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El Panathlon Montevideo, fiel a su misión de contribuir a la defensa y difusión del juego limpio y los valores éticos y culturales del deporte, como herramientas de formación y mejora de las personas e instituciones deportivas, organiza anualmente una ceremonia de entrega de los Premios Fair Play.

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O marco inaugurado nesta sexta feira, 22 de junho, foi doado pelo Panathlon Club Taubaté ao Município para celebrar, magnificamente, o Dia Olímpico e constitui, na história dos clubes Panathlon em todo o mundo, um dos maiores e mais representativos testemunhos físicos da presença do olimpismo e do panathletismo num território

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Friday 11th May 2018 a delegation of Panathletes of Panathlon Club Zug visited P.I. International Headquarters at Villa Queirolo in Rapallo.





A bridge leading towards Great Britain

On Thursday April, 12, 2018,  a meeting took place in Stansted, between a delegation of the Panathlon Challenge Foundation and the International President Mr. Pierre Zappelli together with Mrs. Simona Callo,  General Secretary of Panathlon International  in a very relaxed and collaborative atmosphere.

Both Associations not  only have in common the name, but share the same goals and objectives. From this perspective, the decision was reached to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding, in order to cooperate, recognize each other, organize joint events and participate actively in various sporting events of the individual Associations. The Panathlon Challenge Foundation is engaged in the organization of sporting events for the disabled in Britain.

There had been previous contacts between the Clubs of Milan and the Person in charge, but the time was not ripe enough, thus the Club of London never took off. The present Management listened closely to what expressed by President Zappelli ,welcomed and supported Panathlon International’s Philosophy, its Ethical Charts and Values. In this respect a first step has been made.

The main aim is to prepare a partnership agreement to submit to the President’s Committee and Panathlon International’s International Board so as to proceed by signing the same, hoping that it will enable us to set up a club in Great Britain.




Safe Sport International Conference -  Madrid, April 6th and 7th 2018

International Board Paul Standaert will attend the meeting on behalf of Panathlon International 



Grenoble 24 mars 2018 - Préfecture de l’Isère. 

Cérémonie de remise du Prix « FLAMBEAU D’OR à la mémoire d'Antonio Spallino »

à Jean-Claude Killy Triple champion olympique de ski aux Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de Grenoble en 1968, Coprésident du Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques d'hiver d'Albertville 1992, Membre d'Honneur du CIO, Président de la Commission de coordination des XXes Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de Turin en 2006 (2000-2006), Président de la Commission de coordination des XXIIes Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de Sotchi en 2014 (2007-2014)





Grenoble 24 mars 2018 - Préfecture de l’Isère. 

Cérémonie de remise du Prix « FLAMBEAU D’OR à la mémoire d'Antonio Spallino »

à Jean-Claude Killy Triple champion olympique de ski aux Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de Grenoble en 1968, Coprésident du Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques d'hiver d'Albertville 1992, Membre d'Honneur du CIO, Président de la Commission de coordination des XXes Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de Turin en 2006 (2000-2006), Président de la Commission de coordination des XXIIes Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de Sotchi en 2014 (2007-2014)




The work of the  District Presidents Committee, chaired by International President  Pierre Zappelli, started at 9:15  a.m. at the Hotel Mercure President - Hall Pompidou e Sadate with the collaboration of the President’s Committee. 


Hotel Mercure President, Grenoble (FR) Meeting of the President’s Committee - 22 march 2018 


La Bolivia entra a far parte del Movimento Panathletico.

Sabato 3 marzo 2018 è stato ufficialmente costituito il Panathlon Club Cochabamba.

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa