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Panathlon Club Venice turns 70. 

On June 12th of this uncertain 2021 the Club of Venice will celebrate 70 years of life. A goal even more significant as it represents the date of Panathlon International foundation.

The Board of the Club and the President Giuseppe Zambon are engaged in planning hypotheses of events to celebrate the event worthily.

notiziario gennaio 2021 - programma a pag 5

Panathlon Antwerp & PCU Antwerp Sports Personalities 

This year, the award ceremony of the Panathlon Antwerp & PCU Antwerp Sports Personalities will be held online. The Honorary Rector Francis baron Van Loon Award, will be handed out to one of the three nominated elite athletes who study at the University of Antwerp:

– Laura Luyten (equestrianism, dressage)

– Lien Meeuwssen (judo, -70kg)

– Steven Pattyn (cycling, road)

Find out on 16 February in the Facebook event who will be awarded as @UAntwerpen top sports student of the year 2020.


Area 11 Campania, training webinar

The Area 11 Campania with the Panathlon Club Napoli on 4 February at 7:00 p.m. organizes a remote meeting on the "Panathletic Ceremonial". The speaker will be Hubert Bowinkel Ceremonial Counsellor of Area 11 and Club Napoli. A prearranged intervention on the conduction of the webinar, will be by Siro Pasquini President of Club Valdarno Superiore. The evening will be attended by the President of District Italy Giorgio Costa and the International Board Member Giorgio Chinellato, delegated by President Pierre Zappelli. Many Panathletic authorities have confirmed their presence, but the real "core" of the evening will be the presence of many panathletes present.

The evening will be held on the Zoom platform and will be open to all Areas, Clubs and friends.


Interview with Oscar Tosato for Panathlon Lausanne

The activities of Panathlon Club Lausanne started again with a filmed conference with our member and friend Oscar Tosato, city councilor for Sport in Lausanne, who during his mandate, has lived the Youth Olympic Games, the inauguration of the Tuillière Stadium and the Vaudoise Arena among others.

He explained the tasks of Lausanne, Olympic city, in terms of sports policy.

video youtube

Panathlon Lisbon will be celebrating its 41st birthday online on the 17th.

Unfortunately, COVID limited  physical celebrations with the members but they will receive some gifts (see photo) and they will gather on 17TH  on zoom to celebrate the anniversary in this rather different way.

The club communicated also that  the "Prémio Panathlon Clube de Lisboa" award will be given to Prof. José Manuel Constantino, who is a long-time friend of Panathlon Lisbon. Prof. Constantino is also the President of the Portuguese Olympic Committee.

Also, the fair-play award "Fair-Play Mário Simas" will be given to David Livramento, that is a cyclist, for his action during a race in which an accident occurred, where he was also involved but he didn't fall of his bicycle. However, one colleague fell down and David stopped his race to help him back on track. This is not the first time that David shows positive sporting behaviours and thus he will receive the Prize.

Finally and for the first time, Panathlon Lisbon created a support program for associations of different etiology that clearly promote the values of sport, namely Fair Play and Ethics in Sport.

Panathlon members will be able to propose entities whose program they understand to comply with the aforementioned values and, among the proposals, the winner annually will be awarded a monetary prize in the amount of 1,500 € (one thousand and five hundred euros).

The designation of “General Rodolfo Begonha Award”, aims to honor in a very simple way the main worker in the creation of the club and whose participation in the activities in the Panathlon movement remain full of vigour and dynamism. 



The Panathlon Club of Como doesn't stop.

The 31st Youth Prize awarded to Giulio Campioni, 18 years old, of Canottieri Lario.

The awarding ceremony would have coincided, as per tradition, with the Christmas party of the Club of Como, scheduled for 10 December, but it has been postponed because of the health emergency to the first possible convivial meeting of 2021.


Panathlon Club Lisbona -Sessione Novembre 

L'incontro si terrà Giovedì 19 novembre e sarà trasmesso attraverso il canale YouTube alle ore 20 (ora Portogallo)


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa