Whilst representing Panathlon International, Fabio Figueiras gave an interview this week to the Portuguese Football Federation and its channel TV “Canal 11” from beautiful Switzerland, where the main topic of the interview was the Erasmus+ Project, Sport Against Match-Fixing (SAMF).

In the course of this interview, Fabio Figueiras had, amongst other, the possibility to share insights on Panathlon International’s contribution to SAMF, as well as how SAMF is contributing to mission of Panathlon International, especially when it comes to the education and awareness raising/prevention of wrong practices, such as manipulation of competitions, which are not aligned with the positive sporting and ethical values that Panathlon International stands for, such as an integral, ethical, inclusive, respectful and fair play sports.

Stay tuned for further information on the interview as well as on SAMF, as we are approaching the final conference, which will be held this year, in April.

On the 30 January 2024, the European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organised the Erasmus+ Sport Info Day in Brussel (Belgium).

As part of the agenda of the Erasmus+ Sport Info Day, participating speakers discussed policies and procedures related to the application of Erasmus+ projects, as well as provided advice and suggestions on

preparing and submitting proposals, and on the different financial aspects of funding of Erasmus+ projects.

Panathlon International, represented by Fabio Figueiras, participated in-person in the Erasmus+ Sport Info Day 2024 in Brussels. In parallel to the different sessions that were planned to occur on this day, there was also opportunity to network and meet different organisations.

Consequently, Panathlon International had the opportunity to interact and exchange with multiple participating organizations, clubs and federations, with whom Panathlon International already collaborated in the past, is still collaborating or is looking forward to potential collaborate in the future.

With this participation, Panathlon International reinforced and showcased its commitment for the promotion and spread of culture and sporting ethics by fostering international collaboration through initiatives like Erasmus+. It was also a good opportunity to disseminate past and current activities and projects where Panathlon International is active, especially the ones related to Erasmus+, such as Evidence-based Prevention of Sporting-related Match-fixing (EPOSM) and Sport Against Match-Fixing (SAMF).

Noteworthy to mention, that the registrations to attend in presence to this event were closed weeks ago, as it had reached full capacity, which shows how well participated this event was.






The Panathlon International Cultural Foundation - "Domenico Chiesa"(hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) of Panathlon International (hereinafter P.I. - 31 Member Countries), in cooperation with the

Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs (hereinafter FICTS - 130 Member Countries), promotes and organizes the special Video Competition - with free entries - on the theme "OLYMPIC EMOTIONS."

The purpose of the competition is to promote the quality of images that highlight the values of Sport and Olympism and disseminate the principles, on which the World Panathletic Movement is founded, as universal

ideals of culture through Sport, intended as an educational tool for social change.

FICTS wantsto enhance and promote short films as an original form of expression, to encourage the creativity of those who approach filmmaking, and to offer them the greatest visibility through Sports


Enrolment Form


The Panathlon International Cultural Foundation - "Domenico Chiesa"(hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) of Panathlon International (hereinafter P.I. - 31 Member Countries), in cooperation with the Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs (hereinafter FICTS - 130 Member Countries), promotes and organizes the special Video Competition - with free entries - on the theme "OLYMPIC EMOTIONS."

The purpose of the competition is to promote the quality of images that highlight the values of Sport and Olympism and disseminate the principles, on which the World Panathletic Movement is founded, as universal ideals of culture through Sport, intended as an educational tool for social change.

FICTS wants to enhance and promote short films as an original form of expression, to encourage the creativity of those who approach filmmaking, and to offer them the greatest visibility through Sports.



Enrolment Form


Fondazione Culturale Panathlon International – Domenico Chiesa and Fondazione per lo Sport del Comune di Reggio Emilia, in cooperation with Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, are organising a photo competition inspired by FOTOGRAFIA EUROPEA’s 2024 concept “Nature Loves to Hide”, with sub-heading “The Nature of Sport - Sport in Nature”. 

The contest will culminate in an exhibition in the framework of the “Off Circuit” of the 19th Fotografia Europea Festival organised by Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, which will take place in Reggio Emilia (Italy) from 26 April to 9 June 2022





Fondazione Culturale Panathlon International – Domenico Chiesa and Fondazione per lo Sport del Comune di Reggio Emilia, in cooperation with Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, are organising a photo competition inspired by FOTOGRAFIA EUROPEA’s 2024 concept “Nature Loves to Hide”, with sub-heading “The Nature of Sport - Sport in Nature”. 

The contest will culminate in an exhibition in the framework of the “Off Circuit” of the 19th Fotografia Europea Festival organised by Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, which will take place in Reggio Emilia (Italy) from 26 April to 9 June 2022


- Enrolment Form




Mención en el boletín del COI de Panathlon International y publicación de las películas ganadoras del FICTS  (ES) 

En el último boletín de noticias del COI se publicó la noticia de la ceremonia de entrega de premios del Concurso Internacional de Vídeo "Sport, Montain & Olympism- Snow & Ice Sports" promovido por Panathlon International,  Fundación PI - D. Chiesa y FICTS.

La ceremonia tuvo lugar en Milán con motivo del FICTS Sport Movies & TV Festival, el pasado 11 de noviembre. A continuación puedes ver las películas ganadoras:




Premio Epecial de los Panathlon Clubes: VERTIGO

Premio Especial del Público: UN GOL PER ARRIVARE IN FINALE link

Diploma de Honor a: TWINKLING EYES ON THE ICE link

Diploma de Honor a: AFRICA 2022 – MOUNT KILIMANGIARO link


Mênção do Panathlon International no boletim de notícias do COI  e publicação dos filmes vencedores do FICTS  (PT) 

No último boletim do COI foi publicada a notícia da premiação do Concurso Internacional de Vídeo “Sport, Mountain & Olympism - Snow & Ice Sports” promovido pela Fundação D. Chiesa - Panathlon International e pela FICTS. 

A cerimônia aconteceu em Milão por ocasião do FICTS Sport Movies & TV Festival, no dia 11 de novembro passado.

Veja abaixo os filmes vencedores:



VERTIGO link  link

EGOLAND link  link

Prémio especial dos clubes Panathlon: VERTIGO

Prémio Especial do Público: UN GOL PER ARRIVARE IN FINALE link

Diploma de Honra a: TWINKLING EYES ON THE ICE  link

Diploma de Honra a: AFRICA 2022 – MOUNT KILIMANGIARO link



Copa de Ajedrez de Estudiantes PCU 2023 (ES) 

GrandissimaGran participación en la Copa PCU de Ajedrez de 113 jugadores acreditados, en representación de 31 universidades de 15 países.

Celebrando la versatilidad del ajedrez, la Copa de Ajedrez PCU, con su mezcla de participantes FIDE y no FIDE, celebra la esencia del ajedrez - un juego que trasciende títulos y abraza la belleza de los diferentes estilos de juego.

Los jugadores que se alzaron con la victoria demostraron un nivel de juego increíblemente alto, haciendo del torneo un verdadero espectáculo de la excelencia ajedrecística.


PCU Student Chess Cup 2023 (PT)

Grande participação na PCU Chess Cup, com 113 jogadores credenciados, representando 31 universidades de 15 países. 

Comemorando a versatilidade do xadrez, a PCU Chess Cup, com a sua mistura de participantes FIDE e não FIDE, celebra a essência do xadrez - um jogo que transcende os títulos e abraça a beleza dos diferentes estilos de jogo. 

Os jogadores vitoriosos demonstraram um nível de jogo incrivelmente alto, tornando o torneio uma verdadeira vitrine da excelência do xadrez. 



Alina Baranova

Directora General de Comunicación 

Comité de Clubes de Panathlon de las Universidades





(ES)     Ceremonia de entrega de los premios CIFP en Budapest

El 21 de octubre se celebró en Budapest la ceremonia de entrega de los premios mundiales Fair Play 2021/2022.

Entre las candidaturas presentadas por Panathlon International fueron galardonados


para el año 2021

- Granamica ASD Diploma "Jacques Rogge -Jóvenes" - presentado por el Panathlon Club Bologna 1957

- Mauro Borghi Trofeo "Jean Borotra - Carrera" - presentado por el Panathlon Club Ferrara

- Giovanni Lava Trofeo "Jacques Rogge - Jóvenes" - presentado  por el Panathlon Club Venezia

- Asia Volpi Diploma "Jacques Rogge - Jóvenes" - presentado por el Panathlon Club Fano


para el año 2022

- ASBL Stop Racism in Sport y Panathlon Club Wallonie-Bruxelles Trofeo "Willi Daume - Promoción" presentado por el Panathlon Club Wallonie-Bruxelles

- Ayuntamiento de Ganshoren y Panathlon Club Wallonie-Bruxelles, Diploma "Willi Daume - Promoción" presentado por el Panathlon Club Wallonie-Bruxelles

- Marco Calamai - Diploma "Jean Borotra - Carrera" presentado por el Panathlon Club Bologna 1957


- Edoardo Ferrari - Diploma "Jaques Rogge - Jóvenes" presentado por el Panathlon Club Venecia


(PT)     Premiação CIFP em Budapest

A cerimônia de entrega dos Prêmios Fair Play 2021/2022 da CIFP foi realizada em Budapeste no dia 21 de outubro.

Entre os candidatos indicados pelo Panathlon International foram premiados:


para o ano 2021

Granamica ASD Diplôma “Jacques Rogge -Youth” – indicado pelo Clube Panathlon de Bolonha 1957

-  Mauro Borghi Troféu “Jean Borotra – Carreira” - indicado pelo Clube Panathlon de Ferrara

-  Giovanni Lava Troféu “Jacques Rogge -Youth” - indicado pelo Clube Panathlon de Veneza

-  Asia Volpi Diplôma “Jacques Rogge -Youth” - indicada pelo Clube Panathlon de Fano


para o ano 2022

-  ASBL Stop Racism in Sport e Panathlon Club Wallonie-Bruxelas Troféu "Willi Daume - Promoção" indicado pelo Clube Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelas

-   Municipalidade de Ganshoren e Clube Panathlon de Wallonie-Bruxelas,  Diplôma "Willi Daume - Promoção" indicado pelo Clube Panathlon de Wallonie-Bruxelas

-  Marco Calamai Diplôma "Jean Borotra - Carreira" indicado pelo Clube Panathlon de Bolonha 1957

-  Edoardo Ferrari Diplôma "Jaques Rogge - Youth" indicado pelo Clube Panathlon de Veneza


Ceremonia de entrega de premios - cerimónia de entrega dos prémios



La Secretaría General enviará en breve una circular para recoger las candidaturas para 2023 que deberán presentarse al CIFP.

O Secretariado-Geral enviará em breve uma carta circular para recolher as candidaturas para 2023 a apresentar ao CIFP.



(ES)    Comité de Presidencia 7 de diciembre

El próximo Comité de Presidencia se celebrará el 7 de diciembre.

Entre los temas del orden del día: constitución de nuevos Clubes, análisis del documento final del Comité de Presidentes de Distrito que se presentará al próximo Consejo Internacional, situación de los Clubes Universitarios de Panathlon, nuevo Himno de Panathlon International.


(PT)     Comitê Presidencial 7 de dezembro

Será realizado no dia 7 de dezembro por videoconferência o próximo C. P.

Entre os assuntos em pauta: a constituição de novos Clubes, análise do documento final do Comitê dos Presidentes Distritais a ser apresentado no próximo Conselho Internacional, situação dos Clubes Panathlon Universitários, e o novo hino do Panathlon International.


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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa