Panathlon International together with the P.I.- Domenico Chiesa Cultural Foundation, the Foundation for Sport of the Reggio Emilia Municipality and with the collaboration of “Palazzo Magnani” Foundation announce, for 2023,  a new photo contest on the theme "Identity and Sport".

The competition will end with the exhibition that will be set up within the event of the "Off circuit" of the European Photography Festival organised by the “Palazzo Magnani Foundation” that will take place in Reggio Emilia (Italy), from 28 April to 11 June 2023.

Participation is open to young people in the 18-30 age bracket, from any country in the world. Each author may register free of charge using the form attached to the Rules, together with a copy of an identity document by 25 March 2023, using the WeTransfer platform. 


Gear up to participate!


Thank you if you can also share the Rules and thus help us to spread the promotion of our Values




Kick-off of the International Video Competition promoted by Panathlon International Domenico Chiesa Foundation in cooperation with FICTS!

At the latest by 14 May 2023, all video lovers will have the opportunity to try their hand in this free-of-charge Competition entitled “Sport, Mountain & Olympism – Snow & Ice Sports”.

Joining is very simple: you just have to complete the registration form and send your video via WeTransfer to the address mentioned in the competition Rules (

We are waiting for you!

If you cannot participate, please help us promote the Competition with as many people as possible, which will also contribute to disseminate our Values.

Thank you!


Panathlon International participated on 30 November 2022 in the second edition of the Forum on Sport and Human Rights held in a hybrid format in Strasbourg and online, organised by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) of the Council of Europe.

During the Forum on Sport and Human Rights, representatives from governments, the sports movement and NGOs, as well as academics, journalists, athletes and experts, presented the situation in their areas of expertise, discussing recurring challenges and shared ideas and solutions for moving forward.

The topic of human rights in and through sport has been the focus of the last three Council of Europe Conferences of Ministers of Sport and remains an increasingly topical issue. The World Cup in Qatar is a testimony.

Many topics were discussed, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, gender, governance, the legal framework, etc. . In the afternoon four workshops were held on Sportsmen's Freedom of Expression, Freedom of the Press, Gender and Media Equality and Combating Hate Speech in Sport.



A final resolution will be drafted soon.

Find out more: web page




The film ICEFALL by Swiss director Joseph Areddy won first prize in the second edition of the International Visual Art Competition, curated by PI Domenico Chiesa Foundation and included in the 40th International FICTS Festival, held in the city of Milan, thanks to the generous collaboration given by Prof. Franco Ascani, President of the Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs and member of the IOC Commission for Culture and Olympic Heritage.

The Milan festival is the Final Phase of the "World FICTS Challenge", the World Championship of Cinema, Television and Sports Culture, which takes place annually at the conclusion of the Phases consisting of the Festivals held in 20 countries of the 130 associated countries. Today marks also the tenth anniversary of Panathlon International's participation in the Beijing Festival in which the PANASPORTGAME video game was presented and later obtained an 'Honorable Mention' in Milan.

The eighth section of Festival 2022, reserved to PI Domenico Chiesa Foundation and dedicated to short films - maximum 4 minutes - saw the participation of works from 6 countries: Australia, China, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Switzerland.

 - The first prize went to ICEFALL by Joseph Areddy from Switzerland, a gripping film of a climb up an icefall. In addition to the €3,000 prize and the plaque, it also won the "Panathlon Club Award" as the most voted by the Referents. 

- Second place (2000 euros) to ROCK & SNOW by Michele Benericetti (Italy).

- Third place went to the Chinese JUNRU AND KEVIN by Wang Junru (1000 euros).

The "Special Audience Award" went to Umberto Mingolla and Mario Falotico for the video THE VALUE OF THE MOUNTAIN AND THE OLYMPIC SPIRIT as the movie with more views on the web. The audience has also received a brochure - in Italian and English – with the presentation of Panathlon International and the Foundation.

The Foundation also awarded a special mention plaque to the film submitted by the Organizing Committee of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Games, entitled A DATE OF ICE AND SNOW. A summary of the Olympic Torch relay run for those events, with the motivation of intending to "pay tribute to the Committee in appreciation of the artistic contribution made".

The Vice-President of the Foundation, Enrico Prandi, has represented the International President Pierre Zappelli, unable to participate because on his way back from Bolivia, where the XIV Pan American Congress of Panathlon International took place. During his intervention, at the prize-giving ceremony, he officially announced that the Foundation will take part with its International Visual Competition also in the 2023 edition. The competition announcement will be published soon on Panathlon International website.



The XIV Pan-American Congress in Cochabamba, Bolivia, ended with great success. The works took place at the Gran Hotel Cochabamba.

Representatives of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Uruguay were present. Panathlon International has been represented by the International President Pierre Zappelli, by the Vice-President Orietta Maggi, by the CI responsible for America Luis Moreno, by the President of the Expansion Commission Patrick van Campenhout and by the Secretary General of PI Simona Callo. They described to the participants Panathlon International’s projects as "Fair play starts again from school", the activity of the General Secretariat, of the Expansion Commission and the Strategic Plan 2022-25. The International President at the opening of the works has reminded the importance of these in-person meetings that contribute to the strengthening of friendship, cultural sports exchanges and the possibility to establish also in South America a Panathlon International representation to develop its presence on the continent. Guest of honour the President of the Bolivarian Sports Games ODEBO Baltazar Medina from Bogotà -Colombia. After the welcome by the President of the Panathlon International Club of Cochabamba, Silvia Jimenez, each representative has illustrated the projects carried out by Clubs concerning school, fair play, environment, relations with the Olympic Committees, etc..

Mr. Bernardo Pavic, Vice-President of the Club Cochabamba, illustrated the activities of the club and said that he will work, together with the President, to establish a new district as soon as possible.

At the end of the second day, all representatives joined together to draw up the final document, which you can find attached. Before concluding the Congress, and after discussion, the participants have decided the next venues of the Pan-American Congress: 2023 Ecuador and 2025 Mexico.

All participants were accompanied by Silvia and Bernardo respectively President and Vice-President of the Panathlon International Club of Cochabamba to visit the centre of the city and the Christ that dominates it, in an atmosphere of sharing and friendship.

This experience will remain in the heart of all participants.  The city of Cochabamba together and the Panathlon Club members have been enthusiastic and willing to spread PI values.




On 20 and 21 October, PI Expansion Commission Chairman Patrick Van Campenhout travelled to Luxembourg to meet the local Panathlon Club.

He was welcomed by the President of the Club, Georges Welbes, who gave him a brief overview of the history of the Club.
President Van Campenhout has explained the results of the works of the Expansion Commission from its creation until today. 

Then Alex Goergen (Director of the Luxembourg Olympic Committee- LOC) took over with a round table discussion on the theme " Le sport au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et la crise de l'énergie".

PI Club Luxembourg members include former ministers and directors of the Luxembourg Olympic Committee, including Ms Marie-Paul Hoffmann (vice-president LOC).

President Georges Welbes has pointed out that the Luxembourg Club will intensify its activities and relations with PI.

This visit of the President of the Expansion Commission is part of a project which aims, in addition to the establishment of new Clubs, to meet existing Clubs and involve them in the life and activities of PI.

The following day, International Board Member Patrick Van Campenhout had an interesting and fruitful meeting with the Technical Director of the Luxembourg Olympic Committee, Raymond Conzemius who met during the "World Games" in Birmingham - USA.

Panathlon International, in the person of its President Pierre Zappelli, has signed a collaboration agreement with ISCA to develop common themes and promote the values shared by the two associations.

ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association) is a non-governmental and non-profit association, which gives voice to the parties interested in physical activity, so that more people are active and enjoy the human right to move.



The University of Rome Tor Vergata becomes the new host for the "PCU International University Tennis Tournament (PIUTT). The PIUTT is a yearly tennis event for universities and university colleges worldwide, with emphasis on Fair Play and Universal Friendship. The 7th edition will take place from 28 to 30 October 2022 in Rome, Italy.

28 students of 9 nations will meet to compete in fair play and to create new international friendships. The PIUTT is organized by the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), initiated and endorsed by the PCU Committee. The Center of University Sport of Rome Tor Vergata (CUS Roma Tor Vergata) has been a longstanding friend of the PCU Committee and has a partnership with the University of Antwerp within YERUN and YUFE. The Committee of Panathlon Clubs of Universities (PCU Committee) is the university platform of Panathlon International, the global leader in sport ethics and IOC recognised since 1982.

Much attention at the tennis tournament is paid to the Olympic principles and ethical values of the Panathlon International. The main objective of the PIUTT is to offer students a platform where tennis is considered as a valuable instrument to develop international interaction and experience, with the focus on fair play and ethics in student sport. Participating students represent 10 Universities from Belgium, England, Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania and Scotland. The 7th edition of PIUTT welcomes 28 tennis players in men’s and women’s singles (16 men and 12 women). Students are housed at the CampusX Student Place, the biggest students accommodation in Rome. This is where the PIUTT opening, draw ceremony and student party will take place on Friday 28 October.

The tennis venue is provided by the CUS Roma Tor Vergata in Saroli club. The tennis club is located in Castel Gandolfo, in the beautiful surroundings of the Olympic lake Albano. Matches will be played on Saturday and Sunday from 10AM on 2 tennis courts of Saroli club, covered in red clay, with warming-up on the outdoor red clay tennis court. The semi-finals and final matches on Sunday 30 October will determine the next PIUTT Champions.

The level of tennis is expected to be high. This year quite strong players entered the student tournament. Some of them played Junior ITF tournaments, Billie Jean King Cup, Youth Olympics, other national and international tennis tournaments. Among the players there are national champions in the tennis junior category U18. Many of them have been playing tennis since early childhood. Some are already tennis coaches. And everyone is happy to represent their university at the international tournament.

It is great to note that among the tennis players there is also an artistically talented student, whose artwork was selected to the 15 best of the Antwerp University and Panathlon Drawing Contest. Traditionally, the exposition dedicated to the Olympic principles in University sport will be presented during the tournament.

Thus, an exciting weekend, full of sports, art and a unique experience of student interaction and international friendship is coming to Rome.


More information about the match schedules and official program of the PIUTT 2022 Rome can be found on the website:

Contact us if you would like to join the celebration of Fair Play in University Tennis:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +32 470 34 48 15




 Panathlon International Club Beausoleil-Riviera Française hosted the works of the Expansion Commission, the District Presidents and the International Board that met last 13th and 14th October at the “Centre Culturel Prince Héréditaire Jacques de Monaco” and the “José RIZAL” Hall in the Building Le Centre.

The first institutional meeting was the Expansion Commission. The members of the commission discussed the need to involve new countries and create more Districts to have a greater presence on the international scene, and at the same time the need to maintain existing members and clubs by involving new generations.

All the Districts, both in person and remotely, took part in the work of the District Presidents Committee, divided over the two afternoons of the 13th and 14th to allow the connected countries of South America to participate.

IB Member Luis Moreno was present on behalf of Peru. He presented the implementation of the Strategic Plan for PI. The Club of Buenos Aires (RA), online, and the Vice President of the Club of Lomé (Togo), in-person, participated as auditors. Before the beginning of the meeting, the participants were greeted by the mayor of the city of Beausoleil, Gérard Spinelli, who wished everyone a fruitful work. The Final Document has highlighted the efforts implemented by all the Districts for the development of PI and the initiatives aimed at young people and schools. It was also underlined the willingness to participate in the constitution of the Ethics Commission, a fundamental instrument for International Associations, especially of the Olympic Family, such as Panathlon International.

Also the International Board was complete, all present except the Treasurer Stefano Giulieri who was connected from home and Past President Giacomo Santini engaged in Slovenia for the establishment of the new club Primorska Slovenija. During the day of Friday 14th October, many were the topics discussed and, after the reports of the President, the Treasurer and the General Secretariat, they analysed projects and new ideas to be implemented. It was decided to repeat the Project "Club + sport for all" every two years, to continue with the Projects implemented with the Foundation (photography) and with the Foundation and FICTS (short films), to continue the project of supplying promotional material to the Clubs by the General Secretariat and to continue with the project "Fair Play starts again at school". The focus was on the possibility of being present at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games with a stand, to study new forms of support for athletes as stated in the Final Resolution of the Round Table "The Effects of Conflicts and Politics in Sport", to continue the collaboration with One-Ocean (sport and environment), to set up the PI Ethics Commission with the collaboration of one or more District Presidents and to realise a particular project involving athletes as PI Testimonials. The IB has also underlined the need to adapt PI Rules to the Statute changes approved during the Lausanne General Meeting.

All working sessions were intense and well attended, with everyone being satisfied. There are many convergences and objectives to work on in the coming period. Further insights will be published in the international magazine, due out before December.

Many thanks to PIC Beausoleil-Riviera Française President Bruno Catelin and District France Treasurer Gérard De Stefanis, whose presence, expertise, and cooperation made the stay of the PI representatives in the beautiful French Riviera even more enjoyable.


The next appointment will be in Cochabamba (Bolivia) where the South American Districts will meet to discuss the theme 'Panathletic Movement and Community'.


A new piece in the cross-border puzzle of Gorizia and Nova Gorica. But also of that of the Panathlon Clubs of Italy, Austria, Slovenia (and hopefully soon also Croatia), gathered in the Alpe Adria Sport project in its start-up phase.

This is the meaning of the official birth of Panathlon Club Primorska Slovenjia, which took place on 14th October in Nova Gorica.



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa