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Giovedì 28 ottobre presso gli Uffici della Segreteria Generale, riunione della Commissione Espansione (PIEC)

 On October 28 at the General Secretariat Offices, meeting of the Expansion Commission


Presso la sede di Villa Queirolo è in corso la riunione del Comitato dei Presidenti dei Distretti 

In presenza i Presidenti dei Distretti Austria, Belgio, Francia, Italia, Svizzera e i rappresentanti del Club Lisbona Mario Almeida  (presidente) e Fabio Figueiras.

In collegamento i Presidenti dei Distretti Ecuador, Messico, Uruguay e il Consigliere Internazionale Luis Moreno delegato per il Sudamerica



Meeting of the District Presidents' Committee is taking place at Villa Queirolo.


In presence the Presidents of the Districts Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland and the representatives of the Lisbon Club Mario Almeida (President) and Fabio Figueiras.


Connected the Presidents of the Districts of Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay, and the International Board Member Luis Moreno delegate for South America.




In Milan at the Auditorium LaVerdi, Italian sport celebrated its stars with the awarding of the Gold Collars, the highest honour of Italian sport.

Vittorio Adorni, President of Panathlon International from 1996 to 2004 received this important recognition for his long career and sporting merits. 

From Panathlon International the warmest congratulations for this achievement that rewards not only a great Champion, but also a great Man and Panathlete committed to the diffusion of positive values of sport.

award ceremony



TESTIMONIAL IMPORTANTI RACCONTANO”Le Olimpiadi viste da altra ottica”

Le sensazioni dal vivo, le emozioni del dietro le quinte, gl’incontri con le star dello sport mondiale,la vita al villaggio olimpico, l’accoglienza  del Paese ospitante sono alcuni degli aspetti delle “Olimpadi viste da altra ottica” raccontate nel corso dell’interclub-Area 10 che ha riunito esponenti dei cinque Clubs umbri del Panathlon nella Sala Gotica del Museo del Duomo di Città di Castello.

Alla presenza  del Presidente del Comitato Umbro CONI Gen.Domenico Ignozza e della governatrice  dell’ AREA10 del Panathlon Rita Custodi, il Presidente del Panathlon  Valtiberina Giovanni Tasegian ha introdotto gl’interventi di testimonial d’eccezione coordinati dal dr Maurizio Checcaglini, un contesto che ha suscitato unanime interesse.

Il campione italiano di lancio del disco Giovanni Faloci  ha riferito dell’impeccabile organizzazione dei recentissimi Giochi di Tokyo pur nella costrizione della bolla; l’arbitro internazionale e fiduciario CONI per l’AltoTevere Simone Santi (che diresse  la semifinale di volley Brasile-Giappone  alle Olimpiadi di Londra 2012) ha ricordato l’enorme pressione  vissuta, stemperata però in una città allora molto easy e straordinariamente incuriosita da uno sport poco praticato nel Regno Unito; il fisioterapista delle nazionali FIPAV Luca Nocentini( Olimpiadi di Atene 04 e Pechino 08) ha riferito del contatto diretto con fuoriclasse assoluti quali Bolt, Ronaldinho, Nadal, Serena Williams nonché del clima fortemente politico respirato in Cina; il penthathleta  Giovanni Perugini (Olimpiadi di Monaco 72) ha evidenziato  il rilievo della componente di preparazione psicologica per una gara composita come la sua specialità, funzione oggi svolta dal mental-coach; l’ex-presidente del comitato paralimpico umbro Daniela Bambini ha riportato la propria esperienza nella finale di gol-ball Italia-Germania, svolta alle Paralimpiadi di Atlanta e poi al seguito dell’atleta  Maria Ligorio che proprio nel capoluogo altotiberino svolgeva la sua attività agonistica.

Il tradizionale incontro dei Panathlon Club dell’Umbria Area 10 è poi proseguito con una suggestiva conviviale presso il Ristorante Le Mura di Città di Castello.




El Comité Olímpico Argentino celebró su Asamblea General Ordinaria el 4 de octubre pasado, eligiendo sus nuevas autoridades. El nuevo presidente es el Lic. Mario Moccia y dos socios del Panathlon Club Buenos Aires fueron elegidos en la Comisión Directiva . La Vicepresidente 1ª Sra. Alicia Mazoni de Morea, y el Secretario General el Lic. Víctor Sergio Groupierre.

El Panathlon Club Buenos Aires mantuvo como  su repesentante dentro del Comité Olímpico Argentino a su presidente Lic. Jorge A. Minuto. 


On 23 and 24 September, transnational meeting of EPOSM (Evidence-based Prevention Of Sporting-Related Match-Fixing) organisation took place. This meeting took place at the headquarters of Play Fair Code (PFC), located in the heart of the beautiful city of Vienna-Austria.

The CEO, Severin Moritzer, welcomed us all to the PFC meeting room. The meeting was held in a hybrid setup, about ten people were present and the others were digitally switched on, not the ideal way but still doable.

Several partners of the Erasmus + project participated, Panathlon International (Prof. Yves Van den Auweele and Patrick Van Campenhout, PFC, Utrecht University, Ghent University, University of Loughbourough, University of Lausanne, ICES (Centre Ethics in Sport), the National Olympic Committee of Croatia, Foundation for Sport Integrity and IRIS (Institut de relations Internationales et Strategies).

On the first day, each partner presented their state of play and action plan, as well as an update on the workshops. The partners also gave their overview of the strategy for the promotion of this project.

The elaboration of next month's Multiplier Event was widely discussed. The international Symposium that will take place in Lausanne on 15 and 16 November will be the highlight of this project. A strong physical participation is expected, but the hybrid set-up is seen as an added value to promote this important project as much as possible.

The proposal to organise a meeting between all actors and the international federations after the event at "La Maison du Sport" also situated in Lausanne could ensure good networking.

After the first day, a pleasant tour of beautiful Vienna was organised on foot with a very good guide, followed by a nice dinner in one of the famous restaurants where you could eat authentic "Schnitzel", a real winner.

Day two started with the timing of the event and the composition of the panel, it was going to be a good mix of different speakers, each with their own point of view. Interesting discussions took place in relation to the book and document that will be produced and communicated after the event.

I suggested that perhaps a 'teaser' could be produced of this project and shown on all social media. It would be a short presentation of the project to increase the curiosity of actors.

At the end of the afternoon, the decisions were formulated and everyone was thanked for their time and effort. Everyone received their further assignment and Stef will continue to follow it up.

Report made in Vienna-Austria 24 September 2021

Patrick Van Campenhout

Conseiller International



The International Federation of Sports Medicine with which Panathlon International has signed a "Collaboration Agreement", has organized in Athens its World Congress, partially in presence and partially in remote.

The President Pierre Zappelli was present and participated to present our Movement and his report "Importance of ethical rules for the healthy practice of sport. Role of Panathlon International " that will be published on the next PI Magazine.


In the photo the President Pierre Zappelli with the President FIMS Fabio Pigozzi


Zum aktuellen Thema «Der Olympia-Blues – das schwarze Loch nach dem Karriere-Highlight» traf sich heute der Panathlon Club Thurgau zum September-Meeting 2021 im Thurgauerhof Weinfelden. Als Referent sprach Sportpsychologe Hanspeter Gubelmann. Gäste waren der Panathlon Club Winterthur.

Zum Thema

Bekanntlich tun Athlet:innen alles dafür, am Tag X bereit zu sein. Und wie bereiten sie die Tage nach dem Karriere-Highlight vor? Die Schützin Nina Christen wurde Olympiasiegerin und verschweigt heute nicht, dass sie seit Tokyo leidet. Sportpsychologe Hanspeter Gubelmann referiert über diesen Olympia-Blues und verriet, sehr persönliche Beobachtungen und Meinungen zu Tokyo. Hanspeter Gubelmann ist Dozent für Sportpsychologie an der ETH Zürich und Mitglied von mind2win. Einer breiten Sportöffentlichkeit wurde er als Begleiter und Manager des vierfachen Olympiasiegers Simon Ammann bekannt.


Día mundial del corazón -29 septiembre

Cuidando nuestra salud!!!


On September 23, 2021 in Bled, Slovenia, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel officially launched the HealthyLifestyle4All (HL4A) initiative in conjunction with the opening of European Week of Sport. 

Panathlon International was represented by former IB member and delegate Paul Standaert.

Report on launch Healthy Lifestyle For All

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa