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IB member Paul Standaert represented Panathlon International at the seminar in Sintra, organized by the directory general Sport of the European Commission in collaboration with the Portuguese Institute for Sport and Yought.

The Ewos platform has become an interesting networking moment to exchange good practices and to discuss about the role of sport in education, social welfare, integration and also the values of sport within an economic region large as the European Continent.

Panathlon’s partnership with EWOS has evolved into a relationship with the representatives of DG Sport and with representatives of the participating national coordination bodies as Bulgaria, France, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Finland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Serbia, Greece, Malta and more.

Panathlon was proud to report about the initiatives taken in2018 by our clubs (especially in Italy) which reflected the passion and commitment of our members to ethics and sport for all.

Mr. Vitor Pataco, president of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Yought and Mr. Jorge Vilela de Carvalho, Director of Sports department, welcomed the participants at the event in Sintra.

Mr. Matteo Zacchetti, EC directory general Sport, introduced the seminar and underlined the importance of the fifth edition of the European week and the success of it as it has become a major event in 29 countries already.

Finland’s city of Espoo will be host for the opening ceremony of the 5th EWOS in September 2019. 

At the event, IB member, Standaert met other partners as then European Lotteries and European Federation of Company Sports (EFCS) and evaluated possible collaboration in the future.

As these European events become regular the opportunities to promote our Panathlon values are become more and more interesting and important as it should in the future strengthen our role and place within the role of sport and its values, but also be a fertile ground to expand our movement Europe. 

Losanna - Hommage à Jean Presset

Vernissage de l'exposition des 100 ans du FC Concordia Lausanne avec un hommage à Jean Presset, Monsieur Fair Play, l'un des trois membre d'honneur du Panathlon International, du Panathlon Lausanne.

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“Ludis lungit”, Unidos en el deporte

La Ciudad de México cuenta con un nuevo organismo impulsor de la actividad deportiva

Este pasado jueves 16 de mayo se instaló el Club Panathlon Ciudad de México en el Complejo Olímpico México 68, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, suceso importante para el deporte de nuestra Capital. Instalación que fue apoyada y autorizada por el Panathlon Distrito México y el Panathlon Internacional. Para poder comprender la relevancia de la instalación del Club Panathlon Ciudad de México, tengo que precisar que el Panathlon International es la asociación de todos los “Panathlon Clubes” (actualmente en el mundo 476 Clubes Panathlon), que esencialmente se basan en la actividad voluntaria de sus socios.


Save the date !

Les dates de l’édition 2019 des « 1000km du Fair-Play » sont connues !

Rendez-vous du Jeudi 19 au dimanche 22 septembre donc dans toute la Wallonie et à Bruxelles pour célébrer les belles valeurs du sport.


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The Club of Maldonado y Punta del Este visiting the General Secretariat of Panathlon International

Tuesday, May 21 a delegation of the Club of Maldonado y Punta del Este (U) visited the headquarters of Panathlon International in Rapallo, on the occasion of a trip carried out in Italy.

Carlos de Léon, President of the Club, together with the Treasurer Coussan Leonel and their dear ladies were welcomed at Villa Queirolo by the staff of the General Secretariat, the Secretary General and the Italian District President

Giorgio Costa who, having heard about the visit, greeted with enthusiasm the Uruguayan friends.  

A good opportunity to get to know each other better, to exchange experiences and consolidate the Panathletic friendship. 






Les 24 et 25 juin prochains, l'Association Olympic Urban Festival, présidée par Jacques Borlee, organiser les 1er Brussels Urban Youth Games. 

Le Panathlon est partenaire de cet événement qui réunira les élèves de 5ème et 6ème primaires dans la découverte du sport et de ses valeurs. Outre des moments fair-play organisés avant chaque sport, l'Expo Photo "L'esprit du Sport" sera exposée devant le stade du RWDM. 



Colloque du Panathlon Nice Côté d'Azur, qui se déroulera le jeudi 23 mai 2019 à 18 heures au Château Grimaldi, Haut -de-Cagnes, Cagnes sur Mer

Table ronde


Public Event on the theme “Parents and sport”


Seleccionado de fútbol fue reconocido con Premio fair play

Reconocimiento se debe a gesto solidario con un atleta del plantel durante partido con dinamarca en el mundial rusia 2018 el premio anual lo entrega el Panathlon Club de Lima desde años atrás, pero a partir de ahora tiene a movistar como auspiciador oficial.

El premio reconoce a personas o entidades que demuestran una excelente conducta y actitud profesional.

En está oportunidad el premio lo recibieron los jugadores josé carvallo y aldo corzo en representación de sus compañeros que actúan en el extranjero.







Il Presidente Internazionale Pierre Zappelli parteciperà alla riunione plenaria di EPAS (Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport) del Consiglio d’Europa che avrà luogo a Strasbourg il prossimo 5- 6 giugno.

Fra gli argomenti che verranno affrontati

  • Lo sport Etico: lotta contro la corruzione nello sport / promozione della buona governance
  • Lo sport inclusivo: la promozione della diversità e la lotto contro la discriminazione

Si ricorda che il Panathlon International è membro del Comitato Consultivo di EPAS/ASPES con diritto di voto. L'EPAS fornisce una piattaforma per la cooperazione sportiva intergovernativa tra le autorità pubbliche dei suoi Stati membri. Incoraggia anche il dialogo tra autorità pubbliche, federazioni sportive e ONG. Ciò contribuisce a una migliore governance, con l'obiettivo di rendere lo sport più etico, più inclusivo e più sicuro.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa