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Am 3. Februar fand die Videokonferenz des Präsidiums von PI statt, dem Präsident Pierre Zappelli, Past Präsident Giacomo Santini und die Vizepräsidentin Orietta Maggi angehören. Ebenfalls zugegen waren die Generalsekretärin Simona Callo, der Schatzmeister Stefano Giulieri, der Präsident der Revisorenkommission Andrea Sbardellati und das Mitglied der Revisorenkommission Giuseppe Ravasi. Unter den verschiedenen Punkten an der Tagesordnung sprachen die Anwesenden über das Treffen des Präsidenten Pierre Zappelli mit dem Präsidenten des Panathlon Clubs Barcelona, Dr. Pujante, am 20. Januar in Barcelona. Das Treffen verlief sehr positiv, und viele Vorschläge zur Verstärkung der Präsenz des Panathlon International in der katalanischen Hauptstadt und der iberischen Halbinsel kamen auf den Tisch.

Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde Fragebögen gewidmet, die alle Mitglieder erhalten haben. Die Teilnahme daran ging über alle Erwartungen hinaus. Bis zum 20. Februar werden die Mitglieder erneut gebeten, ihren Beitrag zu leisten. Daraufhin kamen die Punkte zur Sprache, die in der nächsten Sitzung des Internationalen Rats zu erörtern sind, vor allem die Statutenänderungen, das Treffen mit der Chiesa-Stiftung, die für dieses Jahr geplanten Veranstaltungen mit besonderem Bezug auf die Versammlung in Lausanne, den Kongress und den Flambeau d’Or. Ebenfalls wurden die vom Schatzmeister vorgelegten Aktualisierungen über die Finanzsituation und die Clubbeiträge sowie der Bericht der Generalsekretärin über die verschiedene Tätigkeit des Generalsekretariats und ihre Teilnahme an Treffen und internationalen Veranstaltungen auf digitalem Wege vernommen und analysiert. Mit grosser Freude nahm das Präsidium die Eröffnung des neuen Panathlon Clubs Roma Junior und des Clubs Neapolis zur Kenntnis. Der Letztgenannte steht dem Club Napoli in der 11. Zone - Kampanien zur Seite. 



The Cultural Foundation PI - Domenico Chiesa and Panathlon International, will launch, at the beginning of the year, a new Photographic Competition addressed to young people of the age group 18-25 years, of every Country of the World.

The initiative born with the Sport Foundation of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and with the collaboration of Palazzo Magnani Foundation has the aim to promote, through photography, the principles of Olympism and the aims of Panathlon International for the affirmation of the sport ideal and its moral and cultural values as instrument of formation and elevation of the person and of solidarity among men and peoples.

The 30 selected works will be the subject of an exhibition which will be staged as part of the events of the European Photography Festival. Cash prizes will be awarded to the first three winners. The "Public Prize" and the "Panathlon Club Prize" will also be awarded.

Regeln und Kostenloses Einschreibeformular


On 23 November 2021, the President's Committee met electronically to talk about the situation after the events of the 70th anniversary, the awarding of the competition organised by PI-Foundation and FICTS, the organisation of EPOSM, the meeting of the Lausanne Working Group, which we have already reported in the last newsletter. Furthermore, the results of the accessions to the international projects were discussed and in particular to the one for the subsidies to the Clubs that applied for them. The interested clubs will soon receive the relevant communication. The Fair Play project was discussed and interesting prospects opened up. The idea is to realise a Congress/Forum in the first months of 2022 to deepen and put into practice this interesting project. 

The situation of the clubs was also analysed, with particular attention to those in difficulty.

It was with great pleasure that the Secretary General then gave the news that the copies of the Magazine No. 3 have already arrived at the headquarters and are going to be sent.

On Thursday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. (Italian time) the International Board will meet, by videoconference, to finalise the items on the agenda which, for reasons of time, were not discussed at the last meeting. They will therefore discuss the "strategic plan", new collaboration agreements with International Bodies, changes to the Statute (already discussed and approved, but to be verified in the final analysis), the final document of the meeting of the District Presidents, the questionnaires for the clubs, the Expansion Commission, the next Assembly, Congress and Flambeau d'Or, the Pan-American Congress, the European Project "healthy lifestyle for all" and the reports of the International Board Members on the delegations assigned. A  very interesting and intense meeting.

Auditorium Testori of Palace Regione Lombardia (Piazza Città di Lombardia 1, Milan)

During the awarding ceremony of "SPORT MOVIES & TV 2021" - World Final of the 20 Festivals (in the 5 Continents) of the "World FICTS Challenge" Championship of Television, Cinema, Communication and Sport Culture (scheduled in Milan from 9 to 14 November), took place the awarding of the three winners of the International Competition of Visual Art "Sport as promotion of human rights" realized by Panathlon International Domenico Chiesa Foundation in collaboration with FICTS.

International President Pierre Zappelli was present and awarded the winners. 

 1 Prize 

BLU by Paolo Geremei (Italy) 




SPORT IS MY RIGHT by Antonello Brustia  and Chiara (Italy) 

Recognition plaque for the highest number of views


Congratulations to the winners and congratulations to all participants!



Piattaforma SPORTMOVIESTV.COM (accesso diretto al link: http://www.sportmoviestv.com/panathlon-sport-promotion.../ )

On Monday 15 November 2021 took place the final event of the Erasmus -plus project EPOSM ("Evidence-based Prevention Of Sporting-related Match-fixing") coordinated by the University of Ghent (B).

Panathlon International, partner of the project (developed by the PI Representation in Belgium) organized with the collaboration of the PI Representation in Lausanne, the panel discussion moderated by Vangelis Alexandrakis (IOC) at the Maison du Sport followed by the Symposium at the University (UNIL) where data collected on different types of match-fixing collected in Belgium, Croatia, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and the United Kingdom were presented. People connected to sport participated in an online survey that focused on current and former athletes, coaches, board members, referees and other people involved in different sports disciplines (including football, tennis, basketball, hockey, handball and cricket) who responded anonymously to questions about match-fixing. Very interesting data emerged that involved partners from all over Europe, representatives of international and sports associations (UEFA), as well as some Sports Ministers in a very interesting debate. The results of the research, reflections and conclusions will be published.

An initiative that allowed Panathlon International to underline the importance of its action in promoting ethical behaviour in youth education, also as a prevention against match-fixing.


At the office of Panathlon International at the Maison du Sport in Lausanne, on 16 November 2021, the Working Group of the PI Representation in Lausanne was constituted and held its first meeting.

The Group at the moment (as decided by the IB) is constituted by PI President Pierre Zappelli, PI Secretary General Simona Callo, the President of the District CH-FL Bernhard Segesser, the President of the Club Lausanne Philippe Cottet, the Secretary of the International Archery Federation (absent at this meeting) and the Secretary of the Representation, Melody Exhenry. IB Member Patrick Van Camphenout, the President of the District Belgium Paul Standard and Prof. Yves Vanden Aweele, former member of the PI Cultural Commission, participated in the meeting, as they were present in Lausanne for EPOSM.

They gave their experience on the activities carried out by the PI Representation in Belgium. Peter Wüthrich, member of the CH+ FL District Council, was also present. Among the various hypotheses discussed, the idea was to develop a tool, to be distributed to clubs, to facilitate their intervention in schools and spread our values among children/youth, thus contributing to their formative education.

It was then discussed on the possibility of studying a project that sees the establishment of an 'ethics commission' as also suggested in the final document of the meeting of the District Presidents Committee, which can become a point of reference not only for Panathlon International.

On these bases the next meeting has been programmed, during which it will be discussed also about the date to officially inaugurate the PI Representation in Lausanne.



29 ottobre 2021

Presso la Sede del PI a Villa Queirolo hanno avuto inizio i lavori del Consiglio Internazionale 

The work of the International Board began at 9:30 a.m. at the PI headquarters in Villa Queirolo.


French Delegation visiting Lausanne Representation


On Thursday, August 26 a delegation comprising the Vice-president of District France Bruno Catelin and the General Secretary Marc Rozenblat was welcomed in Lausanne by the International President Pierre Zappelli, the President of Club Lausanne Philippe Cottet and some members of the Club, and by the Secretary of Lausanne Representation Melody Exhenry to discuss about the new opportunities of the District.

The programme of the meeting was enriched by the visit to the Olympic Museum.

World Fair Play Awards 2020

With great satisfaction, the Panathlon Family welcomes the distinctions awarded by the International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) to the nominees submitted by Panathlon International:

•    “Jean Borotra Career ” Diploma

Alessandro Palazzotti (Roma, Area 14) - Alfredo Ambrosetti and Lella Ambrosetti (Varese, Area 02) -  Félix Sienra Castellanos (District Uruguay) - Gianfranco Vitali (Ferrara, Area 05)

•     “Pierre de Coubertin ACT” Diploma

David Livramento (Lisbon) -  Uruguayan Wheelchair Tennis Player (Buenos Aires)

•     “Willi Daume - Promotion” Trophy

Maxime Mbandà (Area 05)

•     “Willi Daume - Promotion” Diploma

Francesco Franceschetti (Bononia, Area 05) - Testi Family (Ferrara, Area 05) - Stefano Bizzozi (Mestre, Area 01)

•   “Jacques Rogge - Youth” – Letter of Congratulations

Maria Laura Pederzini (Ferrara, Area 05)





Thanks to the mobilization of Clubs, Areas and Districts the 12th June 2021 has become a worldwide celebration. Many have been the initiatives and for this we thank all the actors. 

The PI General Secretariat has collected in this video (in original language and in English) the images received and those found on the web. We apologise in advance if some clubs will not be found, but the search was not easy. 

In case we will be happy to include your photos by sending them to (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!).

I would also like to inform you that on Saturday 30 October the 70th Anniversary will be celebrated at the International Headquarters in Rapallo: I hope you will be able to participate in large numbers! More information will follow.

In the meantime, enjoy the video and have a good summer!

Simona Callo

PI General Secretary 


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa