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Visita a la Escuela N°63 de Corte de La Leña, Maldonado.

Hoy recorrimos nuevamente los caminos  para cargar nuestras mochilas con las sonrisas de los  niños de nuestras escuelitas rurales .

Esta vez el testimonio lo presentó la panathleta Ivanna Rodríguez con sus experiencias de natación en aguas frías y el relato del reciente récord Guiness por sumergirse en piletas con hielo

Los chicos muy  interesados por estos desafíos colmaron la mañana con sus preguntas y luego jugaron con  Alysson,joven estudiante de Educacion Fisica en las canchas exteriores . Presentamos al nuevo sponsor la Asistencial Médica que obsequió un botiquín de primeros auxilios. Intercambiamos  ideas sobre el Armado de partidos y sus perjuicios al deporte .

Una jornada llena de alegría y aprendizaje donde el Panathlon sigue llevando el mensaje de Juego Limpio tierra adentro .



Il Panathlon Club Perugia ha partecipato alla 43a edizione della Grifonissima a Perugia con uno stand, allo stadio Santa Giuliana.

“Dove c’è lo sport c’è il Panathlon e dove c’è il Panathlon c’è Fair Play”. Era questo lo slogan che campeggiava di fronte allo stand dove il presidente Luca Ginetto e numerosi consiglieri e soci del club perugino si sono alternati a ricordare le attività e la mission del Panathlon International.

Alla Grifonissima hanno partecipato 611 atleti agonistici e oltre 2000 passeggiatori: vincitori assoluti Alessio Malfagia (Atletica Spagnoli) e, per le donne, Martina Cappelletti (Atletica Castello).

Le premiazioni si sono svolte, al termine della gara, alla presenza di Domenico Ignozza presidente Regionale CONI; Clara Pastorelli, assessore sport Perugia; Alessandro Sorci, presidente FIDAL Perugia; Giuliano Paciocchi, presidente CSEN Perugia; Federico Cenci, presidente Avanti Tutta e Luca Ginetto, Presidente Panathlon Club Perugia.

Nel pomeriggio sulla pista, sulle pedane e sugli spazi verdi del Santa Giuliana, si è svolto il 1° Trofeo Grifonissima giovanile di atletica con la partecipazione di oltre 500 tra bambine e bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni.

Inauguration de la place du Fair-Play et du stade universitaire Saint-Léonard avec une trentaine de clubs et associations. Démonstrations et initiations au sport gratuites pour tout public. 

Une trentaine de clubs et associations animeront la place et proposeront des initiations au sport gratuites pour toutes et tous. Démonstrations spectaculaires, initiations sportives, séances de dédicaces avec les joueurs du HC Fribourg Gottéron et les joueuses d'Elfic Fribourg, imitations de combats médiévaux et au sabre laser, il y en aura pour tous les goûts. 


Presso l’Aula Magna del Rettorato, la presentazione dell’ottava edizione di  “Un calcio al razzismo – Uniti con lo sport”. La manifestazione, giunta alla sua ottava edizione, è organizzata dall’Università di Messina, dal CUG dell’Ateneo e dalla SSD UniMe. L’obiettivo è quello di promuovere lo sport quale efficace catalizzatore di coesione sociale, volto a veicolare principi fondamentali quali l’equità, il rispetto reciproco e la tolleranza.

Presente il prof. Ludovico Magaudda, Vice Governatore dell’Area 9 Sicilia del Panathlon International che mostrato mostra la sua vicinanza all’evento dichiarando: “Siamo sempre stati vicini a questa manifestazione soprattutto perché il Panathlon è una associazione internazionale di volontariato che ha come scopo quello di divulgare e promuovere la cultura e l’etica sportiva. La lotta al razzismo è una delle nostre mission principali e, accanto a questo, la diffusione della cultura sportiva è sempre stato per noi un punto di grande interesse. Io nella sede universitaria mi sono occupato in particolare della fondazione dei corsi di laurea in scienze motorie e sportive, ormai attivi da oltre vent’anni, che hanno formato una miriade di esperti nel mondo dello sport e a cui abbiamo sempre cercato di insegnare che aldilà della ricerca del risultato sportivo, è importante anche il comportamento degli atleti in campo e fuori dal campo”.

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Reggio Emilia, 4th of May 2024

Ms. Marina Chiesa and the director of the Palazzo Magnani Foundation, Mr. Davide Zanichelli, following an introduction by Enrico Prandi, inaugurated the exhibition of the 30 finalist works exhibited at the UNIMORE University, attended by the director of the Foundation for Sport of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Silvia Signorelli, as well as panathletes from the Club of Reggio Emilia and other visitors, including the author of one of the podium photographs. 

A few hours later, a small square in the historic centre of Emilia hosted the awards ceremony of the Off Circuit of FOTOGRAFIA EUROPEA. In front of a large audience attracted by the music of a youth band, Maurizio Monego gave a short presentation of Panathlon and the Domenico Chiesa Foundation while images of the exhibition were scrolling on a screen.

The winners were called on stage in this order:

Honourable Mention to GORONDI GABOR (Argentina) - not present - for an untitled photograph, which is a composition with three subjects plunging into the ocean water, placed like an arrowhead heading towards the sun disc hiding behind the horizon.

Honourable Mention to LEONARDO DEMARCO (Rieti, Italy - his father received the parchment) for the photograph FIOCCHI DI FATICA, an image that clearly portrays the effort and determination of young people in participating in a race under heavy snowfall.

PANATHLON CLUB SPECIAL PRIZE to SUDIP MAITI (Kolkata - INDIA), for the photograph FAIR PLAY, a well-constructed image: a child playing with shadows of his companions, the ball and its shadow in the centre of the image. The smile of the child reaching out to catch the ball makes the composition a scene of pure joy, interpreting the nature of playing and thus the nature of sport.  

On the podium of the final winners, while the screen projected their works, the following names have been proclaimed:

3rd SUDIP MAITI (India): the plaques of the third place, the Panathlon Club Award, and the Catalogue of the Exhibition of EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPHY will be sent to India to the young author, who has been credited with the 750-euros scholarship.

2nd MATTEO STRASSERA (Rome - Italy) for the photograph AQUATIC SPORTS, an image of two surfers, shot from a drone, in a game that exploits the hidden force of a wave they are riding skilfully. "I looked for the shot when I first started using the drone, and I chose this photograph for the geometries constructed by shooting from above," Matteo commented in the brief interview with him. To him the applause of the square and the 1,000 euros scholarship.

1st CHIARA SACCO (Vercelli - Italy) for the photograph SPIRITUAL ELEVATION, in which the nature represented by the tree and the athletic gesture of the dancer harmoniously merge, reminding us how our existences are closely connected to nature. Chiara is a street dance teacher and a passionate photographer. "The dancer is a friend who is a ballet dancer," she revealed, " I superimposed her image on a photograph taken in the park, as I did not have the time to take it live. Chiara received the prize consisting of a plaque and a scholarship of 1,500 euros.





GORONDI GABOR (Argentina)                                                LEONARDO DEMARCO (Rieti, Italia)




 CHIARA SACCO (Vercelli - Italia) 




   SUDIP MAITI (India)



Reggio Emilia, 4th of May 2024

Ms. Marina Chiesa and the director of the Palazzo Magnani Foundation, Mr. Davide Zanichelli, following an introduction by Enrico Prandi, inaugurated the exhibition of the 30 finalist works exhibited at the UNIMORE University, attended by the director of the Foundation for Sport of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Silvia Signorelli, as well as panathletes from the Club of Reggio Emilia and other visitors, including the author of one of the podium photographs. 

A few hours later, a small square in the historic centre of Emilia hosted the awards ceremony of the Off Circuit of FOTOGRAFIA EUROPEA. In front of a large audience attracted by the music of a youth band, Maurizio Monego gave a short presentation of Panathlon and the Domenico Chiesa Foundation while images of the exhibition were scrolling on a screen.

The winners were called on stage in this order:

Honourable Mention to GORONDI GABOR (Argentina) - not present - for an untitled photograph, which is a composition with three subjects plunging into the ocean water, placed like an arrowhead heading towards the sun disc hiding behind the horizon.

Honourable Mention to LEONARDO DEMARCO (Rieti, Italy - his father received the parchment) for the photograph FIOCCHI DI FATICA, an image that clearly portrays the effort and determination of young people in participating in a race under heavy snowfall.

PANATHLON CLUB SPECIAL PRIZE to SUDIP MAITI (Kolkata - INDIA), for the photograph FAIR PLAY, a well-constructed image: a child playing with shadows of his companions, the ball and its shadow in the centre of the image. The smile of the child reaching out to catch the ball makes the composition a scene of pure joy, interpreting the nature of playing and thus the nature of sport.  

On the podium of the final winners, while the screen projected their works, the following names have been proclaimed:

3rd SUDIP MAITI (India): the plaques of the third place, the Panathlon Club Award, and the Catalogue of the Exhibition of EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPHY will be sent to India to the young author, who has been credited with the 750-euros scholarship.

2nd MATTEO STRASSERA (Rome - Italy) for the photograph AQUATIC SPORTS, an image of two surfers, shot from a drone, in a game that exploits the hidden force of a wave they are riding skilfully. "I looked for the shot when I first started using the drone, and I chose this photograph for the geometries constructed by shooting from above," Matteo commented in the brief interview with him. To him the applause of the square and the 1,000 euros scholarship.

1st CHIARA SACCO (Vercelli - Italy) for the photograph SPIRITUAL ELEVATION, in which the nature represented by the tree and the athletic gesture of the dancer harmoniously merge, reminding us how our existences are closely connected to nature. Chiara is a street dance teacher and a passionate photographer. "The dancer is a friend who is a ballet dancer," she revealed, " I superimposed her image on a photograph taken in the park, as I did not have the time to take it live. Chiara received the prize consisting of a plaque and a scholarship of 1,500 euros.





GORONDI GABOR (Argentina)                                                LEONARDO DEMARCO (Rieti, Italia)




 CHIARA SACCO (Vercelli - Italia) 




   SUDIP MAITI (India)



15 de mayo 2024

PANATHLON CLUB GUAYAQUIL conjuntamente  con FET impulsa Seminario de Liderazgo de la Mujer en el Deporte. Dicho evento es extensivo a los socios de los diferentes clubes de Panathlon.

La Federación Ecuatoriana de Tenis y Panathlon Club Guayaquil organizarán el Seminario de Liderazgo de la Mujer en el Deporte, como parte de las iniciativas que impulsa la Federación Internacional de Tenis (ITF, por sus siglas en inglés) con su programa "Reconocimiento y Recompensa Advantage All" y el movimiento panathleta, bajo la rectoria de Panathlon Internacional.

El evento tendrá lugar el miércoles 15 de mayo (11h00) en el auditorio de la Federación Ecuatoriana de Tenis (Lomas de Urdesa) y estará como expositora la Gran Maestra Internacional de Ajedrez, Martha Fierro.

La igualdad de género es uno de los ejes dentro del programa general de diversidad e inclusión que la ITF ha desarrollado con el programa llamado “Advantage All”. Esto es enfocado en crear y mantener el tenis como un “deporte con igualdad de ventajas”.

El programa está abierto a las 213 Asociaciones Nacionales miembros de la ITF, y se centra en el liderazgo, el entrenamiento y el arbitraje para lograr la paridad de género tanto dentro como fuera de la cancha.

Las personas interesadas en estar en el Seminario presencialmente o virtualmente via zoom pueden confirmar su asistencia al mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The final event of the Erasmus Sport Against Match Fixing (SAMF) project, in which Panathlon International was Partner, was held in Lisbon on 23 and 24 April at the Cidade do Futebol (headquarters of FPF, coordinator of the project).

The International President Pierre Zappelli, the Secretary General Simona Callo and the Secretary of the Expansion Commission Fabio Figueiras were present.

This final conference was very well organized by the Consortium Partner and Coordinator, Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) and can be seen at the following link.


SAMF is an EU-funded Erasmus+ project that has as its main objective the prevention and education of young athletes about the risks that match fixing activities can bring to their career.

Panathlon International, among the various tasks for the realisation of the activities, has participated in the final research, in the Focus Group discussions, in the elaboration of the toolkit, in the dissemination of the project also through its Ambassadors and clubs in Europe and Americas. It was an important opportunity to meet several personalities from the world of sport, not only from Europe.







Sina Arnet, Skispringen – Preisträgerin Prix Chapeau 2023 vom Panathlon-Club Luzern

Anlässlich des Meetings vom 18. April 2024 konnte die Engelberger Skispringerin Sina Arnet den «Prix Chapeau 2023» entgegennehmen. Die Laudatio zur Auszeichnung hielt ihr Onkel Hippolyt Kempf, Olympiasieger der nordischen Kombination 1988 in Calgary. 

Die 18-jährige Sina Arnet steht am Anfang ihrer Karriere, gewann aber im Skispringen bereits mehrere Schweizer Meistertitel und drei Medaillen an den Europäischen Olympischen Jugendfestivals in Lahti (2021) und Planica (2023). Seit dem März 2022 springt sie im Weltcup der Frauen mit. Die Teilnahme an der Olympischen Spielen 2026 gehört zu den grossen Zielen von Sina Arnet. 

Der Preis «Prix Chapeau» ist dotiert mit Fr.  2'500. Die Preisträger zeichnen sich aus durch aussergewöhnliche Leistungen, die Bewältigung besonderer Herausforderungen, eine vorbildliche Ausdauer und Beharrlichkeit bei der Verfolgung persönlicher oder gemeinsamer Ziele. Der Panathlon-Club Luzern vergibt den Preis jährlich seit 2003. Bekannte Sportlerinnen und Sportler wie die Skifahrerin Dominique Gisin (2007), die Mountainbikerin Alessandra Keller (2020) oder die Ruderer Mario Gyr und Simon Schürch (2013) erhielten mit dem «Prix Chapeau» einen Unterstützungsbeitrag in ihrer Laufbahn.  

Von links:

Hippolyt Kempf (Olympiasieger 1988), Sina Arnet, Hansjörg Wyss (Pastpräsident) und Heinz Schaller (Präsident Panathlon-Club Luzern) 


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa