The main aim of Panathlon International
The main aim of Panathlon is the achievement of the sporting ideal and the establishment of its cultural and moral values as a means towards the development and advancement of the individual and solidarity between men and peoples
The aims of Panathlon are:
- to encourage friendship among all Panathletes and everyone who works in the world of sport;
- to systematically and continuously act at all levels to spread the idea of sport, inspired by the spirit of fair play, as an integral part of the culture of all men and peoples;
- to promote studies and researches into the problems of sport and its interrelations with society, communicating the results to the public opinion in collaboration with schools, universities and other cultural organisations;
- to participate in drawing up sports rules, through proposals, consultations and programming in the field of sport, according to the methods provided for by national and regional regulations;
- to work towards the ideal of a healthy sporting education guaranteed for all, regardless of race or sex or age, particularly through the promotion of cultural and sporting activities for young people and through schools;
- as a group of service Clubs, Panathlon undertakes to encourage and support activities for the disabled, activities for the prevention of drug abuse and the recovery of its victims, expressions of solidarity for sports veterans and the promotion and development of education programmes against violence and doping;
- to support the Olympic Movement in any activities consistent with the aims of the Association; - to promote the expansion of Panathlon’s movement worldwide through the formation of new Clubs.
Panathlon International was officially recognised by the International Committee for Fair Play (CIFP) and of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) and of the GAISF.
It also has systematic contacts with UNESCO and with the European Association of National Olympic Committee (EANOC).