sports and peace" and its being organized by our Board Member, Teresa Rocha (in cc).

El 25 de marzo el Panathlon Club buenos Aires organizó una reunión presencial y virtual en el Salón Auditorio del Comité Olímpico Argentino para tratar el tema "El deporte contra el amaño de los partidos: cuando comenzar ...?" en el que se presentó las normas del Comité Olímpico Internacional en relación al tema y el programa SAMF.  Se encontraron presentes autoridades del Comité Olímpico Argentino, su presidente Mario Moccia, la vicepresidente Alicia Massoni y el secretario general Víctor Sergio Groupierre, el presidente del Distrito Argentina del Panathlon International Jorge Minuto, presidentes de los clubes de Argentina, panathletas, profesores de educación física, alumnos universitarios, y panathletas de América a traves de zoom. 

Se inició la reunión con la bienvenida del Presidente del Comité Olímpico Argentino, quién mencionó las tareas realizadas para despertar a la sociedad sobre este tema que preocupa a todos, luego la presidente del P.Club Buenos Aires Eva Szabo introdujo al orador Dr. Estanislao Osores Soler, abogado, consejero del Comité Olímpico Argentino quién explicó los problemas y manipulaciones que se ven en los deportes que interesan a multitudes y las medidas que aconsejadas por el COI.- Fabio Figueras desde el P.Club Lisboa explicó de que se trata el programa en el que están trabajando y de que forma tratan de lograr que los deportistas que recién se inicien estén al tanto de la problemática, mediante comics y presentaciones con el programa de SAMF. Finalizó la presentación la Secretaria General del P.I. Simona Callo, con información del programa SAMF y noticias del Panathlon Internacional.

La concurrencia pudo realizar preguntas a los oradores, finalizando la reunión con el agradecimiento a todos los participantes.




Esta semana

  • European Week of Sport. The GO!

    - Responding to the call of Panathlon Gent, the GO! Gent Group of schools started the week of 23/9 with a sport activity and participated as such at the European week of sport. 13 primary schools and more than 4000 pupils enjoyed to start their new week of school with a funny and sporty moment. Panathlon IB member Paul Standaert was interviewd by the local news to describe how this initiative fits in the Partnership of P.I. in the partnership with EWOS.  The GO! Schools organized the sports promotion in collaboration with Panathlon Gent vzw, a network platform for sports ambassadors. “We argue for the importance of equality in sport. It is important that all children have equal opportunities to exercise. This joint moment at all schools fits in with that philosophy, "says Paul Standaert, board member of Panathlon Ghent and chairman of the Board of Directors of Scholengroep Gent.   about the european week of sport Read More
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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa