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Il Panathlon Club Napoli, come l’anno scorso, ha celebrato il “Panathlon day” che ricorre il 12 Giugno, con il gemellaggio con il Club Valdarno Superiore e in interclub con il Club Caserta “Terra di Lavoro”.

I presidenti Siro Pasquini (Valdarno Superiore), Francesco Schillirò (Napoli) e Paolo Santulli (Caserta), nei loro discorsi, hanno stigmatizzato i principi panathletici dell’etica e del fair play nello sport. La presenza di Pierre Zappelli (presidente Internazionale del Panathlon), di Giorgio Costa (presidente del Distretto Italia), dei vertici dell’Area Vincenzo Todaro (Campania) ed Orietta Magi (Toscana ) e del vicepresidente del Distretto Italia Chisci, hanno dato valore a una giornata di vero spirito panathletico, che ha fatto conoscere alle numerose autorità civili e militari, le origini del Panathlon nato nel 1951 a Venezia con il nome di Disnar Sport “il Rotary degli Sportivi” fino ai giorni nostri.

Sono stati presentati, come nuovi soci del Panathlon Club Napoli, Adolfo Lorusso, presidente in coming del Rotary Napoli Sud-Ovest, Alfonso Pepe, assistente del Governatore Rotary del Distretto 2100 per l’anno rotariano 2019/20, Renato Silvestre, presidente in coming del Rotary Napoli Castel dell’Ovo.


Continua il Progetto “Targhe Etiche” promosso dal Panathlon International da parte del Panathlon Club di Siena. 

Tre targhe etiche sono state consegnate ben da parte del Presidente del Panathlon Club di Siena Paolo Cocchia alle società sportive della nostra città e dintorni: alla Polisportiva CRAS Sovicille presieduta da Luca Bini, alla Virtus Siena presieduta da Fabio Bruttini, al Costone Siena presieduto da Emanuele Montomoli e all’APF Costone Siena presieduta da Nello Corbini.



In occasione del PANATHLON DAY il Panathlon Club di CITTADELLA ha  organizzato una riunione di BOXE olimpica, sotto l’egida della Federazione Pugilistica Italiana di Boxe, collaborando con l’ASD BOXING BASSANO che ha curato la parte tecnica necessaria allo svolgimento di ben 9 incontri al meglio di 3 riprese da 3 minuti ciascuna. 

Ospite d’onore della serata è stato l’ex pugile ed allenatore di fama internazionale FRANCESCO DAMIANI.





Realização do CONGRESSO CIENTIFICO E CULTURAL DO PANATHLON BRASIL, a ser realizado pelo PANATHLON CLUB JAU, no período de 5 a 7 de setembro de 2019. 

Esta iniciativa poderá ser um marco para que os demais Distritos possam realizar neste mesmo formato, ou em um formato definido pela Comissão do Panathlon Internacional

El Club Maldonado y Punta del Este festejó el día del Panathlon con la Escuela 11 allí nos cantaron y celebramos con mucho cariño ,viva el Panathlon que nos permite disfrutar de estas alegrías ,sembrando en el jardín en donde crecen nuestros sueños y junto a las generaciones que llevarán está bandera en el futuro .



Réunion de la Commission scientifique et culturelle du 13 au 14 juin 2019 au siège du Panathlon International - Villa Queirolo Rapallo


Riunione Commissione Scientifico Culturale 13 - 14  Giugno 2019 presso la sede del Panathlon International - Villa Queirolo Rapallo


Meeting of the Scientific and Cultural Commission 13 - 14 June 2019 at the headquarters of Panathlon International - Villa Queirolo Rapallo




El Panathlon Montevideo, fiel a su misión de contribuir a la defensa y difusión del juego limpio y los valores éticos y culturales del deporte, como herramientas de formación y mejora de las personas e instituciones deportivas, organiza anualmente una ceremonia de entrega de los Premios Fair Play.

Este año la Ceremonia se realizó en el icónico Museo del Fútbol, en Montevideo, haciendo coincidir la fecha con el Día Internacional del Panathlon, de maner de colaborar con su difusión

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Venez nous rendre visite à notre stand lors du Panathlon Family Games qui aura lieu le dimanche 16 juin prochain.

C'est avec plaisir que nous vous accueillerons lors de cet événement. En tant que partenaire principal des bénévoles des Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse 2020, ne manquez pas notre animation spéciale Sharing Box. 

Venez donc vous faire photographier pour participer à la constitution d'une fresque géante composée de portraits et repartez avec votre propre cliché imprimé. Vous pourrez suivre l'évolution de la fresque sur notre site retraitespopulaires.ch jusqu'aux JOJ 2020 qui se dérouleront du 9 au 22 janvier 2020!


Panathlon Day, Charter of Fair Play and European Charter of women in sport. 

Major preparations in Rapallo, seat of Panathlon International’s headquarters for a series of international events of “District Italy and Area 4 Liguria” that will be held to celebrate Panathlon’s birth occurred 68 years ago!

It should also be remembered that the "Panathlon day" will be celebrated worldwide on 12 June wherever there is presence of a Panathlon Club. An initiative will be promoted to recall that, in the distant 12 June 1951 in Venice, was born this organization of volunteering in sport which currently has about 300 clubs in the world and just under 10000 members.

From 12 to 15 June at  "Villa Queirolo" in Rapallo there will be held meetings and gatherings of high importance: the President’s Committee, the International Board, the Scientific and Cultural Commission and the meeting with Peter Verboven President of the University Panathlon Clubs who, with Pierre Zappelli Panathlon International President (Lausanne-CH), Giorgio Costa President District Italy (Rapallo-I) and Simona Callo Secretary General will meet a delegation from the University of Rome, Tor Vergata.

Panathlon delegations from all over the world, Canada, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and Brazil will discuss strategic topics, including: proposal for amendments to PI Statute; Reflections on the Charter of Fair Play (already adopted by Panathlon International) and on the European Charter of women's rights in sport; active participation of Panathlon International in international  events aimed to protecting children in sport.

On June 13th at the end of these important meetings there will be a gala evening at the “Rapallo Golf Club” organized by all the Ligurian Panathlon Clubs and Governor of Area 4 Germano Tabaroni, which will be the opportunity to reward sports clubs and athletes of the territory who have achieved important results in sport. The evening will be an opportunity to exchange experiences and to strengthen Panathlon friendship, supported by a common vision of sport lived as culture, loyalty and growth.

Vice-President of Special Olympics Italy, Alessandro Palazzotti and Antonio Gozzi, President of the Football Club Virtus Entella which has just been promoted in 2nd Division will also be present at the evening. The Area 04 Liguria of Panathlon, will also reward the champion of Paralympic Judo Asia Giordano from Genoa, accompanied by coach Rosario Valastro.

Once again, Panathlon’s motto "ludis Iungit " will continue to make the Olympic torch shine.






IOC Evaluation Commission Report 2026 on the candidate cities for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games 2016

One month ahead of the host city election, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) today released the report by the Evaluation Commission 2026. It provides a thorough assessment of the two candidates, Stockholm-Åre and Milan-Cortina*, following the working visits on 12-16 March and 2-6 April respectively, and analyses of the candidature files and additional documentation submitted. It will serve as a guide for the IOC Members before they vote on 24 June at the 134th IOC Session in Lausanne.

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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa