14th September 2020  

From this date the International Headquarters of PI will restart its activities and will have the following hours 8.00 am - 5.00 pm. 

The Secretariat staff will then be available at the offices on the following numbers  

0039 0185/ 65295 - 6 

0039 346 5714489 * 0039 346 228 2403  

In order to comply with the health guidelines for Covid-19, an appointment must be agreed for any visits to the Headquarters.



World Fair Play Day - 7 September 2020

In the heart of Brussels, the first World Fair Play Day was celebrated in the Gothic Hall of the City Hall.

Dearly organised by the Panathlon Club of Wallonie-Brussels, it was attended by the highest authorities of Belgium who enthusiastically greeted this day with the hope that it could become a world and media reference point for ethical actions and correct behaviour in sports competitions.

Present for Panathlon International was Secretary General Simona Callo, who greeted the bystanders. 

"It is with great pleasure that I am here to represent President Pierre Zappelli and Panathlon International in this magnificent venue.

We are here to promote an event, I would say epoch-making, that marks the will of the three largest international organisations dealing with Fair Play, to give life to a World Day: from now on, September 7th will be a reference point for all athletes and not only, to recall, reaffirm and promote the values of ethics and Fair Play of which we are convinced supporters and proponents.

A will made even more peculiar by the health crisis of Covid-19 that has not stopped us and that sees us united here to start a new path, strengthen our collaborations and contribute, through the common language of Fair Play, to improve the society in which we live.

I am therefore pleased to present the speech that the President of Panathlon International has dedicated to this event. 


Photogallery (Igor Pliner (Belgian Press photograph)


Here comes the World Fair Play Day – 7 September 2020

Thanks to the joint efforts of Panathlon International and of the World and European Fair Play organisations CIFP and EFPM, and on the initiative of Wallonie Bruxelles Panathlon Club, the first World Fair Play Day will be celebrated on Monday, 7 September 2020, at Salle Gothique, of the Brussels City Hall.

The event will be attended by the Presidents or representatives of PI, CIFP and EFPM who, in the presence of the highest civil and sports authorities from Brussels and Belgium, will sign the Manifesto whereby they will jointly undertake to carry out action and campaigns to promote Fair Play.

 “Fair Play is the fundamental principle that inspires the behavior of the honest man in sport and in all circumstances of life. We welcome the World Day of Fair Play as an opportunity to highlight it.” Pierre Zappelli - Panathlon International.

Photo credit: Igor Pliner (Belgian Press photograph)


Panathlon International learns with deep regret that Carlo Alberto Magi has left us.

President of the Club of Arezzo from 1978 to 1981, Governor of the former VI District, now Area 6, from 1983 to 1987, Central board Member of Panathlon International from 1988 to 1991. Speaker on various topics at Clubs and Sports Institutions, he is author of articles on the history of the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece published in specialized magazines. In 2003 he was elected Honorary President of the Panathlon Club Arezzo.

We remember him in particular for having wanted, with great competence and passion, to reconstruct the history of Panathlon from its constitution to 2011 through the publication of two volumes: "40 years in the world of sport" and "60 years in the world of sport"

He will remain in our memory with his smile and enthusiasm.

Our deepest condolences to the Club and the family.

With 136 preferences, 8 more than the runner-up, Piero Trellini is the winner of the 2020 edition of the Bancarella Sport Award.

Among those present at the event, in addition to the President of the District Italy Giorgio Costa and the Vice President of DI Leno Chisci, the Governors of Area 06 Andrea De Roit and Area 04 Germano Tabaroni, the Club of Pontremoli-Lunigiana and many panathletes.


 57th Bancarella Sport under the banner of "La partita. Il romanzo Italia Brasile " by Piero Trellini




EPAS - Consultation Webinar 

Revision of the European Charter of Sport 

International President Pierre Zappelli will take part on Monday 6 July in the consultation video conference on "The European sport charter on the ethical theme in sport" organised by EPAS.

The meeting of the next International Board will be held on Friday 26 June from 3.00 p.m. (Italian time) to 6.00 p.m. through internet.

On Saturday, June 13th, with the participation of President Pierre Zappelli, the IB Member for America José Pilar Sanchez, the presidents of the District Mexico, Uruguay, Peru, Brazil and Chile, Coco Samaniego, Edgardo Ettlin, Luis Moreno, Pedro Souza and Edmundo Gurovich, and the presidents of the Clubs of Buenos Aires, Mexico, Queretaro, Punta del Este, Maldonado, Guayaquil, Recife, the panathletes and students of the University of Mexico was held the meeting of the Panathlon America.

Speakers were Dr. Alicia Masoni de Morena, Vice President of the Argentine Olympic Committee, member of the IOC and Panam, and member of the Constitution and Arbitration Board of the Club Buenos Aires, who referred to the current and future scenario of Olympic athletes in Argentina. She added that quarantine was observed for 90 days, the mandatory social distance, the closure of activities, and therefore Olympic and non-Olympic athletes could not train, except in their homes and virtually with their coaches. Faced with the numerous presentations made by the President of the Olympic Committee Gerardo Werthein, and the qualified athletes for Tokyo, today was signed a decree of national government, in which in the first stage is allowed the training of qualified athletes, and in a second phase the training will open for those who can still be qualified. The whole protocol of safety, hygiene, transfer, and care is in the hands of the federations that must guarantee it to their athletes.

Our President, Pierre Zappelli, explained the details and plans for the International Assembly and the Congress in October.

The possible modalities of participation in the next General Assembly will be discussed during the International Board, scheduled for 26 June by videoconference.

As for the Congress, we might consider the opportunity, coordinated by the SCC, to follow this international event by videoconference. For example, give a weekly conference with this group alternating each country and with a theme to be developed by the District. Dates and expositions will be communicated from time to time.




The President’s Committee of PI during the meeting on 4 June, among the various decisions taken, has assessed, taking into account the improvements in the European continent of the pandemic and hoping that this positive situation will soon be repeated in South America and the rest of the world, to maintain the dates of 17-18 October to carry out its Elective Assembly together with the International Congress, in the city of Osimo.

At the next International Board convened for 26 June, the situation will be discussed and re-evaluated and the International Board will make a final decision on the convening of the Assembly, which will still be carried out only if the international health situation allows it and following the instructions of the WHO and the governments.



A question not new and already debated within Panathlon International came up again: the use of the panathletic symbol in the institutional and individual communication of individual members.

At the recent meeting of the President’s Committee, in the face of recent private statements by members on social media, with the display of the symbol, the question was raised about the appropriateness of such free use.

The President’s Committee reiterated the line already adopted in the past to reserve the right to display the symbol only to institutional bodies in their official communications and documentation, namely:

- International bodies

- National districts

- Areas

- Clubs

The individual debate among members is positive and providential for internal dialectics but must take place under the regime of total freedom and therefore engage personal opinions that cannot be supported by the symbol of all.



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa