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El Panathlon Club Buenos Aires puso en juego el Premio Fair Play entre las universidades socias de la Asociación de Deporte Universitario Amateur (ADAU). Luego de haber disputado los torneos interuniversitarios durante el año 2021 en: natación, ajedrez, básquet femenino y masculino, fútbol masculino y femenino, hockey femenino, vóley femenino y masculino, tenis femenino y masculino. 

El día 3 de diciembre la Vicepresidente Silvia Boldt, la Secretaria Eva Szabo y los panathletas Ana Benko y Augusto Mazzini estuvieron presentes en la Ceremonia de Entrega de los Premios ADAU de Plata y Premio Fair Play a los deportistas ganadores.

El premio Fair Play fue entregado a la Universidad San Andrés, cuya Directora de deportes es la panathleta Liliana Moreno, por la suma de gestos de fair play realizados por sus estudiantes durante las competencias. Durante la entrega de los premios se hizo referencia al movimiento panathlético y a la difusión de sus valores.

La Asociación de Deporte Universitario Amateur en sus fundamentos comulga con los valores de juego limpio y amistad entre los hombres que difunde el movimiento del Panathlon.




El sábado 11 de diciembre fue el último convivio del año 2021, lleno de alegría por el reencuentro de los panathletas.

Entregamos al panathleta más antiguo de América, en su momento presidente del Club Buenos Aires y Gobernador del Distrito Argentina, el Ing. Otto Schmitt el diploma enviado por el Panathlon International, por sus 50 años de tarea y pertenencia ininterrumpida en el movimiento panathlético. También festejamos a los panathletas que cumplían años en diciembre y entregamos el distintivo a dos de los socios nuevos que no habían podido estar presentes anteriormente.

Fue una fiesta distinta, con muchas anécdotas, aplausos, risas y festejos por todo lo realizado durante el año a pesar de las restricciones de la pandemia  y poder brindar por el proyecto de formar el próximo año 2022 el Distrito Argentina, para lo cual ya estamos trabajando.


On 8 December, the concluding high-level event of the GReFORM project (ERASMUS+) took place. The venue for the day was the prestigious Thon EU Hotel in the heart of Brussels, capital of Europe.

Patrick Van Campenhout, Conseiller International represented Panathlon International.

Everyone was welcomed by Floor Van Houdt-Head of EU Sport Unit who wishes to further promote good governance throughout Europe. The theoretical part was presented by Doctor Professor Anagnostopoulos and Mr. Koutsioundas both from UCLan Cyprus University and the Cyprus Sports Organisation respectively.

In addition to the digital platform, an e-book was also designed with the cooperation of Doctor Professor Geeraert of the Universities of KU Leuven and Utrecht.

The event was closed by Mr. Yves Le Lostecque- Head of Erasmus Mundus & Sport Unit (EACEA). He stressed the importance of this project and the further promotion of "Good Governance" in sport organisations. 

He also outlined the EU vision on the Sport budget for 2022 with a sum of 470 million euro which is almost doubled compared to the 2021 budget with the sum of 265 million euro. This proves that SPORT is taken seriously in the European Parliament. In 2014 the 1st Erasmus + projects were launched for the period 2014-2020, the 2nd generation will run from 2021 -2027. 

The focus of the EU for the period 2021-2027 will be on 8 priorities, with specific 4 priorities for Sport:


• Encouraging the participation in sport and physical activity 

• Promoting integrity and values in sport 

• Promoting education in and through sport 

• Combating violence and tackling racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport


• Inclusion and diversity 

• Environment and fight against climate change

• Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity 

• Common values, civic engagement and participation

After the closing of this event there was a very interesting network timeslot followed by a very nice lunch.

Hereby all the partners involved in this Erasmus+ project: Cyprus Sport Organisation, CEDAR, University of PATRAS, Universtity of LEUVEN, Mykolas Romeris University, Univesita Degli Studi Di Palermo, ISTS, Federazione Italiano Giocco Handball, EOSE, EASM.

   Patrick Van Campenhout, Conseiller International represented Panathlon International with Dr. Geeraert from the University of Leuven


La Camara de Representantes entregó el 7 de diciembre 2021 una mención  al periodista y panathleta JUAN ANGEL MJRAGLJA por su destacada trayectoria y dedicación al periodismo deportivo. Nuestro Club se siente orgulloso de tenerlo corno integrante con sus 99 años. Su pluma aún nos enriquece con sus relatos y anécdotas de momentos gloriosos del deporle nacional, que revivimos con emoción y beneplacito. 

Gracias Juan Angel, gracias a nuestros Legisladores que siguen reconociendo a estos referentes del Deporle y gracias Sr. Atilio Garrido por recibir para nuestro socio esta distinción. 



In una "Conferenza di Stampa" dal Gran Hotel Cochabamba, Silvia Jiménez ey Bernardo Pavisic, presidente e vicepresidente del Panathlon Club di Cochabamba, hanno annunciato che a causa dell'emergenza sanitaria mondiale, hanno avuto bisogno di rinviare il "XIV Congresso Panamericano" previsto per fine gennaio, per il secondo semestre dell'anno 2022.



Los días 19/20 de noviembre se realizaron  en el Centro Nacional de Alto Rendimiento Deportivo los II Juegos Deportivos de la UFEDEM con la participación de deportistas de hasta 12 años de hockey, esgrima, natación, pesas, y otros, y la realización de  varios talleres. Entre ellos estuvo presente el Panathlon Club Buenos Aires.

Su Vicepresidente Silvia Boldt, acompañada de los panathletas Liliana Moreno, y Augusto Mazzini dio charlas sobre valores, juego limpio, explicando que es el movimiento panathlético.

Se repartieron nuestras tarjetas impresas con la Carta de los Derechos del Niño, y de los Deberes de los padres en el deporte. 

Los docentes de los colegios presentes y entrenadores de los deportistas se interesaron por saber de qué se trata el Panathlon. 


Los días 19/20 de noviembre se realizaron  en el Centro Nacional de Alto Rendimiento Deportivo los II Juegos Deportivos de la UFEDEM con la participación de deportistas de hasta 12 años de hockey, esgrima, natación, pesas, y otros, y la realización de  varios talleres. Entre ellos estuvo presente el Panathlon Club Buenos Aires.

Su Vicepresidente Silvia Boldt, acompañada de los panathletas Liliana Moreno, y Augusto Mazzini dio charlas sobre valores, juego limpio, explicando que es el movimiento panathlético.

Se repartieron nuestras tarjetas impresas con la Carta de los Derechos del Niño, y de los Deberes de los padres en el deporte. 

Los docentes de los colegios presentes y entrenadores de los deportistas se interesaron por saber de qué se trata el Panathlon. 


In the afternoon of Thursday 25 November 2021, from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., the meeting of the International Board continued by videoconference.

It had started on 29 October and due to time constraints had not been completed. The International Board has approved the final version of the Statute’s  modifications, which will be sent, as soon as they are translated, to the Clubs, Zones and Districts for their opinion. Subsequently, Luis Moreno, International Board Member, has taken responsibility for completing the "strategic plan" and presenting it at the next meeting of the International Board, which will be held, again by videoconference, at the beginning of 2022. These actions should be presented for approval at the next General Assembly. The Board also commented on the proposals of MoU with two International Associations, welcoming them in principle.

The process now involves verification and integration by their Governing Bodies. With regard to the projects, the Secretariat will contact, during the week, the Clubs that will receive the contribution on the basis of the applications received. The Board wishes to propose it again in a slightly different way next year, based on PI budget.

The "ethical plaques " project can also be "repeated" next year. Finally, it was decided to send out the "club + sensitive to sport x all" project to all clubs again, noting that it will expire on 31 December. A new photo contest was approved, which will be carried out in collaboration with the PI-Domenico Chiesa Foundation in 2022. At the end of the Board meeting, the organisation of the next Assembly, the Congress and the Golden Torch which will be held in Lausanne on 10-11 June 2022 were discussed.

At the beginning of December, there will be a remote meeting of the CSEC, which will give its opinion on the Congress. Other items were discussed, as well as the IB Members’ reports. Club Presidents, District Presidents and  Zone Governors have the right to consult all the decisions of the PC and IB by requesting the login details from the General Secretariat to access the reserved area.


On 23 November 2021, the President's Committee met electronically to talk about the situation after the events of the 70th anniversary, the awarding of the competition organised by PI-Foundation and FICTS, the organisation of EPOSM, the meeting of the Lausanne Working Group, which we have already reported in the last newsletter. Furthermore, the results of the accessions to the international projects were discussed and in particular to the one for the subsidies to the Clubs that applied for them. The interested clubs will soon receive the relevant communication. The Fair Play project was discussed and interesting prospects opened up. The idea is to realise a Congress/Forum in the first months of 2022 to deepen and put into practice this interesting project. 

The situation of the clubs was also analysed, with particular attention to those in difficulty.

It was with great pleasure that the Secretary General then gave the news that the copies of the Magazine No. 3 have already arrived at the headquarters and are going to be sent. On Thursday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. (Italian time) the International Board will meet, by videoconference, to finalise the items on the agenda which, for reasons of time, were not discussed at the last meeting. They will therefore discuss the "strategic plan", new collaboration agreements with International Bodies, changes to the Statute (already discussed and approved, but to be verified in the final analysis), the final document of the meeting of the District Presidents, the questionnaires for the clubs, the Expansion Commission, the next Assembly, Congress and Flambeau d'Or, the Pan-American Congress, the European Project "healthy lifestyle for all" and the reports of the International Board Members on the delegations assigned. A  very interesting and intense meeting.

Auditorium Testori of Palace Regione Lombardia (Piazza Città di Lombardia 1, Milan)

During the awarding ceremony of "SPORT MOVIES & TV 2021" - World Final of the 20 Festivals (in the 5 Continents) of the "World FICTS Challenge" Championship of Television, Cinema, Communication and Sport Culture (scheduled in Milan from 9 to 14 November), took place the awarding of the three winners of the International Competition of Visual Art "Sport as promotion of human rights" realized by Panathlon International Domenico Chiesa Foundation in collaboration with FICTS.

International President Pierre Zappelli was present and awarded the winners. 

 1 Prize 

BLU by Paolo Geremei (Italy) 




SPORT IS MY RIGHT by Antonello Brustia  and Chiara (Italy) 

Recognition plaque for the highest number of views


Congratulations to the winners and congratulations to all participants!



Piattaforma SPORTMOVIESTV.COM (accesso diretto al link: http://www.sportmoviestv.com/panathlon-sport-promotion.../ )

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa