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Lima, 30 mayo de 2024.- Anoche el deporte nacional se vistió de gala. El Panathlon Club de Lima (PCL) celebró sus bodas de oro al cumplirse 50 años de su fundación. El Panathlon es un movimiento internacional para la promoción y la difusión de la cultura y de la ética deportiva y el fair Play. Con Clubes en las principales ciudades del mundo se propone profundizar, difundir y defender los valores del deporte.

Algunos de los asociados más notables de la filial limeña, entre los que se encuentra a veteranos deportistas destacados, dirigentes deportivos, medallistas olímpicos y personalidades que ayudaron a construir y fortalecer el sistema deporte peruano, recorrieron la sede Legado Videna antes de celebrar una ceremonia oficial, en la sala vidriada del Bowling Center.

Durante el evento se entregó un recordatorio a destacados deportistas, dirigentes y miembros fundadores de este Club, como el velerista José Emilio Remy, la nadadora María Del Rosario “Choco” Vivanco, Luis Moreno Gonzáles, que también recibió el premio en representación del boguista Iván Dibós Mier, ausente por problemas de salud.


Panathlon Distrito México

Muchas felicidades a los 3 socios de Panathlon Club Monterrey galardonados dentro de los 200 Protagonistas del Deporte del Gobierno del estado de Nuevo León: los socios fundadores de Panathlon  Club Monterrey Prof. José Luis Prado Díaz, Ing. José Maiz García y  el actual presidente Prof. José Pilar Sánchez González, así como Póstumo al fundador Sr. Juan Lozano Martínez y al Maestro de Maestros Dionisio Aguilar González... Que orgullo para toda nuestra organización. Muchas felicidades


Panathlon Lisbon held its monthly session on the 16th of May 2024 and the guest speaker was the recently elected Secretary of State for Sports, Mr. Pedro Dias. 

After the dinner with guests and panathletes and the welcome speech of Mr. Mario Almeida, President of PC Lisbon, Mr. Pedro Dias addressed everyone that was present in the room with his welcome words and introduced the topic for discussion. His presentation aimed to address and explain to everyone, in the room and online, the actions/plan that the Portuguese Government has decided for sports and how these could be implemented. Firstly he started with showing current numbers (e.g. current number of sports practitioners, current number of women participating in sports, etc).

Below a news article that was done about the session






It has been formalised the cooperation agreement between Panathlon International and International Dart Federation, that is the sport that in common slang is called “darts”. In Bolzano, during the Italian Championships, selection for the World Championships, the Past President Giacomo Santini, acting on delegation of President Zappelli, signed the official document that constitutes a ‘declaration of intent for the launch of a joint venture’.

The event took place under the direction of IDF CEO Marco Tomasini and in the presence of numerous national and regional presidents and guests from different parts of the world.

The sport, in fact, has an extraordinary spread in terms of numbers of subscribers and participants at crowded events, such as the one in Bolzano. While the agreement was being signed, over four thousand players were competing in the halls of the Bolzano Fairgrounds.

The signed document emphasises the many ethical similarities between Panathlon and the IDF, especially about fair play during competitions, which are very animated.

Particularly significant are the chapters highlighting the rejection of all doping practices, forms of racism, violence, and discrimination based on gender and skin colour.

On the other hand, the commitment to openness to all and to the inclusion also of those who suffer from forms of psychophysical disadvantage is emphasised.

The planning of the joint venture includes forms of cooperation in both sports and cultural events with seminars inspired by common values.



Conferencias con invitados internacionales y reconocimientos a cinco tenistas nacionales abrieron el Seminario de Liderazgo de la Mujer en el Deporte, que se desarrolló el miércoles 15 de mayo en el auditorio de la Federación Ecuatoriana de Tenis (FET), bajo la dirección de Gabriela Loor del Panathlon Club Guayaquil. 

César Pólit, presidente de Panathlon Club Guayaquil, se refirió al tema de igualdad de género, que impulsa la Federación Internacional de Tenis con su programa Reconocimiento y Recompensa Advantage All, tema que promueve también el Movimiento Panathleta, pues ese es uno de los ejes dentro del programa general de diversidad e inclusión en el deporte. 

Uno de los puntos importantes del evento fue la entrega de reconocimientos a las mujeres tenistas que se han distinguido por su liderazgo en el deporte y su destacada trayectoria en el tenis ecuatoriano. Las homenajeadas fueron: Ana María Ycaza, Doménica González, María Dolores Campana, Alexandra Guzmán y Nuria Niemes Guzmán.

Como conferencistas intervinieron, vía Zoom, el Consejero Internacional de Panathlon International para América, Luis Moreno; Guillermo González, presidente de Panathlon Club Colombia; Alba Gamarra del Panathlon Club Cochabamba y presidenta de la Confederación Sudamericana de Squash; y, María Victoria Tizón, del Panathlon Club Lima y jueza Internacional de Aguas Abiertas.

También participaron Miguel Olvera Mora, gloria del tenis ecuatoriano, y Anais de Galarza, del Panathlon Club Guayaquil y miembro de la Comisión Advantage All. Finalmente se entregó un reconocimiento a los participantes y se efectuó la foto de todos ellos. 



Che cos'è il Panathlon, spiegazione illustrata per ragazzi e non solo...

Prima proiezione nell'ambito della Manifestazione  "Il Tempo e lo Sport', organizzata da Winner Volley Santa Margherita Ligure- Portofino e Patrocinata, tea gli altri, dal Panathlon Club.

Video a disposizione di tutti i Panathlon Club per scopi didattici e divulgativi.

Creato da Cristina Di Sciorno  (Panathlon Club Rapallo-Tigullio Occidentale)


From 8 to 12 May, Larnaca, Cyprus, hosted the international training course "Youth in Action", organised by ENGSO Youth. The event brought together 25 young representatives, including Matilda Tommasi, President of Panathlon Club Junior Trieste Muggia, representing Panathlon International. The initiative, supported by the Council of Europe through the European Youth Foundation, aimed at promoting meaningful and effective youth participation in sports organisations.

ENGSO Youth: A Movement for Youth in Sport

ENGSO Youth, established in 2002 as an independent youth arm of the European Sports NGO (ENGSO), brings together young sports leaders under the age of 35 from over 30 countries, giving a voice to the youth sports sector across Europe. This coalition aims to bridge the gap between youth participation in the fields of youth and sport, which is essential for the formation of democratic and inclusive societies.

An Event Rich in Content and Perspectives

During the event, participants discussed sports governance and mechanisms to facilitate greater youth inclusion. Among the keynote speeches, Cristiana Xenofontos, Vice-President of the European Youth Forum, and Christina Yiannapi, Secretary General of the Cyprus Youth Council, emphasised the motto 'Youthless policy is a useless policy', describing the work of the European Youth Forum and the Council of Europe in promoting youth rights.

Day two saw a focus on human rights and good sports governance, with participants sharing their experiences, enriching the debate with different perspectives. Day three was dedicated to advocacy, with discussions on effective tools and strategies. Participants also visited Nicosia to meet Stephanie from United Sports Cyprus, an organisation that uses sport to unite diverse communities and promote dialogue and peace.

Strategies and Mechanisms for Youth Participation

The last day was dedicated to creating strategies to improve youth participation in sports organisations. The participants, divided into groups, developed proposals for new mechanisms for youth inclusion at various levels and presented them in the final session of the event.

Matilda Tommasi expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to represent Panathlon International, underlining the importance of the experiences shared during the event: "It was a privilege for me to represent Panathlon International as President of Panathlon Junior Club Trieste Muggia, combining my experience as an athlete with an active role in youth advocacy. Thanks to the inspiring experiences shared by the participants, I widened my knowledge about sports organisations, from the local to the international dimension. These days have enriched me enormously. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to the debate on improving youth participation in decision-making and the rights of emerging athletes.

I am ready to share my experience with the young members of Club Trieste Muggia and Panathlon International, and to take forward the ideas formulated during the event also in the Panathlon Club Junior Trieste Muggia."

The 'Youth in Action' event represented a significant step towards greater youth inclusion and participation in the European sporting world, tracing the way for future initiatives and collaborations.





The President's Committee and the District Presidents’ Committee were held online on 16 May.

Among the topics discussed by the PC were the activities carried out by the President and the General Secretariat, including 

- the organisation of the Round Table together with the Cultural Commission of PI,

- the participation and contacts made during the SAMF final event in Lisbon, 

- the contacts with the IOC, 

- the relations with ENGSO for the participation of the President of the Club Trieste Jr in the event in Cyprus,

- the next EPAS meeting in Strasbourg to be attended by President Pierre Zappelli, 

- the SportAccord meeting in Birmingham attended by the International President, 

- the meetings held for the AIOS association, 

- the PI's plans for the next Olympics as well as the report of the 'PI-Domenico Chiesa' Foundation on-line meeting. 

The District Presidents' Committee was organised online to fulfil their request to meet at least twice a year to make it easier for newly elected and confirmed presidents to get to know each other. 

All were present except the Presidents of Austria and Ecuador, both for justified reasons.

During the meeting, which was translated into Italian, English, French and Spanish, after a brief introduction by the President and the Secretary General, the discussion focused on the Treasurer's report, which explained and illustrated the reasons that led the International Board to propose an increase in PI membership fees. The proposal will be presented and voted on in Agrigento during the General Assembly. Some District Presidents expressed the economic difficulties of their countries.

The PC expressed its full understanding but underlined that the proposed increase is a little more than 1 euro per month (maximum increase) and it is necessary to allow Panathlon International to successfully continue its international activity and to disseminate its values in the world, hoping that the all District Presidents, who are familiar with the activity carried out by PI, can support this proposal to the Clubs



L'educazione al rispetto rientra tra le finalità del Panathlon. Il Club di Orvieto bandisce, da diversi anni il concorso "Fair Play", riservato agli studenti. Il tema proposto nell'Anno Scolastico che va verso la conclusione era "Il Fair Play riparte dalla Scuola". Un concetto che non ha bisogno di alcuna correzione e che, se applicato con continuità dalle primarie alle superiori, contribuisce a rendere i ragazzi più responsabili quanto preparati all’inclusione che rientra fra le problematiche più attuali della vita quotidiana.

La cerimonia di premiazione si è svolta nella Sala Consiliare del Comune di Orvieto gremita di studenti accompagnati dai docenti referenti del progetto. Tra gli intervenuti, gradita e significativa quella del generale Domenico Ignozza, presidente del Coni regionale, che non ha mancato di magnificare la bellezza e la portata del momento dedicato ai giovani che sono il futuro della collettività come dello sport.





Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa