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Les bureaux du Secrétariat Général seront fermés du 24 décembre au 6  janvier 2019 inclus

Si informa che gli Uffici della Segreteria Generale resteranno chiusi dal 24 dicembre al 6 gennaio 2019 compresi

Please be advised that the offices of the General Secretariat will be closed from  December 24rd, 2018  to January 6th , 2019 inclusive

The official reward ceremony of the 2018 Stipendium was held on December 12, 2018 at the siege of Panathlon International Vlaanderen in Brussels in the presence of the mayor, alderman and sport officials of the participating cities. 


Aa. At the 41st Annual General Meeting of the Panathlon Club Thurgau in the Thurgauerhof in Weinfelden, President Christoph Tobler was able to look back on a successful club year. A special highlight was the Thurgau sports choice at the Pentorama in Amriswil. This election has been organized for a number of years with great success by the merger of the sports sponsors and it will next take place on February 8, 2019. In connection with the athlete choice, Hansjörg Stettler, who has presided over the athlete's choice for five years, was honored.

Another highlight was the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the club, in addition numerous entertaining and informative events were held, respectively attended. Interesting events are also on the agenda for the coming year. We will start on 14 January with "Mission Swiss Climbing Tokyo 2020," which Hanspeter Sigrist, Head of Performance at Swiss Climbing, will talk about the Olympic premiere for the Swiss Alpine Club SAC. 

New members of the Panathlon Club Thurgau included Cornelia Hasler (Aadorf, Volleyball), Patrick Küng (Mountain, Football) and Martin Leemann (Head of the Cantonal Sports Office, Youth + Sport).

Am 30.11.2018 fand im neuen Raiffeisen Sportzentrum in Graz die diesjährige Distrikts-Konferenz statt. In Anwesenheit von Rats-Mitglied Ernst Denoth als Vertreter des Int. Präsidenten Pierre Zapelli, sowie zweier Vertreter vom Club Innsbruck Past Präsident Winfried Sponring sowie der neue Schriftführer Peter Preisinger, das gesamte Präsidium des Pi Club Graz und einige Präsidenten der verschiedenen Sportverbände die dem Club Graz als Mitglieder angehören, konnte Distrikts-Präsidentin  Gerti Gaisbacher alle herzlich begrüßen. Nach einer Gedenkminute für das verstorbene Gründungsmitglied Uni Prof Dr. Peter Spath führte die Präsidentin durchs Programm.

Ernst Denoth überbrachte die Grüße von PI aus Rapallo und berichtete über die neuen Regelungen, Erweiterungen und um die Bemühungen einer Statutenänderung. Besonders begrüßt wurde die Übersetzung der wichtigsten Informationen in deutscher Sprache auch im Magazin.

Es folgten die Berichte über das vergangene Jahr, in Innsbruck wurde das 50 jährige Bestands- Jubiläum feierlich begangen und es konnten wieder neue Mitglieder gewonnen werden. Für 2019 ist eine Kooperation mit der Tiroler Tageszeitung geplant, zu dem Thema: Pflichten der Eltern und Rechte der Kinder im Sport.

Im Bericht des Club Graz konnte Präsident Sepp Müller besonders darauf hinweisen, dass die Pierre de Coubertin Medaille schon zum 5. Male an Schüler mit besonderen Leistungen vergeben werden konnte. Im Luftfahrtmuseum in Graz wurde an Präsidentin Gerti Gaisbacher der PI Würdigungspreis für besondere Verdienste übergeben. Für 2019 ist eine Informations-Veranstaltung geplant, die den Sport in den Grundschulen zum Thema hat.

Bei den angeregten Diskusionen war immer wieder das Thema Internet und ein erleichterter Zugang diskutiert worden. Auch die Anstrengung der Vereine um neue Mitglieder ist immer ein Thema. Leider konnten wir in Wien, nach der Auflösung des Traditionsvereines, noch über keine Nachfolge berichten. Es gibt aber Bemühungen in diese Richtung.

Wir hatten noch die Möglichkeit in dieser großen neuen Sportarena Jugendgruppen bei ihren Trainingseinheiten in den verschiedenen Ballsportarten zu beobachten.

Die Distrikts-Konferenz 2018 in Graz schloss mit vielen neuen Anregungen und Diskusionen bei einem gemütlichen Zusammensein mit Speis und Trank.



Gerti Gaisbacher





Jantar comemorativo do 39º aniversário do PCL, com a participação de cerca de uma centena de sócios e convidados.

Na ocasião, discursaram o Secretário de Estado da Juventude e do Desporto, João Paulo Rebelo, e o Presidente do clube, Manuel Brito, após o que tiveram lugar as cerimónias de votos dos novos sócios e de entrega dos prémios anuais. A sessão concluiu com uma palestra sobre “Desporto e Inclusão”, proferida por David Rodrigues, e com o apagar das velas do bolo de aniversário.

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Hereunder please find a brief summary submitted by International Board Member, Mr. Paul Standaert, delegate for the Panathlon International Representation in Brussels – during the meeting of the President’s Committee held in San Marino on November 23, 2018. The full version will be published in the next issue of Panathlon International’s magazine. 

Erasmus +

As from December 2017, a task force was established to work on a proposal for the Erasmus+ in view of preparing, no later than April 2019, a project aimed for children aged 10 to 14 years on the role that parents, coaches and teachers have in Sport.

European Week of Sport

Panathlon International’s Representation in Brussels, in partnership with the European Lotteries and ENGSO, have organized a well-attended sports activity in Brussels and, the day after, a seminar on Gender Equality and Good Governance was held.

Panathlon Award

Panathlon International’s Representation in Brussels hosted the presentation of the “Stipendium” a Panathlon Award for the best “city project” in the Flanders to promote the values of Panathlon International.

European Study on Sport Manipulation

In response to the appeal of the Belgian National Platform against match-fixing, the Panathlon International’s Representation has organized a meeting in order to agree a partnership with Panathlon International on this specific European research program.

EU Brussels Club

Many people are interested in Panathlon International thanks to the great evolution of the Representation office in Belgium which is turning into an international platform and network.  That is why, a new Panathlon International Club will be founded by the end of the year.

Moreover, International Board Member, Mr. Paul Standeart has participated as representative of Panathlon International at the following meetings:

• In April 2018 at the International Safe Sport Conference in Madrid a point benchmark for the promotion and development of structural measures to safeguard children in sport;

• In September 2018, at the conference organized by the Austrian Minister of Sports and the inauguration of the 2018 European Sports Week, of which Panathlon International is official partner, always in Vienna.

A special thanks goes to Philippe Vlaemminck, member of Panathlon  Gand who offers the facilities of his Company, Pharumlegal, to host the Representation, to Thiery Zintz, President of  the Belgium District and Justine Vandenbon, member of Panathlon Brussels, for her considerable and valuable support and for the organisation of the Erasmus +  project.


The OBE was awarded to Anne Tiivas, member of the Scientific and Cultural Commission of P.I., as part of the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to safeguarding children and young people.

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Panathlon Club Salto de Pirapora realizou hoje a entregar do troféu Fair Play na final do campeonato Varzeano Aspirante e Principal 2018. 

Na categoria Aspirante a equipe Barra Futebol Clube foi premiada com o troféu. Na categoria Principal a equipe Audax/Celta foi premiada com o troféu. 

Estiveram presente no evento o Presidente e funcionário da Secretaria de Esportes Donizeti de Jesus Pereira Domingues Junior, Vice-Presidente Ismael Diogo, Secretário Edson Makoto, Fábio da Silva Panathleta, Flavio Alvarenga Panathleta.




Panathlon Area Comunicazione Distretto Italia del Panathlon International è lieta di informare che è stato pubblicato il n 8 di "Lettera 22" 

Chi desiderasse potrà inviare informazioni con foto a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. che verranno inserite nello spazio "VITA DI CLUB" dedicato alle varie attività.


Undici i premiati per i risultati conseguiti nel 2018 con l’eccezione del pattinatore Daniel Niero, attualmente in Giappone per la coppa del mondo su ghiaccio verso le prossime Olimpiadi invernali.

Gli atleti emergenti premiati da Fabrizio Coniglio, presidente del premio, e tra gli altri Pierangelo Scaffidi, presidente dell’associazione Scuderia Serenissima, sono Martina Favaretto, che si è imposta nel fioretto; Niccolò Mozzato, stella della ginnastica artistica dello Spes Mestre; Anna Bulla, atleta della ginnastica aerobica svolta presso il Gruppo Sportivo Sambughè A.S.D.; Daniel Niero, campione di pattinaggio a rotelle velocità della società pattinatori Scaltenigo; il dirigente Sportivo Mauro lazzarin, della Pallamano Oriago; il tecnico allenatore Dario Scarpa della Scuola Pattinaggio Marcon; per l’editoria sportiva, Alberto Facchinetti, Edizioni inContropiede; la società sportiva Judokwai Mestre; per l’impegno sociale attraverso lo sport, Honos Marghera; “Una vita per lo sport” di Giorgio Cedolini (nazionale basket Over 70) e infine “Lo sport per la vita” di Antonio Fantin.

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa