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After a thorough examination of how to preserve the Olympic Values that have withstood the test of time and now find themselves so widely scarred, he addresses with a heavy heart the questions and choices facing the Olympic Movement today.


Let’s read the letter

A delegation led by President Lorenzo D'Ilario was received at the Institut français Centre Saint-Louis on the occasion of the Francofilm

The Panathlon Club Junior Roma has given an award for sporting merits to the movie "Slalom" by the French director Charlène Favier on the occasion of the XII edition of Francofilm, the Francophone Film Festival organized in the Italian capital city by the Institut français Centre Saint-Louis in collaboration with 15 Embassies and representatives of countries of the Group of Francophone Embassies in Rome and sponsored by the Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur (FIFF). 

Produced by Mille et une Productions, it is a film with a cause, which denounces the plague of sexual abuse in the world of elite sport through a thorough and effective analysis of the relationship between coach and athlete. 

The award, which was then sent by post to the winner, was collected by the director of the Institut français Centre Saint-Louis, François-Xavier Adam, during a ceremony that saw the participation of a delegation of the Panathlon Club Junior Roma led by President Lorenzo D'Ilario. 

"Countless positive messages can be conveyed through sport. However, the promotion of the cultural and ethical values of sport also involves the courageous denunciation and the firm condemnation of the behaviors and actions that should have nothing to do with sport", said President D'Ilario, who also thanked the Institut français Centre Saint-Louis "for promoting a movie that is well suited to the great efforts made by Panathlon International to tackle all types of violence, doping, racism and corruption in sport".


Institut français Centre Saint-Louis

Ambassade de France en Italie

Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur

pagina ufficiale del film Slalom

Profilo della regista Charlène Favier 


On 16th May 2022 will be celebrated the 5th edition of the International Day of Living Together in Peace, event to which Panathlon International has given its adhesion as partner.

This day is a way to mobilize the efforts of the international community in favour of peace, tolerance, inclusion, understanding and solidarity, and an opportunity for everyone to express the deep desire to live and act together to build a sustainable world based on peace.

To celebrate this day, a very large group of people around the world will have the opportunity to see the documentary film "All of Us", which shows, in the spirit of hope, how stories of people with different beliefs can live together in harmony. 

These increasingly relevant values are deeply rooted in the culture of healthy sport and in the mission of Panathlon International. 

We will be promoting the event weekly, stay connected!



On the initiative of the Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles, the first monumental "Fair-Play" sculpture in Europe has been inaugurated in Ganshoren.

High and wide 1m80, welded on a 1m80 high base, the sculpture is inspired by the trophy Fair Play Awards given every year by Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles and which rewards the gestures and other Fair-Play actions of the sportsmen of the Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation.


Panathlon International joins the expressions of condemnation of the aggression of Russia against Ukraine. The values of sport are a fundamental part of the life of citizens and for their expression require freedom and democracy.

The aggressors' design to reduce a people in conditions of political subjection, implies a serious mortification also of the expression of any sport practice that recalls, in its essence, the prevalence of the free choice and of the spontaneous exercise for the psychophysical, ethical and moral construction of a civil conscience.

With this premise, Panathlon International, on the basis of the concrete relationship of institutional cooperation, joins the position of the International Olympic Committee in condemning the aggression, declaring itself "deeply worried about the violation of the Olympic truce" started on 4th February and destined to last until one week after the Paralympic Games. 

President Thomas Bach set up a task force to monitor closely the situation and to coordinate humanitarian assistance to members of the Olympic community in Ukraine.

Panathlon International, in reiterating with determination and conviction this line of condemnation, which also excludes Russian sport from any participation in international events, expresses its solidarity with all Russian athletes who demonstrate that they do not share the aggression and who are excluded from participating in sporting events that are a fundamental part of their lives.  They too, like the Ukrainians, are victims of a terrible act that is totally detrimental to fundamental human values.


 press release



In the month of February two meetings of the International Board were held online to discuss various topics that needed to be addressed promptly.  

The date of the next Ordinary General Assembly and Extraordinary Assembly will take place in Lausanne on June 11.

The International Congress will presumably take place in October (date yet to be defined) together with the "Flambeau d'Or” Award Ceremony - to the memory of Antonio Spallino".

The Strategic Plan 2022-2026, elaborated by IB Member Luis Moreno, was discussed and will be integrated with the more than 800 answers to the questionnaires sent by the General Secretariat and presented to the Assembly.

Finally, the statutory changes that the International Board will present to the General Assembly in Lausanne were defined.

The General Secretariat has received from over 20% of the clubs (65) other requests for amendments to the Statute.

These requests will now be translated and sent to PI Constitution and Arbitration Board for its opinion and will be sent to all Clubs, 60 days before the Assembly.

The next appointment with the International Board is scheduled for next April 28, always online.




An Advisory Board webinar on Physical Education (PE) and school sports: a creative approach to human rights and democracy will take place online. On Monday 21 February 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CEST).

This webinar will bring together experts in the field of sport, human rights, physical education and school sports. 

Secretary General Simona Callo will participate.



The International President Pierre Zappelli will speak on Tuesday 22 February (from 9.30 to 12.00) at an induction session organised by EPAS for new CC members to introduce Panathlon International.

All new members will be invited to present their organisations in a 4-minute presentation focusing on the objectives of their organisation and the areas in which they work in sport with a potential link to EPAS and the priority areas of work of the Council of Europe.

The next meeting of the International Board will be held on Friday 18 February, starting at 2 p.m. (Italian time).

Among the items on the agenda 

- Amendments to the Statutes

- Plan Desarrollo - Strategic Plan 2022/2026


Panathlon Trujillo, Perú premió el fair play en torneo de ciclismo local al señor Hector Arroyo que prestó ayuda a otra competidora, Karina Rojas, quién en un tramo de la carrera sufrió una caída.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa