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The PHOTO CONTEST 2024 - NATURE LOVES TO HIDE «The nature of sport – Sport in nature » is in its final stages. From the 148 competing photographs - coming from Europe, South America and Asia - the Panathlon jury selected the 30 finalists, who will be the subject of the exhibition which will be set up at the UNIMORE University of Reggio Emilia starting from 26 April. The prizes for the 3 photographs judged best by the Jury made up of members of the Palazzo Magnani Foundation, the Sports Foundation of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and the Panathlon International – Domenico Chiesa Foundation will be awarded on 4 May during the awards ceremony of the OFF Circuit of PHOTOGRAFIA EUROPEA.

The organizers thank all the authors who participated and invite the Panathlon Clubs of the world to vote for the winning shot of the Panathlon Club Special Prize.

Link to view the 30 finalist photographs: photogallery




The PHOTO CONTEST 2024 - NATURE LOVES TO HIDE «The nature of sport – Sport in nature » is in its final stages. From the 148 competing photographs - coming from Europe, South America and Asia - the Panathlon jury selected the 30 finalists, who will be the subject of the exhibition which will be set up at the UNIMORE University of Reggio Emilia starting from 26 April. The prizes for the 3 photographs judged best by the Jury made up of members of the Palazzo Magnani Foundation, the Sports Foundation of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and the Panathlon International – Domenico Chiesa Foundation will be awarded on 4 May during the awards ceremony of the OFF Circuit of PHOTOGRAFIA EUROPEA.

The organizers thank all the authors who participated and invite the Panathlon Clubs of the world to vote for the winning shot of the Panathlon Club Special Prize.

Link to view the 30 finalist photographs: photogallery



Next session of panathlon Lisbon

It’s gonna be in-person and with simultaneous streaming on our YouTube , next Tuesday (09/04/2024) at 21:00 (PT time).


Registration Link: 



YouTube link: 



The topic will be on the "Contribution of sports and peace" and its being organized by our Board Member, Teresa Rocha (in cc).

In prossimità delle Feste Pasquali la Segreteria Generale resterà non operativa da Venerdì 29 marzo  a Lunedì 01 Aprile. 


Nous vous informons que pour les Fêtes de Pâques le Secrétariat Général ne sera pas opérationnel du vendredi 29 mars au lundi 01 avril.  


We would like ot inform you that, for the Easter holidays, the General Secretariat will not be operational from Friday 29 March to Monday 01 April.

As part of the implementation of Recommendation 14 of the Olympic Agenda 2020+5, the IOC Executive Board approved the updated version of the Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance in the Olympic Movement (BUPG). These principles are an implementing provision of the IOC Code of Ethics.

In this context, and with a view to strengthening the Olympic Movement through good governance, in 2024 the IOC is organising webinars focusing on various topics to which Panathlon International has been invited to participate

The meetings, which will take place quarterly, will deal with different thematic areas. In the first session on 20th March the Secretary General Simona Callo and the Administrative Secretary Rossi Monica participated and the theme was "Transparency and control mechanisms". The session provided some useful tools and practices that we can use to strengthen transparency and control mechanisms within our organisation.

The objective of these webinars is to explain and define the steps to be taken to achieve basic levels of good governance in sports organisations.

These meetings allow participants to exchange good practices, share their common challenges and benefit from the support provided by the IOC's Ethics and Compliance team through practical examples developed by the International Partnership Against Corruption in Sport (IPACS).

Next webinar planned for 19 June!!!



Sessão mensal do Panathlon Clube de Lisboa de 21 de março 2024

Decorreu no passado dia 21 de março de 2024, na Sala de Troféus do Ginásio Clube Português, a sessão mensal do Panathlon Clube de Lisboa (PCL). O PCL tomou a iniciativa de Aceitar o pedido de contribuição lançada pelo Panathlon Internacional (PI) a todos os seus Clubes,  e que tinha como objetivo a discussão e disseminação do Projeto Erasmus+ “Sport Against Match Fixing (SAMF)”. O Projeto SAMF tem como pano de fundo o tema da prevenção da manipulação de competições, que dada a sua importância tem, recorrentemente, sido tratado pelo PCL. 

Foram vários os sócios, convidados e interessados a encherem a sala, esgotando os lugares disponíveis. A sessão contou, também, com uma forte presença online e já consta no canal YouTube do PCL, por forma a poder ser recuperado por quem não tenha tido a possibilidade de assistir ou que queira rever a sessão.

A sessão começou à hora prevista e foi aberta pelo Presidente do PCL, Eng. Mário Almeida, que explicou o propósito, bem como a importância que este tema tem para o PCL. Aproveitou, ainda, para referir outras atividades do PCL em preparação, tais como a próxima edição do Ética Summit.

Depois da abertura do Presidente, seguiu-se uma apresentação do Vice-presidente do PCL, Fábio Figueiras, que integra, em representação do Panathlon Internacional (PI), o Projeto Erasmus+ “Sport Against Match-Fixing (SAMF)”, e que partilhou com os presentes os objetivos do Projeto SAMF, bem como os resultados obtidos. Assim, foram, por exemplo, divulgados os documentos que o Consórcio SAMF, composto pelo Panathlon Internacional, Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (FPF), Federação Europeia de Basquetebol (FIBA Europa), Associação de Futebol de Malta, Sport Evolution Aliance (SEA), Federação de Futebol da Lituânia e EUNIK, produziu ao longo dos últimos dois anos, bem como a disseminação internacional que tem sido feito pelo PI e pelos Embaixadores que para o efeito nomeou.

Dos documentos produzidos, Fábio Figueiras destacou, por exemplo, a Banda Desenhada, que foi também distribuída por todos os que estavam presentes na Sala, bem como o jogo SAMF, os posters e as entrevistas com jogadores que decidiram dar o seu testemunho.

Finda a apresentação, entrou-se numa mesa-redonda de debate, liderada por Diogo Guia e que contou com a participação de Rute Soares (Coordenadora do Projeto SAMF pelo FPF), Thiago Santos (Investigador do Projeto SAMF pela SEA), Fábio Figueiras (Co-Project Manager do Projeto SAMF pelo PI) e João Paulo Almeida (Diretor Geral do Comité Olímpico Portugal). 

No decurso da mesa-redonda de debate, foram os participantes desafiados pelo moderador Diogo Guia para providenciarem as suas opiniões com respeito ao problema das competições desportivas, tendo ainda havido a possibilidade de dissecar alguns dos resultados do Projeto SAMF. 

Serviu, ainda, a mesa-redonda de debate para os participantes partilharem as suas preocupações com respeito ao tema em discussão. 

Por fim, foi aberto o período de questões e respostas ao público presente, tendo depois a sessão sido encerrada pelo Presidente, Eng. Mário Almeida.

Fábio Figueiras





P.I. International Board – 14/15 March 2024

The meeting of the PI International Board took place at the General Secretariat in Rapallo. The meeting began with a minute's silence in memory of IB Member Eugenio Guglielmino, who died suddenly and prematurely last January. The International President then greeted and welcomed the new Board members: Fabiano Gerevini and Andrea Tortora who took over following the resignations of Patrick Van Campenhout.

After the reports on the activities of the President, Treasurer and Secretary General, there was a discussion on the projects, the recognition of the PI's 'athletes-testimonials' who will be appointed by the next Board meeting, the next General Assembly and Round Table and the Erasmus projects to which PI has applied through Fabio Figueiras and the Secretary General (seven projects).

The reports to be presented at the General Assembly were discussed and unanimously approved, together with the final balance sheet, the budget and the IB's reasoned proposal regarding the membership fees for the next two-year period (2025-26).

On this point, the Treasurer presented a proposal for an adjustment of the membership fees, which have not been increased for more than 20 years. He explained how this is indispensable to have financial independence from the IOC contribution and necessary to be able to profitably continue the numerous and increasingly intense international relations.

The International Board members, having asked numerous questions and discussed the matter in depth, agreed on the proposal.  The AC considered the work positive and presented its report. The Nominations received for the election to International bodies were then submitted and their reopening was decided, limited to the EU and SA continent and the CH District (has already been sent circular) as the candidates of the International Board are not enough to fill the positions destined to the non-Italians.

The Ethics Commission was then set up to be in line with IOC directives and to ensure that PI (its organs, clubs and individual members) comply with the fundamental principles of the Code of Ethics that will be adopted by the General Assembly in Agrigento to guarantee neutrality, non-discrimination and integrity of behaviour.

The Collaboration agreement with the International Dart Federation was then approved and discussed about the opportunity to equip us with a "Mascot of the PI". For this proposal a specific project will have to be drawn up and a survey will be made among Clubs. The same thing will be applied for the official anthem of the PI.

The usual meeting with the of the PI-D. Chiesa Board took place on Friday to discuss the projects aimed at spreading our values in synergy through the international photo competition and short film competition. In this regard, it was decided to extend the photo competition to 31 March.  







The International Olympic Committee (IOC) reaffirms its strong position against the politicisation of sport. This position is a Fundamental Principle of the Olympic Charter, which says:

“Recognising that sport occurs within the framework of society, sports organisations within the Olympic Movement shall apply political neutrality. They have the rights and obligations of autonomy, which include freely establishing and controlling the rules of sport, determining the structure and governance of their organisations, enjoying the right of elections free from any outside influence and the responsibility for ensuring that principles of good governance be applied.”

Press Release

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa