El Congreso Panamericano tendrá lugar del 4 al 6 de octubre de 2023 en Guayaquil, Ecuador. El tema será: "El deporte es más que ganar o perder", los detalles y el programa se darán a conocer más adelante.

Published in News from Districts

Il 22 Aprile, il Presidente del PI Pierre Zappelli e il Tesoriere Stefano Giulieri, hanno partecipato all'Assemblea generale ordinaria del distretto Svizzera che si è svolta a Sierre.

Published in News from Districts

Il 22 Aprile si è svolta l'Assemblea ordinaria del Distretto Uruguay. Presenti tutti i Panathlon Club del distretto che hanno approvato il lavoro svolto e le attività programmate per il futuro.

Published in News from Districts

Sabato 15 Aprile, presso il Museo dell'automobile di Torino, si è svolta l'Assemblea Ordinaria del Distretto Italia.
Presenti per il Panathlon International i Consiglieri Internazionali Giorgio Chinellato ed Eugenio Guglielmino e il Tesoriere Internazionale Stefano Giulieri.
In occasione dell’Assemblea è stata effettuata la presentazione della Mostra “Donne e motori…non solo un affare maschile”.


Published in News from Districts

On 14 April 2021, a conference entitled "Myths and realities of the National Olympics in Mexico 1996-2019" was held by LEF. Jorge R. Bermejo El Villar.

Within this presentation, Mexico's achievements in the Olympic Games were exposed.


Published in News from Districts

Bernhard Segesser reconfirmed as President of the Swiss District with associated the Club Fürstentum Liechtenstein

During the Ordinary Assembly held in Will on 12 September last, Bernhard Segesser was reconfirmed as President of the District.

Published in News from Districts

On Tuesday, June 23rd, the Equador District organizes a video conference (MEET) on the theme ""The South American Olympic Movement post COVID19".

Speaker Camilo Perez, IOC Member, President ODESUR , member of the ACNO Executive Committee, ITF and Panam Sports Organization, President COSAT. International President Pierre Zappelli will participate in the video conference.

"El movimienio olimpico sudamericano post covid19"


Published in News from Districts

On Saturday, May 16, a new meeting was held by videoconference with many representatives of the American Districts and International President Pierre Zappelli to discuss the theme "Nueva normalidad del Panathlon". The consequences of the Covid-19 have been explained in the various countries especially in Panathlon."

It was a very fruitful and interesting meeting that aroused a lot of enthusiasm.

Below the excerpts of the interventions received by Eva Szabo Secretary of Panathlon Club Buenos Aires and Ashanti Ramirez Secretary of Panathlon Club Mexico City.

In the coming weeks will follow similar texts. 



Wednesday, 13 May 2020 10:07

South American Videoconference

On 1st May, at the initiative of Carlos de Leon, Past-president of  Maldonado y Punta del Este Panathlon Club, a videoconference was held in the presence of International President Pierre Zappelli and Secretary General Simona Callo.

Some representatives from Buenos Aires, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay attended the meeting.

Each one exposed the situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic in their own countries and the repercussions on everyone's life and the life of Panathlon.

It was a very fruitful and interesting meeting that aroused a lot of enthusiasm.

It was therefore decided to carry out new videoconferencing every fifteen days during which various topics will be addressed.

Published in News from Districts

Mensaje del Distrito Uruguay ante la pandemia del COVID-19

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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa