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El Club Panathlon MALDONADO - Punta del Este viene realizando su programa "Panathlon visita tu escuela" iniciado este aiio y que cuenta con la participaci6n de sus socios y sponsors:

Agromercado Aleman, Canal Once y Dirección de Deportes de la I. Maldonado.

Ya se han realizado visitas a las escuelas 43 y 47 en los meses de julio y agosto, estando programadas otras visitas mensuales. Sin dudas que la propuesta cuenta con et entusiasmo de los docentes y alumnos

y nos sentimos orgullosos de trasmitir nuestro valores y vivencias a las nuevas generaciones.

Destacamos en las visitas la actuación y relatos de nuestros amigos Nicolas Paris y Julio De León, et primero con su violin y Julio con su trayectoria deportiva como no vidente

llenaron de emoción y alegria las jornadas.

Encuentro virtuales "La importancia  del voluntariado"

miercoles 31 de agosto 

The project "Sport Against Match Fixing" - SAMF - aims to raise awareness among grassroots athletes about the nature of match-fixing and the negative impact of this practice on athletes' careers.

In the framework of this objective, on 9 August at 4 p.m., Panathlon International, partner of the project, organised a working session in which personalities from the world of sport, technicians, athletes, instructors, panathletes participated to bring their contribution on this issue.

Simona Callo, Secretary General of PI, opened the 'Focus Group' meeting by thanking the participants and bringing  PI's greetings, and Fabio Figueiras (Club Lisbon) coordinated the proceedings by asking each person a series of questions. The debate was interesting and the contributions will be collected, together with the results brought by the other partners, in order to provide the athletes, at the end of the project, with appropriate tools to combat this type of corruption.

Many thanks to all the participants who collaborated in this initiative!

In the meantime, you can follow and find more information about the Project on the following channels:


Dear friends,

Please find below the link to access the REGISTRATION FORM for the events to be held in Rome (you can choose either the Italian or English version in the drop-down menu at the top right):


  • 15th September from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.: Round Table entitled "The Effects of Conflicts and Politics on Sport" (translation in Italian-English-French and transmission via streaming) at the Aula Magna of the G. Onesti Olympic Preparation Centre. Onesti - Acqua Acetosa
  • 16th September at 3.00 p.m.: Flambeau d'Or in memory of Antonio Spallino to Thomas Bach - IOC President, at the CONI Hall of Honour

World Fair Play Day returns this year to promote the ethical values of sport.

On Wednesday, 7 September 2022, World Fair Play Day will take place in Brussels, an initiative of the sporting world that aims to promote Fair Play and the ethical values of sport. World Fair Play Day is a collaboration between Panathlon International, the CIFP (International Fair Play Committee) and the EFPM (European Fair Play Movement) and is an event that has taken place every year - since 2013 - in French-speaking Belgium. 7 September was not a random choice: on this date, in 1963, the founding members, of what would become the International Fair Play Committee, met for the first time.

World Fair Play Day aims to demonstrate that Fair Play can be promoted through both large-scale operations and simple actions. The aim is to make this Day an authentic celebration of Fair Play as a real component of education in sport, society and life itself. That is why we are pleased to invite all clubs to take part in this campaign. They can participate by sending in photos and/or videos depicting a Fair Play gesture, or an initiative related to this issue, to contribute to the affirmation of the event in an increasingly solid way.

We also enclose the Manifesto to be signed - for those who haven’t signed it yet - and sent back to the General Secretariat of PI (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Your material (videos and/or photos) will be presented in Brussels on World Fair Play Day.





High-profile event in its 55th year - in media cooperation with Tirol TV, the Tiroler Tageszeitung and the Austrian Ministry of Sport.

The role of women in sport - as athletes, coaches, managers, mothers - also has to do with equity. The Panathlon movement is dedicated to this topic and the Panathlon Club Innsbruck has made it its motto in its anniversary year:"Frauen im (Spitzen-)Sport - unverzichtbar". And that the theme is touching was demonstrated by the great attention of the many visitors and the presence of important personalities from the Tyrolean sports world. 'This event is a sign that more needs to be done.  Integrate women better into the existing infrastructure'; get girls into sport as early as possible and keep them there, and create better opportunities for them to participate in sport, especially in rural areas'. The highlight of the event was the presentation of a Certificate of Honour to the grand dame and pioneer of Tyrolean volleyball, Therese Achammer, who celebrated her 80th birthday and continues to be actively involved in women's volleyball.

The full report of the event will be published in the next issue of the Magazine.


Panathlon Club Querétaro announced the XXXII Sports Gala in which the most outstanding sportsmen and women will be awarded in different categories. Jorge Bermejo, president of Panathlon Club Querétaro led the presentation of what will be the Sports Gala, accompanied by Gerardo Quirarte and Agustín Osornio, members of this club, as well as Félix Capilla, director of sports at the UAQ. The president of Panathlon Club Queretaro, highlighted the importance of this type of event for the sport of our entity, ensuring that the winners are very important and with outstanding achievements.

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Renato Zanovello comments on a symbolic episode of the Tour de France:

"Every day the mass-media provide very sad news about the many scourges that are devastating humanity from the health, economic, social, political, ecological and so on, due to a phenomenon of incomprehensible self-destruction if not with the unjustified motivation of an immediate benefit that ignores or tramples on any form of human dignity. But, as a man of sport, as a panathlete, I found some relief in learning the good news of the great gesture of fair-play by a young Danish cyclist, J. Vingegaard, who at the Tour de France stopped to wait for his direct rival, the Slovenian champion T. Pogacar, who crashed on the route, before going on to win the stage and consolidate his lead in the classification."

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With a solemn ceremony held in Norcia, on the passage of the Mille Miglia, the Panathlon club Clitunno has awarded the Panathlon Prize Clitunno 2022. The winner, Zeffirino Monini, is one of the most famous personalities of the vast territory of 19 municipalities in which operates the dynamic club presided by Claudio Menichelli.

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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa