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The new #BeActive campaign is ready to start and European Sports Week 2024 is coming! 

Save the date: 23-30 September.

#BeActive, the EU campaign that promotes an active and healthy lifestyle in Europe and beyond.

Panathlon Clubs always sensitive to this initiative, are invited to participate. 

We are waiting for you!

Be-Active- 2024 - Handbook

Be-Active- 2024 - Branding Style Guide

“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Sports for Women”

Panathlon International Round Table – 14 June 2024 - Agrigento

A theme strongly wanted by the late President of the Commission for Culture, Science and Education, Eugenio Guglielmino. A topic that the International Council, at the time, had welcomed very favourably, considering it an extremely topical subject and still a crucial point. The proof is that at the next Olympic Games, for the first time, athletes will be represented equally for both sexes.

Protagonists of this Consensus therefore were the women: of great depth, committed to culture, sport and politics who, with their strong and engaging testimonies, provided much food for thought.

From gender equality to the elimination of all barriers in sport, to equal treatment and respect as persons. All coordinated by Brazilian Moderator Carlos Antonio Bramante of the CCSE of PI. Lively and stimulating then was the debate that involved both the audience and those connected. Piermarco Zen-Ruffinen (CH), a member of the CCSE will write the final report. The conference, available in Italian, English and French with subtitles in the required languages, can now be viewed online in its original version. 



The 51st Elective General Assembly of Panathlon International and the 22nd International Congress entitled 'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in sports for women' took place on 14 and 15 June 2024 at the Dioscuri Bay Palace Hotel, in Agrigento, the Italian cradle of classical Greek civilisation.

The Assembly proceedings were preceded by a welcome dinner at the 'Casa Barbadoro' restaurant in the Valley of the Temples. Participants were able to taste the history enclosed in the archaeological site through some typical dishes of Agrigento cuisine. 

The Ordinary General Assembly was held on Friday, preceded by a minute's silence in memory of Eugenio Guglielmino. After the video greeting by IOC President Thomas Bach, the 130 voting Clubs approved the IC's Moral Report, the Secretary General's Organisational Report and the Treasurer's Economic and Financial Report on the final balance sheet. At the same time, the Erasmus SAMF project was presented by Fabio Figueiras and the PI Ambassadors Gwenda Stevens and Barbara Rossi.

Following the IC's reasoned proposal regarding the amount of dues for the two years following the current one, a lively debate took place, which ended with the non-approval of the proposal.

The work continued in the afternoon with the Round Table, which was very successful and well attended. We will publish a special report.

Speakers were: Ekoh Karichma (FR-CMR) - Professional Handball Athlete, Raffaella Masciadri (I) - Athlete-President of the CONI Athletes Commission, Maria Luiza Souza Dias (BR) - ISCA Vice-President, Carla Spielmann (CH) - PI Expansion Commission Member, Giusy Versace (I) - Paralympic Athlete- in connection.

Moderator: Antonio Bramante. Piermarco Zen-Ruffinen will draft the conclusions.

Friday ended with a Gala Dinner preceded by the Communication Award Ceremony, presented by Past President Giacomo Santini, during which the four winners received the prizes (consisting of a laptop)

for their work. 

Afterwards the collaboration agreement with the International Maxibasketball Federation was made official and was signed by its President Rubén Rodriguez Lamas, member of the Panathlon Club Buenos Aires. The Panathlon Club Agrigento signed the twinning with the Clubs of Imperia-Sanremo and Mestre. 

During the evening there have been many moments of emotion and thanks addressed both by the President and the outgoing Board. Finally, Past President Pierre Zappelli received the Domenico Chiesa Award from the outgoing Board members, presented to him by Vice President of the Foundation Enrico Prandi.

On the morning of Saturday 15 June, the discussion was resumed on the approval of the budget for the biennium 2025/2026 (which had been suspended the previous day due to the protracted work). The Assembly decided to postpone this item to a future Assembly, to be held online, to be convened by the new IB.

The General Elective Assembly saw the conclusion of the term of President Pierre Zappelli, who led the Movement for eight years.

The 184 voting Clubs expressed their preference following the presentation of three candidates: Giorgio Chinellato, Leno Chisci and Paul Standaert.

The first vote led to a runoff between Giorgio Chinellato and Paul Standaert and then to the election of the International President: the former International Board Member, Giorgio Chinellato won with 121 preferences.

The voting for the International Board members then took place, which was composed as follows: Carlos De Leon, Christian Garrabos, Fabiano Gerevini Stefano Giulieri, Luigi Innocenzi, Antonio Laganà, Gianpaolo Milan e Paolo Perin. After the first International Board meeting, the two Vice Presidents were elected: Stefano Giulieri - Deputy Vice President and Luigi Innocenzi - Vice President. Simona Callo was confirmed in the role of Secretary General.

Permanent members of the Auditors' Board were confirmed with the election of Giuseppe Ravasi, Andrea Sbardellati and Marino Albani, flanked by substitute members Nicola Fiore and Gabriela Loor Lopez.

The Constitution and Arbitration Board saw the confirmation of Sandro Carlo Fagiolino and Riccardo Galassi and the election of Rubén Rodriguez Lamas as full members. Substitute members: Franco Fähndrich and Adolfo Maiello.

To the newly elected members, warmest congratulations and best wishes for a good job!

Heartfelt thanks to the President of Agrigento Pasquale Mauro, to Past-President Gerlando Amato and to Governor Roberto Pregadio who provided invaluable assistance throughout the organisation of the events, to the members of the Verification of Credentials and to the Scrutineers who collaborated in the admission and counting of votes and to Marcello Tornatore of the Panathlon Club Caltanissetta as Secretary of the Assembly. 

The events were held under the patronage of: Municipality of Agrigento, Sicily Region Department of Tourism, Sport and Entertainment, Regional Assembly of Sicily, Agrigento, Italian Capital of Culture 2025, Free Municipal Consortium of Agrigento, Chamber of Commerce Agrigento, The Valley of the Temples Park Agrigento, Fijet.






Samedi 8 juin 2024, Fribourg (Suisse) a inauguré sa place du Fair-Play avec la présence de Pierre Zappelli et Philippe Housiaux.

Lors de cette journée, le Panathlon Fribourg-Freiburg et le Panathlon Gruyère ont tenu un stand avec un concours de dessins à la clé !

Sur toute la place, durant toute la journée, sous le soleil, plusieurs disciplines sportives ont pu être présentées aux nombreuses personnes venues pour cet évènement, qui ont aussi pu les découvrir !





Succès populaire sur 8 hectares pour 5'700 enfants et adultes aux Panathlon Family Games

Avec un nombre record de 43 sports à tester gratuitement pendant deux jours, les Panathlon Family Games® de Lausanne ont permis aux familles de pratiquer des disciplines parfois méconnues du grand public. De retour sur son lieu d’origine aux Pyramides de Vidy les 15 et 16 juin 2024, la manifestation s’est déroulée sur le stade Pierre-de-Coubertin, les terrains annexes, l’Espace fair-play samedi et dimanche, et même jusqu’à la piscine de Bellerive-Plage samedi.

La 13e édition des Panathlon Family Games® de Lausanne s’est tenue à Vidy sur une surface d’activités jamais atteinte de 80'000 m2 (8 hectares), soit l’équivalent de 10 terrains de football ! La première journée était réservée aux jeunes, sans la présence des parents. Samedi, 1'000 inscriptions ont été enregistrées. Certain·e·s participant·e·s sont revenu·e·s le lendemain pour participer avec leur famille cette fois-ci. Avec 4'700 personnes inscrites dimanche, les inscriptions gratuites pour l’ensemble du week-end se montent à 5'700 personnes, venues de Lausanne, des communes environnantes, du canton de Vaud et même de plus loin.

Les nouvelles disciplines présentées (baseball, cricket, disc golf, fléchettes, échecs, flag football, korfball, pickleball et rafroball) ont attiré des curieux et des passants dans la zone ouverte du bord du lac. La manifestation a également été l’occasion pour des sportives de présenter leur club, d’intéresser des filles et des femmes, et ainsi lutter contre les stéréotypes de genre, à l’haltérophilie par exemple. Les buts d’encourager les enfants à la pratique sportive, de leur faire découvrir une saine occupation du temps des loisirs et de pouvoir adhérer à un club ont été atteints. Même les tout petits (2 à 5 ans) ont cette année pu participer à des jeux dans une zone ludique.

30 ans de « Lausanne Capitale Olympique »

« Nous souhaitons devenir la manifestation de sport santé la plus connue de Lausanne en faveur des jeunes et des familles », a déclaré Patrice Schaub, président du comité d’organisation, très satisfait du déroulement de l’événement qui a réuni 43 clubs, associations et même fédérations sportives. Les Panathlon Family Games® faisaient partie des festivités des 30 ans de « Lausanne Capitale Olympique ». Les sourires des jeunes et moins jeunes témoignent du succès populaire.

Pendant la manifestation, les organisateurs ont été récompensés par le « Prix Communication » remis par le Panathlon International lors de son assemblée générale à Agrigente en Sicile (ITA). L’association faitière de ce mouvement sportif mondiale a décerné au Panathlon Club de Lausanne le 1er prix 2022-2023 dans la catégorie radio/TV. Une distinction qui honore le travail des quelque 400 personnes qui ont accueilli le public au sud de Lausanne. La prochaine édition des Panathlon Family Games® est fixée au week-end des 17 et 18 mai 2025, dans une formule et un lieu à définir.

La manifestation est organisée par le Panathlon Club de Lausanne, en collaboration avec les clubs sportifs de la région, la Ville de Lausanne, Lausanne Région et le Service cantonal de l'éducation physique et du sport (SEPS), sans oublier le soutien de partenaires qui proposaient des animations sur la place de fête. (comm. /J.G.)

Infos, photos et vidéos


Diretoria e conselheiros do Panathlon Club Sorocaba, representante da Secretaria de Obras da Prefeitura de Sorocaba, comemoraram o Dia Mundial do Panathlon revitalizando a Praça Panathlon, com novo layout no monumento com  a marca do Panathlon Day, poda das árvores e do gramado, colocação das bandeiras no pavilhão e eliminação de led


Hotel Dioscuri - Agrigento

The works of the 51st Ordinary General Assembly will begin on Friday 14 June from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. After the greetings of the Authorities, the Reports for the biennium 2022/2023 will be discussed.

Below you will find the link to connect 




The Ordinary Elective General Assembly for the Election of International Offices will be held on Saturday 15 June, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Below you will find the link to connect



14 June is approaching! Don't miss our Round Table: "Diversity, equity, and inclusion in sport for women" at the Hotel Dioscuri in Agrigento.

The event will be held both in-person and online with translations in Italian, English and French and the possibility, for those who connect, to read the subtitles (generated with AI) in all languages.

To access and ask questions (chat only), you can register in advance by sending your email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Below you will find the link to connect 


We look forward to seeing you there to share and discuss together this topical and important issue.  


As of June 12th, “Panathlon Day” will be celebrated all over the world. An initiative promoted to remember that on June 12th, 1951, this sports volunteer organization was born in Venice.

On the 73 anniversary of Foundation Day, we invite all clubs to promote initiatives and events to celebrate this special day and to remember what values Panathlon was founded on: friendship, sporting ethics, passion, and fair play.



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa