An Advisory Board webinar on Physical Education (PE) and school sports: a creative approach to human rights and democracy will take place online. On Monday 21 February 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CEST).

This webinar will bring together experts in the field of sport, human rights, physical education and school sports. 

Secretary General Simona Callo will participate.



The International President Pierre Zappelli will speak on Tuesday 22 February (from 9.30 to 12.00) at an induction session organised by EPAS for new CC members to introduce Panathlon International.

All new members will be invited to present their organisations in a 4-minute presentation focusing on the objectives of their organisation and the areas in which they work in sport with a potential link to EPAS and the priority areas of work of the Council of Europe.

The next meeting of the International Board will be held on Friday 18 February, starting at 2 p.m. (Italian time).

Among the items on the agenda 

- Amendments to the Statutes

- Plan Desarrollo - Strategic Plan 2022/2026


Panathlon Trujillo, Perú premió el fair play en torneo de ciclismo local al señor Hector Arroyo que prestó ayuda a otra competidora, Karina Rojas, quién en un tramo de la carrera sufrió una caída.



There is time until 6 March to send the photos of the International Photo Contest organized by the PI- D. Chiesa Foundation and Panathlon International.

Download the poster and the Rules and help us to spread the news!

The competition is addressed to young people aged between 18 and 25 years. The technical characteristics are described in the Regulations, together with the instructions to participate.



The PI President’s Committee composed of President Pierre Zappelli, Past-President Giacomo Santini, Vice-President Orietta Maggi met, remotely, on 3 February. The meeting was also attended by Secretary General Simona Callo, Treasurer Stefano Giulieri, AC President Andrea Sbardellati and AC Member Giuseppe Ravasi. Among the various points on the agenda, the participants talked about the meeting that took place on 20 January in Barcelona between President Pierre Zappelli and the President of the Panathlon Club of Barcelona, Dr. Pujante. The meeting has been very positive and harbinger of proposals to strengthen the presence of Panathlon International in the Catalan capital and in the Iberian Peninsula.  Particular attention was paid to the questionnaires sent to all members. The participation went beyond expectations. By the deadline of 20 February, members will be invited again to bring their contribution. Then the points to be discussed with the next International Board were addressed, especially concerning the statutory changes, the meeting with the Chiesa Foundation, the events planned for this year: the Assembly of Lausanne, the Congress and the Flambeau d'Or. They discussed and analyzed the updates provided by the Treasurer on the financial situation and payments of the Clubs, and by the Secretary General on the activities followed by the Secretariat and her participation in international meetings and events, in remote mode. The Committee took note, with great pleasure, of the opening of the new Panathlon Club Roma junior and the Club of Neapolis, the latter will join the Club of Napoli in the Area 11-Campania.



The President and the Secretary General participated in the meeting organized by the Associations affiliated to GAISF, of which Panathlon International has been part for more than 25 years. The meeting started with various reflections on the general situation of GAISF. Then Bruno Molea, President of CSIT and Representative of the "Associate Members" also at the GAISF Board, brought the attention on the necessity to increase the collaboration among the various Associations and on the possibility to improve their visibility on GAISF website. President Pierre Zappelli said that we are in a not very clear situation and that Panathlon International is happy to increase the collaboration, as it is already doing, but that he would like to understand the evolution of the situation. President Molea undertook to bring an update after the Board meeting in mid-February. 



With deep sadness we communicate that Roberto Peretti of Panathlon Club Genova Levante, Secretary General of PI from 1992 to 1997 has left us.

The funeral will take place Saturday 29 January at 11.30 a.m. at the Church of San Pietro in Quinto (GE).

Born in 1932 and member of Panathlon since 1987, he has held different positions within the Club and has dedicated his life to sport and voluntary work.

We remember him for his great spirit and courage, for his deep humanity and irony.

Panathlon International and the General Secretariat lose a dear friend and a great supporter and they express their deepest condolences to Rosamaria and the Club of Genova Levante.


His work will be remembered in the annals of our Association.

3 December 2021, Budapest - The Council of the International Fair Play Committee has re-elected Jenő Kamuti as President of the organization, marking the sixth term of the Olympic silver medalist fencer and Hungary’s National Athlete.

Originally scheduled to hold the elective Congress, General Assembly and Award Ceremony in Budapest on the first weekend of December, but due to the epidemic situation the Executive Committee called an online Council meeting for 3 December. ‘The vote of confidence was unanimous in favor of Dr. Jenő Kamuti’ – commented Gábor Deregán, Head of the Presidential Office. Furthermore he also added that President Jenő Kamuti introduced new Council Member, Leonz Eder, acting President of FISU and reported on the events of the past period, followed by the Secretary General’s and Treasurer's reports. Council members were pleased to note that the Committee had closed with a positive balance sheet in all respects, for which they thanked the IOC and the sponsors. It was also decided that the cancelled Congress would be held in Budapest from 24-26 March next year.

‘I am very pleased that the Council has once again voted in my favor. It is an honest recognition of the work we done so far. It was also an important feedback that the Council voted confidence to the Secretary General, Sunil Sabharwal, to the Treasurer, Bert Van De Flier and to the two Vice-Presidents, Maurizio Monego and Nickolai Dolgopolov. As our Statutes are old, our most important task will be to modernize and renewed them. A preparatory committee, with the Vice-Presidents and Dr. Zsigmond Nagy, Council member, will start the work and we can adopt the new Statutes at the General Assembly next March. I also proposed to change our organization's name to World Fair Play Federation, that was supported by the Council. - said Mr. Kamuti, whose sporting career was recognized in 1976 with a World Fair Play Award, at which ceremony he was asked to become a member of the Council of International Fair Play Committee. In 2000, 24 years later, he was elected President of the International Fair Play Committee and now he is starting his 6th period as a leader.

International Fair Play Committee - Dr. Jenő Kamuti was re-elected as President of CIFP (


The Cultural Foundation PI - Domenico Chiesa and Panathlon International, will launch, at the beginning of the year, a new Photographic Competition addressed to young people of the age group 18-25 years, of every Country of the World.

The initiative born with the Sport Foundation of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and with the collaboration of Palazzo Magnani Foundation has the aim to promote, through photography, the principles of Olympism and the aims of Panathlon International for the affirmation of the sport ideal and its moral and cultural values as instrument of formation and elevation of the person and of solidarity among men and peoples.

The 30 selected works will be the subject of an exhibition which will be staged as part of the events of the European Photography Festival. Cash prizes will be awarded to the first three winners. The "Public Prize" and the "Panathlon Club Prize" will also be awarded.

Rules and the free registration form for the participation. 


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa