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During the convivial meeting organized by the Panathlon Club of Rapallo presided by Adelindo Molinari, Panathlon International has awarded the first prize of the Photographic Competition "sport&covid" to Cristiano Pugno of Rapallo, that with his photo has conquered the International Jury.

The Prize (a smartphone) was awarded by the General Secretary Simona Callo who reminded those present how the idea of the Competition was born and how it developed. In a few months have arrived at the General Secretariat of PI many photos, coming from the Nations where Panathlon is present, but not only. Photographers from Argentina, Belgium, France, Italy, Russia, Switzerland and Uruguay joined through the language of images to communicate emotions, concerns and new behaviours that this pandemic has forced us to live in sport and in our lives. 

The winner of the competition thanked Panathlon International for the important recognition that had the following motivation: "For the spontaneity of the coach's gesture but also for the great sadness that emanates with his attitude almost of resignation towards the slavery of the mask and rubber gloves". The evening was also attended by President of District Italy Giorgio Costa, journalist Emanuele Dotto and footballer Narciso Pezzotti.


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 Are you keen on Cinema and Sport?

Do you like creating videos?

Today we would like to announce the latest international audio-video competition (max. 4’ – self-made) open to all, free registration. The theme is "SPORT AS PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS THROUGH IMAGES"

- Total prize value € 6,000 - Find out how to register following this link:   https://bit.ly/Sport-as-Promotion-of-Human-Rights

- Hai tempo fino al 31 Luglio 2021

La Competizione è promossa ed organizzata da Fondazione Panathlon International Domenico Chiesa e dalla FICTS Federation Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs (123 Nazioni affiliate).

#BeActive Awards 

The #BeActive Awards competition will once again be a central element of European Sports Week 2021.

Its aim is to support projects and individuals dedicated to promoting sport and physical activity across Europe.

There are three #BeActive Award categories:

- the #BeActive Education Award

- the #BeActive Workplace Award

- the #BeActive Local Hero Award

Nominations for each of these categories must be submitted to the European Commission by National Coordinating Bodies or Partners between 8 June 2021 and 24 July 2021.

Panathlon International  - 70 Years of Ethics in Sport 


On 12th June 1951, in Venice, Mario Viali and a small group of enlightened and visionary friends, all keen on sport and peace, founded Panathlon, originally called Disnar Sport, a Venetian expression recalling friendliness through sport.

Then our motto "ludis iungit" was adopted , expressing the idea that we are united by and for the benefit of sport. Panathlon developed rapidly, at first in its country of origin, then in neighbouring Switzerland and, later on, in other European countries and, since 1967, in the Americas, thus gaining a true international dimension.

As of today, our footprint spans over 4 continents, with its 263 clubs in 27 countries and its 8,786 panathletes who are perpetuating the ideals cherished by our founding fathers.

These include the promotion of "clean" sporting practice, of sport in line with the ethical principles held dear by Pierre de Coubertin, i.e. access to all, irrespective of age, race, sex or physical and mental ability. 

Our efforts to educate young people, by our example and our teaching, to spread the principles of Fair Play and to raise awareness of sport ethics led us to be formally recognized by the IOC that, in 1982, welcomed us into the Olympic Family.

A scenario of heightened competitiveness, harsh economic and financial stakes, physical and moral devastation caused by doping, and criminal misdeeds, including match-fixing, bribery and corruption, makes it essential to have active and militant organisations that stand up to pursue ethical and moral values.

It is Panathlon International's ambition to fulfil this role, to the best of its ability, in the world of sport.

We have been present on the ground for 70 years with our Charters, our international projects and, of course, with the action of our Clubs. 

Everywhere our Clubs, united by same ideal, organise meetings, surveys and workshops, and award prizes and scholarships to individuals who excel in sport and at school in promoting correctness and fair play values.

Panathlon International continues to grow and is becoming ever more impactful all over the world. Its role is increasingly recognised by sporting organisations, as well as by public institutions that are willing to promote health through sport.

Docked in Rapallo, the international seat of our Movement, we are becoming ever more globalised also thanks to our representations and offices in Lausanne, the capital city of sport in Switzerland, and in Brussels, Belgium, at the European institutions.

This 12th June 2021 coincides with the end of a public health crisis that has had devastating effects on health and economy. On-line meetings have made it possible for us to continue to work, although they cannot fully replace in-person meetings. Panathlon also means friendship, mutual understanding out of a smile, a wink or a hug.

Driven by the strongest motivation ever, we are proud to celebrate 70 years of enduring efforts to disseminate the values of sport and their contribution to peace and understanding between peoples.


Pierre Zappelli

International President



Los asistentes de la Academia Olímpica Argentina (APAOA) organizó como festejo del Día del Olímpico cinco conversatorios llamados 5 Anillos 5 Semanas 5 Conversatorios.

En los mismos que serán todos los miércoles del mes de junio, participarán el Past Presidente del Club Buenos Aires, Dr. Rubén Rodríguez Lamas. y los consocios, Lic. Victor Sergio Groupierre y Mg Carlos Alberto Marino. 

Será orador entre otros  el Secretario del Comité Olímpico Argentino, y vicepresidente 1ª de Panamsports. 



Tokyo Olympics: 'the organisation is very solid'

From rmcsport.bfmtv.com

The IOC will do everything in its power to ensure that the competition, which is still raising doubts and controversy in the midst of a pandemic, is safe from a health point of view. The first athletes to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics are arriving in Japan in bits and pieces, against the backdrop of a health emergency and growing opposition to the event. Although the government and the organizers of the Games have assured that they will be held in a "safe and secure" manner, the Japanese population is massively opposed to the organization of the Games, hoping, according to various surveys, that they will be cancelled or postponed again, a possibility that the organizers have firmly ruled out. The vaccination campaign is far behind schedule in Japan, where only about 2.5% of the population has received two doses of the vaccine.

"We are indeed in a state of emergency, which requires an almost daily adaptation of the measures planned at the time of the Games," reassured Christophe Dubi, IOC Director for the Olympic Games "The foundations of the organization of the Tokyo Games are very, very solid. We have seen this in the last tests: the work is really well done, the venues are ready, especially for the temporary constructions."

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A new agreement to strengthen the relationship between Panathlon International and United Kingdom

Following the meeting that took place in Stansed in 2018 between the International President Pierre Zappelli and the Secretary General Simona Callo with the top management of the Panathlon Challenge Foundation after several contacts in recent years (slowed down by the pandemic), last 17 May a coexistence agreement and a collaboration agreement (MoU) between Panathlon International and Panathlon Challenge Foundation was signed, for now electronically. 

Panathlon Challenge Foundation  (https://panathlon.com/)  is a charity operating in Great Britain that provides sporting opportunities to more than 25,000 disabled young people and young leaders each year. This Foundation, which has the same name as our movement, has been developing in the UK since 1997 and had collaborated in that year to open a Panathlon Club in London, which unfortunately never took off.

The aim of this agreement is to bring together the two associations, which have common goals, in order to promote mutual knowledge and plan joint actions.

Among the points of the Joint Venture to establish close co-operation by supporting the aims and objectives of both organizations, e.g. through joint activities, seminars and workshops on different sporting topics; to allow for mutual publication, articles and information about the Associations; to establish and co-ordinate joint activities of fair play, tolerance, peace and understanding; to appoint a member of the Committees as regular contacts who will meet preferably at the General Meeting, congresses, meetings of the two organizations with the possibility of short presentations about each organization and their annual work; Panathlon Challenge Foundation will also work to found a Panathlon Club in the UK.


Photo Contest - Panathlon International

Sport and COVID19-pandemic

We propose a photographic excursus of the absolute winners in the colour and black and white categories, of the web winners and of the finalists who participated in the first edition of the "Sport and COVID19-pandemic" contest.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa