Asamblea Ordinaria y electiva del Distrito Uruguay

Elegido por unanimidad como Presidente el Dr.Edgardo Ettlin


Published in News from Districts

Meeting of the District Presidents Committee  – 23 march 2018 

Document final

The work of the  District Presidents Committee, chaired by International President  Pierre Zappelli, started at the Pompidou e Sadate del Mercure Hotel President, with the collaboration of the President’s Committee.

An intense working day that saw engaged the new District Presidents discussing future projects aimed at increasing the expansion of Panathlon in the world.

The meeting participants were:   Gerti GAISBACHER (District Auustria); Paul STANDAERT  (representing  District Belgium); Pedro Roberto PEREIRA DE SOUZA (District Brazil);  Eduardo GUROVICH (District Chile); Danilo Edoardo Carrera DROUET (District Ecuador); Bernard THèVENET (District France);  Federico GHIO (District Italy); Socorro M. SAMANIEGO GARZA (District Mexico); Luis Moreno GONZALES (District Perù); Ennio CHIAVOLINI (Supranational District); Sergio ROMANESCHI (representing Switzerland with associated Club Fürstentum Liechtenstein); Ricardo Perez GUADAGNA (District Uruguay with associated clubs of Asunción Paraguay)

final document


Published in News from Districts

 District Italy -  N. 3 2018 of "Letter 22 Panathlon online"

District Italy is proud to inform you that the n. 3 2018 of “Letter 22 Panathlon online” has been published and sent to all Italian Clubs.

Those who want to sign up are required to write their addresses at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

numero 3 2018



Published in News from Districts

O Panathlon Club Taubaté em parceria com o Conselho Regional de Educação Física do estado de São Paulo- Cref4/SP e a Diretoria de Ensino de Taubaté realizou no início de março uma palestra do Ciclo Cref do Conhecimento com o Prof. Me. Wiliam Urizzi, ex técnico da seleção brasileira de natação, professor universitário e atualmente professor de natação na sua academia. O tema da palestra foi "Motivação na aula de Educação Física Escolar".

O presidente do Panathlon Club Taubaté, Wiliam Saad falou da importância da parceria com o Conselho e trazer notáveis profissionais como aconteceu neste evento.

Published in News from Districts
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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa