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After the opening session of the 16th Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport of the Council of Europe and the introductory session focused on the revision of the European Charter for Sport (5 November 2020), the third online session of this conference ("Human rights in sport") took place on Monday 7 December (10.00-11.30 CET). 

The session was open only to invited delegations and observers, for Panathlon International participated the General Secretary Simona Callo. 

This introductory session was moderated by André-Noël Chaker and included insights into human rights issues such as the right to a fair trial, the protection of children and the economic and social rights of athletes. Speakers included:

Tiina Kivisaari, Director of Sport, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 

Marko Bošnjak, Judge, European Court of Human Rights 

Claudia Bokel, President of the German Fencing Federation, former President of the IOC Athletes Commission 

Pierre Cornu, President, Foundation Board, International Centre for Sport Studies (CIES) 

The session was opened by Lefteris Avgenakis, Deputy Minister for Culture and Sport, Greece


Panathlon participated, through Patrick Van Camphenhout, International Board Member, and Paul Standaert, President of the Belgian District, in the EWOS 2020 (# BEACTIVE) awards ceremony which was held in digital.

About 200 delegations and many personalities were present:

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

Tomasz Frankowski, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the Sports Group.

The EU received 95 projects from 26 different European countries. Finally, 3 categories were awarded :

- BEACTIVE- Education Award: Petra Preradovića Primary school, Croatia.

- BEACTIVE- Workplace Award: House of Code, Denmark

- # BEACTIVE- Local Hero Award: Tomás Slavata, Czech Republic

In addition to some testimonials from the 2019 winners and their other accomplishments, participants attended a beautiful performance by a dancer and a contemporary bicycle acrobat.

The event was led by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel.




On the 1st of December, in an atmosphere of great collaboration, the first meeting of the Working Group was held by videoconference. It coordinates the World Fair Play Day set on the 7th of September of each year. 

Present were the Club of Wallonie-Brussels, promoter of the event, the Head of the International Fair Play Committee, the President and Secretary of EFPM and for Panathlon International the General Secretary Simona Callo.

Several items on the agenda. From the coordination of the group, to the diffusion of the Manifesto from the management of the web site to the promotion campaign, from the celebration of the event in 2021 to the actions to be taken.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the Club of Wallonie Brussels, Philippe Housiaux thanked everyone for the team spirit shown and concluded by saying that " .... we all know that there is a lot of work to do, but we are already speaking the "language of fair play", the most precious of all the languages of the world (and not only in the world of sport)".

The second meeting has already been scheduled for January 2021 in order to update the progress of the work. 



District Uruguay – Videoconference on "The Tokyo Olympics (2020) 2021"

Thursday, November 26, 2020


"The Tokyo Olympics (2020) 2021".

Speaker will be the President of the Uruguayan Olympic Committee and Honorary Member of the International Olympic Committee, Dr. Julio Cesare Maglione.

International President Pierre Zappelli will attend the Conference.

Link in Zoom




Panathlon Club Lisbona -Sessione Novembre 

L'incontro si terrà Giovedì 19 novembre e sarà trasmesso attraverso il canale YouTube alle ore 20 (ora Portogallo)


District Peru – America gives recognition to the work accomplished by José Pilar Sánchez

Luis Moreno, newly elected International Board Member (2020-2023), convened a meeting via Zoom to give recognition to the work accomplished by José Pilar Sánchez Gonzales as International Board Member in the years 2016-2019.


A la cita asistieron, Jorge Minuto, presidente del Club de Buenos Aires, Pedro De Souza, presidente del Distrito Brasil, Bernardo Pavisic, del Club de Cochabamba – Bolivia, Eduardo Gurovich, presidente del Distrito Chile, Danilo Carrera, presidente del Distrito Ecuador, Socorro Samaniego, presidente del Distrito México, Víctor Castro, presidente del Distrito Perú, Edgardo Ettlin, presidente del Distrito Uruguay, y Carlos De León del Club de Maldonado – Punta del Este.

La parte anecdótica de la reunión se dio cuando Luis Moreno, mostraba desde Lima el plato recordatorio y ofrecía entregarlo en forma presencial en el Congreso Panamericano; a la misma vez, Socorro Samaniego, en México, entregaba a José Pilar una réplica fotográfica del mismo plato.

El homenaje fue muy emotivo y sirvió para acentuar la amistad entre los panatletas de América, recoger experiencias anteriores y comentar acerca del Congreso Panamericano, que -Dios mediante- se organiza para octubre del 2021; y que servirá para que tanto panatletas de Europa y América incrementen sus vínculos de amistad, siempre presentes en las reuniones del Panathlon Internacional.


ONLINE CONFERENCE  - “Sideline”: Stop Trafficking of Young African Football Players 

November 18, 2020 

Due to the Covid 19 restrictions the event of November 18th at the siege of the Panathlon EU Antenna in Brussels will not take place as ‘classic’ fysical meeting but as webinar instead. 

This webinar, organized by the antenna in Brussels in collaboration with the Intergroup Sport of the European Commission, is supported by 2 Members of the European Parliament and is about the tragical faith of young African Football players caused by the trafficking into Europe.

Registration and attending can be done by sending a message at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


LA28 building on Olympic Agenda 2020 to deliver innovative Games 

The first meeting of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Coordination Commission for the Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 (LA28)  concluded on Friday 30th October, with updates detailing the strong foundations laid by the local Organising Committee, its achievements to date and plans for the coming months as it looks to deliver innovative Olympic and Paralympic Games.



The International President Pierre Zappelli will take part in the 16th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Sport that will consist of several sessions held via videoconference.

The Conference was due to take place in Athens on these same days but, unfortunately, due to pandemic-related restrictions, it has been split into several meetings that will be run on the Web.

The first of them is scheduled tomorrow, Thursday 5th November, and is due to begin at 10 a.m. with an opening session, followed in the afternoon by a session exclusively for the Ministers of Sport or their delegates and for eligible international sport associations, including Panathlon International.

This meeting, entitled "A European approach to sport policies: the revision of the European Sports Charter", will focus on the revision of the European Sports Charter.   

The morning opening session (10 to 11 a.m.) will be open to the general public so that everyone may join and attend.

From the following link https://www.coe.int/en/web/sport/msl16#{%2275008128%22:[0]}  drop down the menu for the opening session of November 5 and click on "link to view the opening session".

“2nd World Amateur Sports Forum - Sport Impacts All”  within the frame of the 42nd CSIT Congress-Summit 2020 on Friday Oct. 30th, starting at 13.30

the International President Pierre Zappelli and the Secretary General Simona Callo will participate in the Forum


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa