On Sunday 15th May at Rondine - Cittadella della Pace (AR) - (https://rondine.org/)   took place the "Starting Conference" to launch the new project of Panathlon International on Fair Play.

In a unique setting, in an environment of peaceful coexistence among young students coming from all over the World and in particular from Countries in Conflict, the President and Founder of Rondine, Prof. Franco Vaccari welcomed the more than 60 persons present at the Conference: "your presence reinforces the value of this place and its message, a way to unite us among those who share the positive values that we feel more and more urgent for everyday life".

International President Pierre Zappelli then opened the proceedings and after greeting the guests and those present, he continued: "We could not have chosen a better place for the theme we have chosen. The PI asked what can be done to develop this awareness; we cannot change adults, but we can help young people today so that they can become honest citizens of tomorrow. It is therefore necessary to train young and very young people: in schools. This project was conceived by our Vice President Orietta Maggi who thought of starting in Tuscany so that it could be a starting point to field test this project and export it worldwide”. 

The Vice President Orietta Maggi described how the idea of this project was born, the President of CIFP Jeno Kamuti thanked for the invitation and explained how the Committee cooperates with PI and the joint project that will be realised on the occasion of the next Olympic Games in Paris, the President of the Italian Fair Play Committee Prof. Ruggero Alcanterini, representing EFPM underlined the importance of Fair Play not only in sport but also in life and society and reminded that the Italian Fair Play Committee was born from Panathlon International. The greetings then continued with the intervention of the CONI Provincial Delegate of Arezzo Alberto Melis who believed in this project. Finally, the President of the Club Arezzo Mario Fruganti brought the greetings of the Club which had hosted the participants to the Congress during the Convivial meeting the day before.

Then came the very high-level reports that enchanted the audience for more than two hours: Prof. Ario Federici - Full Professor at the Master Degree Course in Sport Sciences and Primary Education Sciences at the University of Urbino, and Prof. Matteo Lazzizzera, Past-president of the Panathlon Club Trento, Teacher of Motor Sciences, Physical Trainer, Vice President Cip Trento. Their work, once finalised, will be available to the Clubs. 

It was then the turn of the testimonies by the President of the Panathlon Club of Orvieto Prof. Lucia Custodi and the Fair Play Referent of the Club of Siena Prof. Marco Collini who presented their excellent works and projects carried out with the schools of their territories, of all levels. 

At the end of the conference, President Pierre Zappelli said he was very satisfied with the reports and the day and urged everyone to implement this project: "today is a starting point to realise this project, which we want with all our strength".





 On 15th May 2022 at 9.30 a.m. Panathlon International organizes in Rondine - Cittadella della Pace (AR) the Conference "Fair Play restarts from school" with the aim to collaborate with the scholastic institutions to promote and spread Fair Play in sport behaviour and in life.

The speakers, Prof. Ario Federici, Professor of Motor Sciences at the University of Urbino and Prof. Matteo Lazzizzera, Past-president of the Club Trento, Professor of Motor Sciences and Physical Trainer, will introduce us to this interesting topic and present their experiences. Some international authorities and representatives of Panathlon Club are expected to attend the event. 

The day before the Club of Arezzo will organize a Convivial Meeting to welcome the participants to the event.

Those who will not be able to be present can connect in streaming and listen to the ita/ing translation at the following address 


Passcode: 943156  






On the initiative of the Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles, the first monumental "Fair-Play" sculpture in Europe has been inaugurated in Ganshoren.

High and wide 1m80, welded on a 1m80 high base, the sculpture is inspired by the trophy Fair Play Awards given every year by Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles and which rewards the gestures and other Fair-Play actions of the sportsmen of the Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation.


Published in News from Clubs
Monday, 14 February 2022 12:29

Trujillo - Premió Fair play

Panathlon Trujillo, Perú premió el fair play en torneo de ciclismo local al señor Hector Arroyo que prestó ayuda a otra competidora, Karina Rojas, quién en un tramo de la carrera sufrió una caída.


3 December 2021, Budapest - The Council of the International Fair Play Committee has re-elected Jenő Kamuti as President of the organization, marking the sixth term of the Olympic silver medalist fencer and Hungary’s National Athlete.

Originally scheduled to hold the elective Congress, General Assembly and Award Ceremony in Budapest on the first weekend of December, but due to the epidemic situation the Executive Committee called an online Council meeting for 3 December. ‘The vote of confidence was unanimous in favor of Dr. Jenő Kamuti’ – commented Gábor Deregán, Head of the Presidential Office. Furthermore he also added that President Jenő Kamuti introduced new Council Member, Leonz Eder, acting President of FISU and reported on the events of the past period, followed by the Secretary General’s and Treasurer's reports. Council members were pleased to note that the Committee had closed with a positive balance sheet in all respects, for which they thanked the IOC and the sponsors. It was also decided that the cancelled Congress would be held in Budapest from 24-26 March next year.

‘I am very pleased that the Council has once again voted in my favor. It is an honest recognition of the work we done so far. It was also an important feedback that the Council voted confidence to the Secretary General, Sunil Sabharwal, to the Treasurer, Bert Van De Flier and to the two Vice-Presidents, Maurizio Monego and Nickolai Dolgopolov. As our Statutes are old, our most important task will be to modernize and renewed them. A preparatory committee, with the Vice-Presidents and Dr. Zsigmond Nagy, Council member, will start the work and we can adopt the new Statutes at the General Assembly next March. I also proposed to change our organization's name to World Fair Play Federation, that was supported by the Council. - said Mr. Kamuti, whose sporting career was recognized in 1976 with a World Fair Play Award, at which ceremony he was asked to become a member of the Council of International Fair Play Committee. In 2000, 24 years later, he was elected President of the International Fair Play Committee and now he is starting his 6th period as a leader.

International Fair Play Committee - Dr. Jenő Kamuti was re-elected as President of CIFP (fairplayinternational.org)


El Panathlon Club Buenos Aires puso en juego el Premio Fair Play entre las universidades socias de la Asociación de Deporte Universitario Amateur (ADAU). Luego de haber disputado los torneos interuniversitarios durante el año 2021 en: natación, ajedrez, básquet femenino y masculino, fútbol masculino y femenino, hockey femenino, vóley femenino y masculino, tenis femenino y masculino. 

El día 3 de diciembre la Vicepresidente Silvia Boldt, la Secretaria Eva Szabo y los panathletas Ana Benko y Augusto Mazzini estuvieron presentes en la Ceremonia de Entrega de los Premios ADAU de Plata y Premio Fair Play a los deportistas ganadores.

El premio Fair Play fue entregado a la Universidad San Andrés, cuya Directora de deportes es la panathleta Liliana Moreno, por la suma de gestos de fair play realizados por sus estudiantes durante las competencias. Durante la entrega de los premios se hizo referencia al movimiento panathlético y a la difusión de sus valores.

La Asociación de Deporte Universitario Amateur en sus fundamentos comulga con los valores de juego limpio y amistad entre los hombres que difunde el movimiento del Panathlon.



Published in News from Clubs
Tuesday, 07 September 2021 09:40

7 September: Today is World Fair Play Day!

Panathlon International, the Panathlon Club of Wallonie-Bruxelles, the International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) and the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) have joined forces to celebrate World Fair Play Day, a sporting initiative designed to promote fair play and ethical values in sport. All sportsmen are invited to highlight fair play initiatives, projects and achievements. 

This date was chosen to commemorate the day in 1963 when Jean Borotra, one of the famous 'four musketeers' of French tennis, met in Paris the figures who would later found the International Fair Play Committee.

Several Panathlon Clubs have also promoted initiatives to commemorate and celebrate this day.

The adhesion to the "Manifesto of Fair Play", to which organisations and institutions can adhere and demonstrate a strong commitment to the promotion of fair play in sport and the willingness to cooperate fully in this sporting and social programme, continues with success.

See  https://worldfairplayday.org/news/ for all updates.

Happy FAIR PLAY day!!!








Wednesday, 20 January 2021 13:15

Webinar update on World Fair Play Day

Webinar update on World Fair Play Day

Next Thursday 21 January Panathlon International will be engaged in a webinar of update on the World Fair Play Day.

The coordination group currently led by the Club of Wallonie-Bruxelles is composed of Panathlon International, CIFP (International Fair Play Committee) and EFPM (European Fair Play Movement). 

Among the topics on the agenda, the dissemination of the Manifesto, the preparation of the event and the WFPD dissemination campaign.



Thursday, 03 December 2020 10:35


On the 1st of December, in an atmosphere of great collaboration, the first meeting of the Working Group was held by videoconference. It coordinates the World Fair Play Day set on the 7th of September of each year. 

Present were the Club of Wallonie-Brussels, promoter of the event, the Head of the International Fair Play Committee, the President and Secretary of EFPM and for Panathlon International the General Secretary Simona Callo.

Several items on the agenda. From the coordination of the group, to the diffusion of the Manifesto from the management of the web site to the promotion campaign, from the celebration of the event in 2021 to the actions to be taken.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the Club of Wallonie Brussels, Philippe Housiaux thanked everyone for the team spirit shown and concluded by saying that " .... we all know that there is a lot of work to do, but we are already speaking the "language of fair play", the most precious of all the languages of the world (and not only in the world of sport)".

The second meeting has already been scheduled for January 2021 in order to update the progress of the work. 



Thursday, 10 September 2020 09:30

World Fair Play Day - 7 September 2020

World Fair Play Day - 7 September 2020

In the heart of Brussels, the first World Fair Play Day was celebrated in the Gothic Hall of the City Hall.

Dearly organised by the Panathlon Club of Wallonie-Brussels, it was attended by the highest authorities of Belgium who enthusiastically greeted this day with the hope that it could become a world and media reference point for ethical actions and correct behaviour in sports competitions.

Present for Panathlon International was Secretary General Simona Callo, who greeted the bystanders. 

"It is with great pleasure that I am here to represent President Pierre Zappelli and Panathlon International in this magnificent venue.

We are here to promote an event, I would say epoch-making, that marks the will of the three largest international organisations dealing with Fair Play, to give life to a World Day: from now on, September 7th will be a reference point for all athletes and not only, to recall, reaffirm and promote the values of ethics and Fair Play of which we are convinced supporters and proponents.

A will made even more peculiar by the health crisis of Covid-19 that has not stopped us and that sees us united here to start a new path, strengthen our collaborations and contribute, through the common language of Fair Play, to improve the society in which we live.

I am therefore pleased to present the speech that the President of Panathlon International has dedicated to this event. 


Photogallery (Igor Pliner (Belgian Press photograph)


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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa