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On 23rd and 24th of Septembers Panathlon International was represented at the start of the 7th edition of the EWOS (European Week of Sport).

This annual event is carried by the EU country that takes over the presidency of the EU during that period.

The partnership of Panathlon International in EWOS is an initiative of past president Giacomo Santini. It has  grown considerably over the years in terms of content.  From a rather modest contribution in 2016, Panathlon’s contribution has gradually grown into an increasingly strong commitment to propagate the objectives of EWOS.

A growing number of Panathlon clubs are using this European initiative to develop local initiatives and to set up physical activities. In addition, the focus is often on ‘sport for all’ and the integration of disabled people and social target groups.

This is what Panathlon stands for and why so many people take up an active membership with our unique association.

This year in Bled, Slovenia, former international board member Paul Standaert was the representative of President Zappelli at the kick-off meeting of EWOS 2021.

At that location, Paul Standaert was able to explain the mission of Panathlon International to the European top officials, as among others, European Commissioner Marya Gabriel, MEP Tomazs Frankowski, Director of EAC Sport Floor Van Houdt and various representatives of International sports organisations as the ENOC (European National Olympic Committee), EUFA and others.

Panathlon’s participation in EWOS is highly appreciated.   In2021, fifteen clubs also organized educational, informative, and sporting initiatives in various European cities.

Sport activities in schools,  sports activities with club members, sports activities for young people (tennis, basketball, cycling, swimming for children with autism), a seminar on inequality  in women's cycling,  to the submission of a candidate for a  be@active  Education  Award.  The latter about a school for children with autism where sport is thé way to success in study.

In all these great initiatives, the commitment and know-how of our local club members proved to be the decisive factor in the success of these events.

We thank our members and dare to encourage them to continue these initiatives, to multiply even more. In this way we all will succeed in resonating the message and mission of Panathlon on an international scale.

Paul Standaert


 The FICTS - FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE CINÉMA TÉLÉVISION SPORTIFS (chaired by Prof. Franco B. Ascani) and the PANATHLON INTERNATIONAL (chaired by Dr. Pierre Zappelli) which work for the promotion and dissemination of the values of the "Culture of Sport for All" inspired by ethics, solidarity and fair play, have renewed and signed the "Memorandum of Understanding" with the primary objective of strengthening synergistic actions aimed at promoting ethics in Sport and Olympic values.

The eleven actions on which will develop the collaboration FICTS - PANATHLON INTERNATIONAL (articulated in the Protocol) are available in the attached document   

The President of FICTS Prof. Ascani expressed his satisfaction for the renewed " Memorandum of Understanding "defined "important tool to develop a positive synergy that, using images, can further promote the sporting gesture".

For his part, the President of Panathlon International, Dr. Zappelli said that "to highlight and spread the ethical values of sport, the word is important, but does not have the same intensity as the example and the image. The renewed and strengthened collaboration between Panathlon International and FICST will achieve this goal".





In a beautiful typical September day has started the Route6 that this year, to celebrate 70 years of Panathlon International will join Rapallo, which hosts the Headquarters, to Venice, where it was born in 1951.

The event was organized by the area 01 in collaboration with the District Italy of PI.

The cyclists left from the sea promenade of Rapallo, greeted by the Mayor Carlo Bagnasco, by the IB Member Giorgio Chinellato representing PI, by the Secretary General Simona Callo, by the President of District Italy Giorgio Costa, 

Governors Giuseppe Falco (Area 01) and Germano Tabaroni (Area 04) with many other Panathletes.

The participants coming from various Panathlon Clubs, reached Portofino and on the way back they stopped to visit the Headquarters of Panathlon International where they were welcomed and refreshed with the typical Genoese focaccia.

The continuation of the stage brought them to Chiavari and then they ended the day at the Dallara Historical Museum in Fornovo and at the arrival, in the late afternoon, in Crema.

It was really a great emotion to meet so many panathletes who ventured on this route bringing a breath of enthusiasm, friendship and panathletic and sporting spirit. 

Good Route and congratulations to both organizers and participants for the success of this first stage.

Here you can find all the updated news about the route

Panathlon International, the Panathlon Club of Wallonie-Bruxelles, the International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) and the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) have joined forces to celebrate World Fair Play Day, a sporting initiative designed to promote fair play and ethical values in sport. All sportsmen are invited to highlight fair play initiatives, projects and achievements. 

This date was chosen to commemorate the day in 1963 when Jean Borotra, one of the famous 'four musketeers' of French tennis, met in Paris the figures who would later found the International Fair Play Committee.

Several Panathlon Clubs have also promoted initiatives to commemorate and celebrate this day.

The adhesion to the "Manifesto of Fair Play", to which organisations and institutions can adhere and demonstrate a strong commitment to the promotion of fair play in sport and the willingness to cooperate fully in this sporting and social programme, continues with success.

See  https://worldfairplayday.org/news/ for all updates.

Happy FAIR PLAY day!!!








Hybrid Seminar/Webinar

Thursday September 16th, 2021

11:00 – 13:00 (with finger lunch)

French Delegation visiting Lausanne Representation


On Thursday, August 26 a delegation comprising the Vice-president of District France Bruno Catelin and the General Secretary Marc Rozenblat was welcomed in Lausanne by the International President Pierre Zappelli, the President of Club Lausanne Philippe Cottet and some members of the Club, and by the Secretary of Lausanne Representation Melody Exhenry to discuss about the new opportunities of the District.

The programme of the meeting was enriched by the visit to the Olympic Museum.

World Fair Play Awards 2020

With great satisfaction, the Panathlon Family welcomes the distinctions awarded by the International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) to the nominees submitted by Panathlon International:

•    “Jean Borotra Career ” Diploma

Alessandro Palazzotti (Roma, Area 14) - Alfredo Ambrosetti and Lella Ambrosetti (Varese, Area 02) -  Félix Sienra Castellanos (District Uruguay) - Gianfranco Vitali (Ferrara, Area 05)

•     “Pierre de Coubertin ACT” Diploma

David Livramento (Lisbon) -  Uruguayan wheelchair tennis team composed of coach Roberto Ichazo, and athletes Luciano Varela and Oscar Gonzàlez. (Buenos Aires)

•     “Willi Daume - Promotion” Trophy

Maxime Mbandà (Area 05)

•     “Willi Daume - Promotion” Diploma

Francesco Franceschetti (Bononia, Area 05) - Testi Family (Ferrara, Area 05) - Stefano Bizzozi (Mestre, Area 01)

•   “Jacques Rogge - Youth” – Letter of Congratulations

Maria Laura Pederzini (Ferrara, Area 05)




SolidarSport: Une récolte de matériel sportif de qualité et le lancement d’une plateforme de dons initiés par le Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles pour aider la vie sportive à rebondir suite aux dramatiques intempéries

Les dégâts sont lourds de conséquences… Terrains sportifs dévastés, halls omnisport vidés, salles de fitness et agoraspaces endommagés suite aux inondations.

Tous ces lieux où se pratique le sport, où les parents se rencontrent, où des milliers d’enfants se rendent en stage, ... et qui chaque année participent à la transmission des valeurs positives, éducationnelles et sociétales du sport sont aujourd’hui impraticables.

La solidarité comme l’esprit d’équipe font partie des valeurs défendues par le Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles; en tant qu’activiste du Fair-Play, l’association s’engage au quotidien depuis 2003 avec son réseau de villes et communes, d’interfédérales, de fédérations et clubs sportifs membres pour réintégrer ces valeurs dans l’ADN de chaque pratiquant(e).


It is with great sadness that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announces the passing of former IOC President Count Jacques Rogge. He was 79 years old. 

Rogge was the eighth President of the IOC, from 2001 to 2013, after which he became Honorary President.

press release

Route 6 du Panathlon - Area1 Veneto-Trentino Alto Adige/Südtirol 

12 / 18 September 2021 

Under the auspices of Panathlon International and District Italy, Area 01, in partnership with Area 02 – Lombardia and Area 04 – Liguria, and with the organisational support of Clubs Rapallo-Tigullio occidentale, Chiavari-Tigullio, Crema, Brescia, Bassano del Grappa, Mestre and Venezia,  is organising Route 6 – 2021 du Panathlon, an  event reserved to Panathlon Members and their Friends. 


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa