Tuesday, 24 October 2023 10:01

A perpetual calendar for a Fair Play world

A perpetual calendar for a Fair Play world 

Created on the occasion of World Fair Play Day, this new original tool provides 365 practical examples reminding us that Fair-Play is a fundamental value in our daily lives that needs to be integrated in the field of sport, school or, more generally, citizenship.
This calendar shows that each of us has a role to play in changing the rules, whether as a sportsman, a coach, a referee, a supporter, a volunteer, a manager, a teacher, a physical education professor, a school official, a parent, a public official or an institution. Each day of the calendar features a practical example accompanied by an illustration or a scannable QR/link code which provides further information.

Click here to download the Calendar (available in English and French)


Panathlon at the heart of the 1st Vélosanne - 9 and 10 September 2023


The Lausanne Cycling Day (JLV), is a sporting event now called Vélosanne. It is a weekend-long cycling festival. The event, which takes place in the heart of the city of Lausanne, in the Parc de Milan, is geared towards raising awareness of cycling in all its forms.

The Lausanne Panathlon Club was present at the event in cooperation with Cool&Clean, Swiss Olympic's prevention programme. The Youth and Fair Play Commission joined forces with this national project, which is committed to promoting clean, fair and performing sport.


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Published in News from Clubs
Thursday, 07 September 2023 10:57

World Fair Play Day


The World Fair Play Day 2023 ceremony was held on Thursday 7 September. This 4th edition was marked by the exceptional presence of Berit Reiss-Andersen, President of the Norwegian Committee for the Nobel Peace Prize, who was presented with the 1st "Sport for Peace Award" of the European Fair Play Movement awarded to the Norwegian Nobel Committee. As part of the ceremony, the World Fair Play Calendar was presented.

Our International President Pierre Zappelli was present at the ceremony on behalf of Panathlon International.




Les 1000 km du Fair-Play, c’est la course-relais qui rassemble, chaque année, à l’initiative du Panathlon International Club Wallonie-Bruxelles, des sportives et sportifs de tous horizons partageant des valeurs de citoyenneté et de solidarité.
A pied ou à vélo, valides et moins valides, sportifs pros ou amateurs vont à leur rythme parcourir 1000km au nom du Fair-Play et des valeurs du Sport. 
L’objectif est de montrer que le Fair-Play est une composante essentielle de notre société en créant une centaine de moments d’animation et de sensibilisation au Fair-Play auxquels tout un chacun peut participer.


Published in News from Clubs

La settima edizione dei Giochi internazionali del Tricolore è una manifestazione sportiva che in una settimana ha coinvolto a Reggio Emilia oltre 2000 atleti, di cui mille stranieri, nella pratica di 33 diverse discipline e in una grande festa all’insegna del fair play e dello scambio culturale, grazie a un ricco calendario di iniziative e spettacoli.
Enrico Prandipresidente del Panathlon international Club di Reggio Emilia, ha conferito il premio The Values of Sport – Panathlon alla squadra che si è distinta per audacia, spirito sportivo e voglia di rivincita: la squadra ucraina di pallamano maschile di Zaporizhia.


Published in News from Clubs

In occasione dell’ultima tappa degli World Cup Champions di Ginnastica artistica Milano 21-23 luglio 2023 Sofia Raffaeli che si è aggiudicata, l’oro dell’intero Circuito FIG e l'argento nell'all around, ha ricevuto dal PI Club di Milano il premio "Respect"  per la sua correttezza verso compagne e avversarie.


Published in News from Clubs

Durante il Convegno Sport e Musica del 14 Luglio al Circolo Golf & Tennis di Rapallo, è stato assegnato il Premio Fair Play alla Nazionale di calcio Giapponese.
Sia i calciatori che i tifosi si sono contraddistinti per comportamenti impeccabili durante i Mondiali del Qatar 2022, per questo motivo il Giappone ha ricevuto questo riconoscimento come esempio di civiltà. 
A riceverlo è stato il ministro Tsukasa Hirota, vice capo missione dell’Ambasciata del Giappone in Italia e diplomatico di grande esperienza internazionale.

Published in News from Clubs
Thursday, 13 July 2023 11:45

World Fair Play Day

World Fair Play Day was born in 2020, thanks to the partnership of the international institutions promoting Fair Play, the International Fair Play Committee (CIFP), the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) and Panathlon International (PI), on the initiative of Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles. The aim is to make this Day an authentic celebration of Fair Play in sport worldwide. Panathlon International President Pierre Zappelli will also attend this important event.



Retour sur la journée sportive de la Commune de Fléron en collaboration avec le Centre Sportif Local de Fléron, les 120 élèves de 6ème ont pu découvrir plein de sports différents et également participer au module cinéma Fair-Play.


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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa