International Literary Contest Prizegiving 

The award ceremony of the two absolute winners for the age group of the 1st  International Literary Contest announced by Panathlon International will be held on Saturday, January 11th in Lausanne. General Secretary Simona Callo will be present on behalf of  Panathlon International. 

A double sporting event as Lausanne will host from 9 to 22 January the third edition of the Youth Olympic Games, where the Panathlon International will be present with a stand set up by the Panathlon Club Lausanne for the duration of the games to promote our Association and spread our values, especially among young people.




Panathlon International is committed to the health of our seas

On Tuesday 11th December 2019, President Pierre Zappelli together with Once Ocean's Executive Vice-President and legal representative, Dr. Riccardo Bonadeo signed a Collaboration Agreement in which Panathlon commits not only to sign but to collaborate for the dissemination of the "Charta Smeralda": an ethical code that aims to raise awareness of public opinion and all operators to address the most pressing problems of the oceans and marine and coastal ecosystems and which aims to define practical and  immediate  policy areas focused on problem solving.

The "Charta Smeralda" concerns those persons who live the sea for sport and passion, the lovers of the sea and the structures promoting and supporting activity.

Panathlon International, which is an international movement with the aim of affirming the sporting ideal and its ethical and cultural values as an instrument of formation and elevation of the person, solidarity and peace between men and peoples, could not remain indifferent to this initiative.

Thus was born the idea, promoted by the Club of Mestre and the Governor of the Venetian Area, to sign an agreement to collaborate to protect our Seas and Oceans, mothers and cradles of our Planet and our life and of those sports activities carried out within them.  

A truly important initiative focused on raising awareness of the current situation and of the risks that our marine and coastal ecosystem runs, an environment on which our survival depends. Rapallo, seat of Panathlon International, but also many other cities and harbour around the world, have already had the demonstration of the violence and enormous damages that ecosystem imbalances can cause.

And we're just getting started. 




Panathlon International’s antenna in Brussels was successfully represented at different events organized by the EU DG Sport. 

As the objective of P.I. is to develop a regular participation of Panathlon and Panathlon members into the development of ethical values in sport at an international level it is the aim and role of IB member Paul Standaert to focus on the European level. 

Mr. Standaert was invited to the meeting of EU Expert Group on Integrity in Sofia, Bulgari on 12 and 13 November 2019.

Members of this group are international experts in the field of the struggle against Sport manipulation and match fixing. The Bulgarian Ministry (Mrs. Racheva -Slavkova Director Eu programmes), hosted the meeting and welcomed 

Counties and Governments of EU states Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Hungary, Lithuania, Estland, Netherlands and more participated.

National and International organizations are invited to the Expert Group as observer and are welcome to share experiences and insights on these topics.

Observers represented sport unions, Interpol, SIGA, UNODC, ENGSO, Digital Sport Rights, FIFA, UEFA, International Betting Integrity Association and also Panathlon.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Le Losteque Head of the EU unit Sport. He expressed the great interest of EU to the topic of good governance and match fixing and promotes applications to Erasmus + projects in the framework of the combat against match fixing.

For 2019 only 7 applications on the 260 granted are based on anti-match fixing.

Therefor EU calls for new projects on the topic. The next deadline for 2020 application is April. 

Panathlon International is a collaborating partner in a 2019 project EPOSM, a initiative of the University of Gent in collaboration with the universities of Loughborough (UK), Lausanne (CH), Utrecht(NL), and  also IRIS (FR) VMIS (Austria) Stichting CSVF (NL) The antenna of P.I. in Brussels will take care of the coordination for P.I.’s role and input in this project in collaboration and support of the Panathlon EU club.

In Sofia, M Standaert was able to represent Panathlon and to connect with the participants and specifically to representatives of Bulgari and Greece. Both expressed a sincere interest in Panathlon’s work and values, and they will study the possibility to start a Panathlon activity in their country.

Mr. Luciano Di Fonzo of EACEA reported the latest status about Erasmus + and shared some statistics on the evolution since 2014. 

2014 – 40 projects

2019 – 260 projects selected upon 700 applications, for a total grant of 55 million EURO. 

On the agenda of the meeting was an overview and status of the work realized by the expert group (already 4 meetings) It’s final report and recommendations is to be finalized in the next days.

On 30th of January 2020 EU will organize in Brussels an Erasmus+ Information day.

Venerdì 29 novembre, presso l’Hotel Savoia Excelsior Palace di Trieste alle ore 9.00  hanno avuto inizio i lavori del Comitato di Presidenza

Work in progress


Friday 18th October International President Pierre Zappelli  and General Secretary Simona Callo participated in the "Sport Impacts All" Forum organized by CSIT in Rome, with which Panathlon International has a collaborative relationship.






Conclusioni del XIII Congresso Panamericano

Buenos Aires 3-5 Ottobre 2019

Il ruolo del Panathlon nel nuovo millennio è stato il tema al centro del XIII Congresso Panamericano tenutosi a Buenos Aires dal 3 al 5 ottobre.

Alla presenza delle più alte autorità panathletiche e di diverse delegazioni italiane ed europee, si è discusso sull’importanza che riveste il ruolo del Panathlon nel sostenere lo sviluppo dello sport attraverso la promozione di valori culturali e morali.


Clicca qui per leggere le Conclusioni del Congresso in lingua originale 



Fair Play Days, Budapest, 11-14 September 2019

Fair Play Congress - „Promoting the Ethical Values of Sports – 25 Years European Fair Play Movement “

CIFP Award Ceremony

25th EFPM Anniversary and Award Ceremony




P.I. EU was represented at the EWOS Opening Ceremony and Presidency Sport Conference on Safeguarding Children in Sport. 

The Opening ceremony took place at the Leppaävaara Sports Park in the presence of the EC Commissioner for Yought & Sport Mr. Navracsics.

At the seminar in the afternoon their was the time to discuss about the role of sport organizations and role of education. 

The main topic for the conference the next day was 'Safeguarding Children in Sport'.

Finnish Minister of Sport Hanna Kosonen welcomed the participants and pointed out the importance of national and international collaboration on the issues.

Commissioner Mr. Navracsics insisted on the actions to start sporting as young as possible as a ‘good habit’ wich will most likely become acquainted when started at younger age. 

With all the long-life benefits to be expected with these habits. 

MR Navracsics was proud of the success of EWOS at this 5thanniversary and hopes that the next EC Comm Mss Maria Gabriel will further develop the initiative and the resolutions of the Tatu convention.

Also combatting sport manipulation and promoting good governance is a big topic. Already 51 projects in EC and 17mil Eu invested in studies and projects (Erasmus+) 

Experts from EUA, FIFA IOC, ENGSO, University of Loraine, University of Jyväkylä and more,  presented their views and discussed about a large specturm of issues, surveys and projects concerning safegurding children and how to create a safe environment for Sport.

Panathlons Beitrag zu den World Fair Play Awards

Viel Panathlon bewegte sich den Tag, als die World Fair Play Awards im Ratssaal des Rathauses in Pest verliehen wurden.

Die madjarische Hauptstadt empfing die Gäste des Comité International pour le Fair Play (CIFP) mit einem an bedeutenden Momenten reichen Programm.

Der Morgen war einer Konferenz im Hörsaal der Fakultät für Körpererziehung gewidmet, die das European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) ausrichtete um seinen 25. Gründungstag zu feiern. Äusserst interessant der Vortrag von Zsigmond Nagy, der die vom Zusammenhang zwischen Fair Play, Moral und Sportgesetzgebung erzeugten Aussichten veranschaulichte.

Bei der Verleihungsfeier der Preise – siehe die aufgeführte komplette Liste – zählten viele von Panathlon International, der ja Mitglied des CIFP ist, empfohlene Namen zu den Ausgezeichneten.

Fabio Caramel erhielt den Pierre de Coubertin Preis für die Geste aus den Händen des Präsidenten Jeno Kamuti.Der Vorschlag stammte vom Panathlon Club Venedig.

David Smetanine, Preis für die Karriere, war abwesend, weil er paralympische Wettkämpfe austrug. An seiner Stelle nahm die Vizepräsidentin des Clubs Grenoble Marie Claire Nepi, die ihn auch ernannt hatte, den Preis entgegen.

Der französische Club erhielt ebenfalls die Anerkennung für seine Ernennung von Geo Perli, dem die Ehrenurkunde für die Karriere im Fair Play Geiste zuteil wurde.

Eine Ehrenurkunde für die Karriere erhielt ebenso Roberto Camelia auf Vorschlag der 9. Zone – Sizilien. Er erschien in Begleitung sizilianischer Panathleten, die ihn begeistert feierten.

Federico Bollati und Rodolfo Carrera, beide Kandidaten des Clubs Pavia, erhielten je eine Ehrenurkunde für die Geste aus den Händen des Vizepräsidenten des CIFP Maurizio Monego.

Für die Förderung erhielt der CEO der Volleyball Oberliga Massimo Righi den der Club Bononia präsentiert hatte, eine Ehrenurkunde.

Die Freude über Panathlons Beute spiegelte sich in den blauen Augen der Generalsekretärin von P.I. Simona Callo, die in Vertretung des Präsidenten Pierre Zappelli anwesend war.

Es war ein schönes Fest, und das Treffen so vieler Champions, die mit ihren Werten die Menschlichkeit im Sport bezeugen, hat die Gefühle jedes guten Sportlers erquickt.







Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa