FairPlay Call For Youth Art Contest

The International Fair Play Committee is calling children and youth around the World to encourage them to participate in a virtual children's drawings exhibition. 

„Due to the pandemic, doctors recommend staying at home is the most effective protection to prevent further spread of the Coronavirus. This affects not only adults but also children. Many schools are closed, kids are locked into their homes, where the entertainment options are limited. To facilitate the useful time and to make parents' tasks a little easier International Fair Play Committee announces a drawing exhibition for children. We are waiting for artworks from the very young kids to the juniors that express prevention, attention to each other, play, and generally Fair Play. Thank you for sharing the attached Call on your website or social media channels! Take Care of Yourself!” – Dr. Jenő Kamuti, President of the International Fair Play Committee. 

The call is available on www.fairplayinternational.org and our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn channels.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa