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Assemblée Générale du District France

Soirée réussie pour l’Assemblée Générale du District France du Panathlon International .

Voici le nouveau bureau du district : 

Président : Docteur Jean-Luc Grillon (club de Paris) Président d’honneur Bernard Thévenet ( club de Grenoble-Alpes) Vice-Président Bruno Catelin (club de Beausoleil Riviera Française) Vice-présidente Véronique Gerbelot (club de Grenoble-Alpes) Secrétaire Général Docteur Marc Rozenblat (club de Paris) Trésorier provisoire ( en attente de trouver une trésorière ou un trésorier ?) Bruno Catelin. 

Tout cela sous contrôle de notre Président mondial Pierre Zappelli. 


Sport and Panathlon lose one of their great promoters, Antoine Paccaud.

Passionate about panathletic values, he always considered sport as a determining element for youth education and health. 

Founding member of the Panathlon Club Yverdon-les-Bains, which he presided, he has held International posts as International Board Member, International Vice-President and  Delegate of the Expansion Commission for Europe.

During this mandate, he was responsible for promoting panathletic ideals by contributing to the creation of several clubs in Europe and North Africa.

His action in promoting fair play and ethical behaviour has earned him several awards, including the nomination as honorary President of his club.

Panathlon International shares the grief of his family and Club.




Again this year comes back the Panathlon International Award - CSIT World Sports Games 2021!

As presented at the CSIT Congress by President Pierre Zappelli, we are pleased to inform you that also this year will be awarded the special prize, which will be staged at the WSG 2021 in Emilia Romagna: The Panathlon International Award - CSIT World Sports Games 2021!

The 2019 Award has been assigned to the Honorary President of CSIT Prof. Kalevi Olin who has been awarded during the closing ceremony by the President of PI Pierre Zappelli.

We remind that the Panathlon-CSIT WSG Award, born from the collaboration in partnership with CSIT, has the objective to encourage, coordinate and promote the development of the sporting ideal and its moral and cultural values in all countries where CSIT is present. The Award gives all CSIT Member Unions, in different countries, the opportunity to nominate candidates who have distinguished themselves in upholding the ethical and cultural values of sport.

By awarding this prize we wish to recognise, reward, and celebrate those who, by their example and actions, have honoured and upheld these fundamental principles. The Award is the culmination of all nominations received from CSIT Members and will be designated by the International Board of Panathlon International.

The deadline for nominations is 25 March, the winner will be invited and awarded as part of the CSIT World Sports Games 2021!


During the first meeting of the International Board of PI, delegations on various topics were discussed and assigned.

Each delegate will be able to contribute ideas, projects, and contributions, which will be discussed in the Board and decided upon collectively.

In addition to these assignments, the Board will regularly exercise its functions as set out in the PI Statute and Regulations.

The next meetings on virtual platform, are scheduled for 16 January and 19 February.


We wish the best luck to all elected Board Members.  

Magazine Working Group:  Giacomo Santini

Communication Working Group:  Simona Callo

Expansion Commission (IEC): Patrick Van Campenhout

Disability Working Group:  Eugenio Guglielmino

Training Working Group:    Giorgio Chinellato

Youth Working Group:    Luigi Innocenzi

Statute/Regulation Working Group:  Pierre Zappelli – Giorgio Chinellato

Commission for Culture, Science and Education (CSEC):  Chair: Elaine Cook,

Relations with the IB:  Eugenio Guglielmino

Milano/Cortina 2026 Working Group to coordinate action in connection with the 2026 Winter Olympics:   Luigi Innocenzi

Fair Play Working Group:

- Coordinator of Fair Play action across Panathlon International:   Orietta Maggi

- Delegated authority for the relations with World Fair Play Day: Simona Callo


Sponsor/Fundraising Working Group: Luigi Innocenzi


- and to appoint the following IB Members to perform the tasks listed below:


Relations with the South-American Districts:  Luis Moreno Gonzales

Relations with District Italy (DI): President Zappelli, who may ask to be assisted by an IB Member, as appropriate

Relations with the German-speaking Districts and Clubs:  Pierre Zappelli and Stefano Giulieri

Relations with the General Secretariat:   Pierre Zappelli and Stefano Giulieri

Communication Award: Luigi Innocenzi 

PI Representation in Lausanne - Team Members: Pierre Zappelli – Melody Exhenry – Simona Callo

PI Representation in Brussels - Team Members: IB Contacts: Patrick Van Campenhout – Philippe Vlaemmink – Paul Standaert - Pierre Zappelli – Giacomo Santini as needed

Relations with partner organisations: President Zappelli, Simona Callo,  Melody Exhenry 

PCU (relations with University-based Panathlon Clubs):   Patrick Van Camphenout (in cooperation with Eugenio Guglielmino) 

EPAS:  President Zappelli


Webinar update on World Fair Play Day

Next Thursday 21 January Panathlon International will be engaged in a webinar of update on the World Fair Play Day.

The coordination group currently led by the Club of Wallonie-Bruxelles is composed of Panathlon International, CIFP (International Fair Play Committee) and EFPM (European Fair Play Movement). 

Among the topics on the agenda, the dissemination of the Manifesto, the preparation of the event and the WFPD dissemination campaign.



We learn the sad news of the passing of our friend William Saad Abdulnur, former President of District Brazil, member of the Expansion Commission, President of the Club of Taubaté and currently past president of the Club of Taubaté.

He served as International Board Member in the years 2019-2020.

The family of Panathlon International offers its deepest condolences to the family and the entire District Brazil. 



Panathlon Lisbon will be celebrating its 41st birthday online on the 17th.

Unfortunately, COVID limited  physical celebrations with the members but they will receive some gifts (see photo) and they will gather on 17TH  on zoom to celebrate the anniversary in this rather different way.

The club communicated also that  the "Prémio Panathlon Clube de Lisboa" award will be given to Prof. José Manuel Constantino, who is a long-time friend of Panathlon Lisbon. Prof. Constantino is also the President of the Portuguese Olympic Committee.

Also, the fair-play award "Fair-Play Mário Simas" will be given to David Livramento, that is a cyclist, for his action during a race in which an accident occurred, where he was also involved but he didn't fall of his bicycle. However, one colleague fell down and David stopped his race to help him back on track. This is not the first time that David shows positive sporting behaviours and thus he will receive the Prize.

Finally and for the first time, Panathlon Lisbon created a support program for associations of different etiology that clearly promote the values of sport, namely Fair Play and Ethics in Sport.

Panathlon members will be able to propose entities whose program they understand to comply with the aforementioned values and, among the proposals, the winner annually will be awarded a monetary prize in the amount of 1,500 € (one thousand and five hundred euros).

The designation of “General Rodolfo Begonha Award”, aims to honor in a very simple way the main worker in the creation of the club and whose participation in the activities in the Panathlon movement remain full of vigour and dynamism. 



The Panathlon Club of Como doesn't stop.

The 31st Youth Prize awarded to Giulio Campioni, 18 years old, of Canottieri Lario.

The awarding ceremony would have coincided, as per tradition, with the Christmas party of the Club of Como, scheduled for 10 December, but it has been postponed because of the health emergency to the first possible convivial meeting of 2021.


In this period of health emergency, in order to compact the Area 03, Governor Maurizio Nasi requested to the Clubs' Press Officers some sports articles, short reports on topics treated in the few convivial meetings of the current year, summaries of conventions, seminars, round tables on sports topics, presentation/review of sports books or sports films by Members or speakers, which have been collected in the attached Newsletter.

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa